Bahai writings on covenant breakers

Mona Tahiri
by Mona Tahiri

Baha'o'llah Says :
"Protect yourselves with utmost vigilance, lest you be entrapped in the snare of deception and fraud." This is the advice of the Pen of Destiny."Therefore, to avoid these people will be the nearest path by which to attain the divine good pleasure; because their breath is infectious, like unto poison.""Endeavor to your utmost to protect yourselves, because Satan appears in different robes and appeals to everyone according to each person's own way, until he becomes like unto him -- then he will leave him alone."
"...If you detect in any man the least perceptible breath of violation, shun him and keep away from him." Then He says: "Verily, they are manifestations of Satan."
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 431)

Abdol Baha Says :

Bahá'u'lláh, in all the Tablets and Epistles, forbade the true and firm friends from associating and meeting the violators of the Covenant of His Holiness, the Báb, saying that no one should go near them because their breath is like the poison of the snake that kills instantly.
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 430)

And now, one of the greatest and most fundamental principles of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God, exterminate His Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past.
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 448)

My object is to show that the Hands of the Cause of God must be ever watchful and so soon as they find anyone beginning to oppose and protest against the guardian of the Cause of God, cast him out from the congregation of the people of Bahá and in no wise accept any excuse from him. How often hath grievous error been disguised in the garb of truth, that it might sow the seeds of doubt in the hearts of men!
(Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá, p. 12)


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Souri with "i" or "y" = same thing

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on

Peace lover is writing your name in English and not Farsi. How could he or she mispell your name? "i" and "y" are both valid transliterations for the letter ya'. Please answer Peace Lover, Souri jan.

lejaajat hadd va hodudi daarad!


Dear Souri khanoom;

by Reza for one (not verified) on

Souri Jan khaharam,
although I disagree to call you a Bahai, how ever,you seem to have some close relation with them(close friend or relative), not that does change degree of reverent in my writing to you .
me or you or Bahai should exercise our tolerant ,just because, some one masquerade oneself of someone else they dont deserve respect? why should we attack the messengers ,why dont we ponder in their massage ? how the heck I know, or should I care who is behind the keyboard nor should you, (at least adib didn't).
your criticizing (or accusing ) me to having loaded question in debate with Bahais ,yet ,yourself seems like having good time dismiss all the evidence that I referred to you and instead joining them to accuse me of some thing that they deserve the most.
as you explain to fish; although you dont believe religion how ever, you do agree the whole world should have sole humanity rules and we need 21 century prophet, than ,if that so,than, I would suggest you may as well go ahead and call your local Bahai center and become a Bahai so you can defend your belief under their law,I'll bet you ,you will love it,least you be free of so many guesses and would be full blooded Bahai.
you keep saying; "they are under attack", how could you say that ? just for example in this blog ,who is accusing who or who is attacking who? very well they know who I am ,yet, desperately they are trying to disaffect my words by summing me up with Nur(Dr.Azal)(neither I have achieved his degree of education nor his faith). and insinuate to naive(in their mind)readers how they should perceive my words. still doesn't that tell you any thing ?
sori khanoom ,if you dont have an answer dont answer, better to be quiet than slander people as you do.


Peace lover

by Souri on

When you learn to write my name correctly, then you can come back to ask  me this question. Until then, go practice hard.


Soury Khanom

by Peace Lover (not verified) on

What you have to say on Ahang Rabbani's comments? Are they reasonable?



by Souri on

Eventhoug I am not an expert in religion and least in Bahai's beliefs, but as much as I know, yes, it is true that Bahai is a religion while shia is a cult!! Unless my definition of the English word "cult" is a wrong one, which means "fergheh" in Persian.

Shia and Sunni came from Islam, they don't have a specific book rather than same Koran and same prophate as Mohammad.

While Bahais, have a specific book and their prophet  Baha'u'llah, and  they don't share it with any other religion. 

When you talk about "a religion emerge from a cult" this is a "safasateh" phrase in logic. Because this "emerge from" should be in a spiritual meaning not a physical one. True that the first Bahais came from the Shia people, but they do not believe in Shia. When you speak about "emerging" from something, it means they are their child [not a physical emerging] something which give birth to another thing spiritually, which I don't think is the case of the Bahai.

All in all, you must know that I am not an expert in religion. I am not even for the religion, I think  religion is not a good thing for the humanity in the 21th century. While we needed it and we needed the prophets in the past, but today the sole humanity rules should suffice for the people.

I am not defending the Bahai religion here, I am only defending the rights of a group who want to believe in something which does not harm anybody, and they are always bashed and prosecuted because of this. 

Hope this gave you an answer, and please do not bother yourself next time to question the degree of my "wisdom and intelligence" because, believe it or not, nobody care!!


Re Reza41: another demagogy again ?

by Souri on

Sorry I don't have enough time to reply to all the comments below. I think Adib has already opened the previous subjects,  you said:

like what happening to Ali 's question, you know  we all know Ali this guy stand for Bahais a couple of time in the past ...

Do I have to remind you that this ali_UK has registered only one day before coming to this blog? He never stood for the Bahais in the past, as he did not existed here? You may be talking about Ali P who has nothing to do with this new ali_UK who said he lives in Tehran and then he said he lives in UK.

Is that another demagogy or just a forgetfull mind, Reza41?

Adib Masumian

Reza 41

by Adib Masumian on

they don't tolerate smallest criticism on their behaviors, like what happening to Ali 's question

Dear Reza 41, 

Your assertion is fundamentally flawed because it assumes that ALL Baha'is act in a reactionary manner even when the questioner's intent was not to elicit hostility. You are stereotyping an ENTIRE community by saying that not ONE of their adherents can tolerate sincere questioning, much less criticism. Mr. Reza, if this was the case, then why as Baha'is do we even bother engaging in Baha'i apologetics? Why not just give our antagonists a wave of the hand and curse them? Do you honestly think that this is how every Baha'i would react under particular circumstances?

All I am saying is that, when one looks at Baha'i conduct, one should not perceive the conduct of the general adherents of the religion and base the entire religion's merit on that. Rather, one should look at the individual whose example we as Baha'is do our best to follow at all times: `Abdu'l-Baha. If you need any proof of his unfailingly virtuous character and peerless moral rectitude, I would advise you to peruse Vignettes From the Life of `Abdu'l-Baha, a collection of stories about him. See what kind of man he was; not the kind of men or women we may be. If we mess up, then it is our own fault, not our religion's.

I am tired of this "Baha'is do this and Baha'is do that." "Baha'is get angry when someone asks a question." "Baha'is call people names when they are attacked." You can't lump various identities and personalities under one hole-ridden umbrella and you very well know it. The time for untenable generalization is over, my friend.



More on this Subject

by Badi19 (not verified) on

In Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 322 the following is quoted by 'Abbas Effendi from a prayer by his father, cf. THE BAHA'I FAITH AND ISLAM (ed.) Heshmat Moayyad (The Association for Baha'i Studies: Ottawa, 1990), p.23


O God! Whomsoever violates My Covenant, O God, humiliate him. Verily whosoever violates My Covenant, erase and efface him.


"Protect yourselves with utmost vigilance, lest you be entrapped in the snare of deception and fraud." This is the advice of the Pen of Destiny."Therefore, to avoid these people will be the nearest path by which to attain the divine good pleasure; because their breath is infectious, like unto poison.""Endeavor to your utmost to protect yourselves, because Satan appears in different robes and appeals to everyone according to each person's own way, until he becomes like unto him -- then he will leave him alone."

"...If you detect in any man the least perceptible breath of violation, shun him and keep away from him." Then He says: "Verily, they are manifestations of Satan." (Bahá'í World Faith, p. 431)

"Bahá'u'lláh, in all the Tablets and Epistles, forbade the true and firm friends from associating and meeting the violators of the Covenant of His Holiness, the Báb, saying that no one should go near them because their breath is like the poison of the snake that kills instantly." (Bahá'í World Faith, p. 430)

"And now, one of the greatest and most fundamental principles of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God, exterminate His Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past." (Bahá'í World Faith, p. 448)

"My object is to show that the Hands of the Cause of God must be ever watchful and so soon as they find anyone beginning to oppose and protest against the guardian of the Cause of God, cast him out from the congregation of the people of Bahá and in no wise accept any excuse from him. How often hath grievous error been disguised in the garb of truth, that it might sow the seeds of doubt in the hearts of men!" (Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá, p. 12)


Souri Jan

by Fish (not verified) on

You say shia is a cult and bahaism is a religion (Sorry, World Religion)!!!!!! This is great. You are so full of Wisdom and intelligence!!!
Can you explain me how a Religion emerged from a Cult? Or do you believe in Bahaism also to be a cult, like you believe about the Shiism.


PS Omid11

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on

Also on another blog you were talking as if you are a Baha'i. Why are you now pretending not to be one?


Sorry to disappoint...

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on

But I am not NUR. Better luck next time. And thank you for continuing to prove all his points about you people.


414 = NUR

by Omid 11 (not verified) on

who are you trying to fool????? You are NUR and you write for Reza 41 (the one with good English). The Baha'is don't want you; deal with it!!!!! I don't blame them that they call you covenant breaker because you are. You are poison in their communities. They just don't want to associate with you. NUR, I don't want my kids around you neither. All Baha'is want to be away from people like you. who can blame them? You just don't realize how hatemonger you are. The problem with you is whomever don't agree with you, you label them as Baha’i or sometimes Baha’i lovers just like the rednecks who used to call the whites who supported the blacks, Niger lovers. And believe me Souri also knows the fact that you are NUR. Can't you see your hate toward Baha’is not getting you anywhere you just make fool of yourself more and more.

The message becoming clear:

Baha’is Baha’is we are supporting you we do not let the hatemonger to take away your rights, imprison you and execute you for your belief no more. Baha’is Baha’is we love you, you are our hamvatan.

Again, NUR deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!! Things are changing in Iran, we don't listen to hatemonger like you and your beloved mullahs no more. Soon you wont be able to enjoy the persecutions of our hamvatan Baha’is no more. They will be free to practice and teach their faith as they wish.

Reza 41

Sori kanoom,

by Reza 41 on

Sori khanoom gerami;

you wrote : Because it is not politically correct to take a paragraph out of its context and claim it is wrong  or ask others to prove its veracity, while the whole context is unknown to the public.

I do agree we should not take paragraph out of context,but look up there, is that seem to you paragraph or all creed is existed in their faith about covenant breakers ? and also where does he or she claiming is wrong or asking others prove its veracity? hence word Demagogy means : عوامفريبى  ,

what I meant by you don't know their natures, means, they claim to have new GOD words and take very gentle appearance ,yet , they don't tolerate smallest criticism on their behaviors , like what happening to Ali 's question, you know  we all know Ali this guy stand for Bahais a couple of time in the past,why mr. rabbani should insult him  this way over his one innocent question?

you wrote :you always try viciously (sorry but it's true) to   bring always the  question which imply already the accusation

firstly; I've never attack them, any thing I wrote(comment or blog) ,was respond to their accusation about Islam OR lie about what happen to their faith in hand of Muslims. secondly; bring me a sample , of your claim, never the lass, I would suggest, you read my exchange with Mr.alborz and Rabbni ,than you will know you are wrong and truth exactly is opposite.  peace




by Anonymous414 (not verified) on


You live in an alternate universe. The poisoning was all the Baha'is doing where NUR was concerned. I was here and I saw it all unfold. The bulk of the insults came from the Baha'is and JJ did nothing while you defended them. I even briefly defended the Baha'is if you should search through my messages. Don't lie and spin. Others have eyes and see besides you and your Bahai friends.


Mr Reza

by Souri on

I don't know them, you are right. I don't know if the statement above is baseless or not. But one thing is sure, I see obviously that they are constantly under attack either inside of Iran or here in this site.

You asked me if they are proud of their faith, why should they be offended by Mona Tahiri's statement? Because it is not politically correct to take a paragraph out of its context and claim it is wrong  or ask others to prove its veracity, while the whole context is unknown to the public. And that is exactly what is called : Demagogy!

I have been witnessing here, many times, Bahai people asked you to come clean and bring a civil debate and conversation. But dear, you are not clear in your statement and you always try viciously (sorry but it's true) to   bring always the  question which imply already the accusation. This is not a sound debate. That's why they (and the neutral observers) get tired of your tactic and give it up.

Now I ask you a civil question: do you think that if this blogger has no vicious intention, would he/she choose a fraudulent name like this?

She claimed in a past blog that she is a Bahai from Shiraz!! Her name is Mona and her last name is Tahiri !!! Now, please tell me why would a real Bahai from Iran, post such a blog here in this site? If it is not called DEMAGOGY, then what it is?


Reza 41

demagogy? mmm..

by Reza 41 on

Sori jan,

that exactly what Bahais do ,now, since you dont know their true nature , you may disagree with me. you keep saying they are under attack,let me see the article up here by mona taheri ,they call it base less ,firstly, do you think , is it really baseless?

secondly; it is as it is, this is true statement from their writing(if you dont now) ,why they should be offended ? if they proud to their faith, they should be proud to every word their master had said and taught .but seem lik they dont. peace


Whoever you are?

by Souri on

Who you are does not matter, but what you say does matter! You come here pretending that you are not an IRI defender and you are a human right activist !!

I said you are lying and I gave you the reason. The fact is you are very much in bed with the IRI and since you ganged up with the human right activist in this site, you prefer to hide behind the anonymous names when you attack the Bahai, and keep your registered user name safe and sound.

I have no problem with you personally neither with what you say, but whenever I  see "dom khrous" I can't stay quiet, that's all. You come here to pity poor NUR, and said he run out because of the Bahai. You are trying to paint him as a victim!!

NUR would never run out of here, the publisher kicked him out, not because he was "slightly criticizing the Bahais" as you said, but because he was insulting and accusing any one who came to talk with him, and he went out of line. This was a decision from the publisher and not because of the Bahai, but because NUR had poisoned the life of this site in a vast degree for all the users. Now, you are trying to fish in the muddy water.

All I asked you is, be honest and don't falsify the truth just to get the result you like to feed us with. You are entitled to your opinion, but just stay true, no lie, no demagogy. That's all.


Baha'is keep making enemies...

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on

There is a saying that one enemy is too many so if the Baha'is have made one or more real enemies here, they need to ask themselves why and blame themselves accordingly. If I were a betting man I would bet on their double standards, hypocrisy and bullying of others for starters.

Yes, what I just said! Ignore such criticism at your peril.


Souri e aziz,

by Omid 11 (not verified) on

Afarin bar to ke khoob shenakhtish he appears in several names. It seems that Bahais have only one real enemy here in Just ignor him and don't let him get to you.

Hey 414 whatever you say?


Whoever I am does not change the fact that these people are...

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on

...creeps, are behaving like it and so people are rightfully calling them on it.

I posted in JJ's blog about the election if that is what you're referring to. So what?

Why don't you stick to the issues, whoever I might be, and stop being the skirt these bullies conveniently hide behind whenever they get called out on their bullying and abusive behavior towards anyone who criticizes them on the smallest things. If you demand civility, then civility should be a two-way street. That means you don't maliciously gang up on people who are asking legitimate questions and making valid criticisms. This is a virtual space, not the streets of Iran, or the ministry of Islamic purity, so whether the Baha'is are persecuted or not in real life in Iran does not apply to this or similar forums which are virtual. These people and you cannot demand civility or good faith from anyone. They and you must earn it, and right now they and you are on serious demerit.

Now according to the logo of this site nothing is sacred. Yet the Baha'is are the de facto Sacred Cow of Iranian.Com whom no one is allowed to offer the slightest criticism without running the risk of being ganged up and bullied against. If nothing is sacred this does not mean some things are more sacred than others. Nothing means nothing!

Do you even see or understand this glaring discrepancy?


Mr Rabbani

by 3 shod (not verified) on

You lose your crediblity when you make such absurd statements about Iranian Shia's. Please bet objective, and factual.



by Souri on

1) My reply was addressed to anonymous-friend and not to you, unless you are the same user .

2) Please do not pretend to be an anti IRI my dear, as I know who you are and your name anonymous414 has been used in another blog nearly at the same time of your post here, then I know your position as to the election and believe it or not, I also know who you are.

3) And, you are right, I don't see the hypocrisy that you like to show me, and too bad for you, I don't agree with a word of what you said, no matter how good you are at writing in English

You know what? The problem with you is that you are completely closed minded my dear. You have lots of knowledge in literature and history, granted, but still you are so much obstinate and narrow minded that when you state something, you are so much convinced of having the monopoly of the reason that you don't even see your words have no true meaning for others.

Then you call them fanatic ignorant. Does it remind you of something? I hope so.

Respectfully though,


We're dealing with a sacred cow, a 'bot' needing to be broken.

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on


My response was directed at Ahang Rabbani and not you. But you seem to be under some delusions yourself and jump to their defense everywhere whenever such defense is not warranted.

Other than this fool Mona Taheri practically everyone I have seen here on criticizing the Baha'i Faith lately has also gone out of their way to defend the human rights of Baha'is at the same time. But this doesn't seem to be enough for the distinguished Baha'i assemblage here. One either has to uncritically support the Baha'i Faith in everything or one is painted as some supporter or agent of the IRI. It is a zero sum game and as if the Baha'is have drawn a line in the sand here where they are entitled to get away with saying or doing just about anything to anyone with total impunity by virtue of their claimed "victim status" while the smallest, tiniest criticism by anyone gets the critic cast as some dubious mulla-lover. This is the issue, and it is an issue that has polarized this site and poisoned its atmosphere due to this unspoken tokenistic behavior and favouritism by you and several others!

Based on flimsy evidence and propaganda Ahang Rabbani just insulted the religious beliefs of 90% of Iranians and he doesn't get called on it. Ali_UK points this out and you and all your Baha'i friends gang up on him and attack like a lynch mob. This has happened time and time again here with all kinds of different people and it needs to stop because such behavior by the Baha'is is in fact losing them potential as well as actual friends and giving the lie away to the mullahs and making the mullahs case for them while making the rest of us who are attempting to defend their human rights in other contexts look like total morons.

I wish you saw this and acknowledged the clear fact that the Baha'is here are making themselves look like the creeps not any IRI agent. And if you don't see this hypocrisy and double standard then you should.

Being a persecuted minority does not entitle you to bullying or ganging up against others who dare critize something small about you. It is antidemocratic behavior and it is precisely the behavior the mullahs have engaged in on the international front since 1979.

This 'bot' and sacred cow must be broken once and for all. Deal with that!


Deal with it! (re-posted)

by Souri on

Anonymous F,

You didn't get it. I am here as a free person, in a free speech land. I go where it does please me and say what I do like to say. You think I mess up with the blogs? Too bad for you. Deal with it.

People are attacking a minority group here continuously. There is not a single day which we don't see an anti-Bahai blog in this site. The worse accusation and the most ugly things are thrwon at them. They have started a no mercy war against this minority and push them to the worse degree of patience.....and you want me to stay quiet? Why?

Someone ask a question here, which has been answered at least hundred times by many Bahai readers here since last year, and he still pretend not to understand the answer. Instead he responds with the same accusation. 

Should I not interfer to say that as an impartial non Bahai, I had already understood the  answer, how could I call myself "Human"? I would call myself "Anonymous-(not)friend" like you! Shame on you!

I can't walk away in this situation and say, this is not my problem, let kill the Bahai. What's wrong with being fair? Does this sound too odd to you?

Then told you before : Deal with it!



To Ahang Rabbani

by Anonymous414 (not verified) on

You said:

"Your data and inference is completely flawed. If you want to find a group that is strongly disliked by all Iranians, then it's the Shi'a sect. Here's statisticial data to support this assertion: //"

Iran is a 90% Shi'a Muslim country with a population close to 70 million souls. Only 10% of the population are minorities adhering to various religions and practices other than Shi'a Islam. Either you are knowingly uttering a hyperbolic lie, in which case your own inferences and conclusions are flawed from the outset, or you simply don't know what you're talking about and have sadly bought into to your own hype, which makes those inferences and conclusions flawed again. You then reference an internal link from in support of your assertions from a sample number that would not even reach an insignificant 1% of the total population. And you believe this actually says something? Ali_UK is totally right here.

This Mona_Taheri might be a complete idiot but the sentiment expressed behind what this character is saying is in fact shared amongst a majority of Iranians inside Iran, and many abroad as well. Forget about the mullahs and what they say, the malicious behavior of you Baha'is here on in the face of anyone who questions or criticizes the smallest thing about you people is testimony that the critics of the Baha'i Faith in Iran, be they Ahmad Kasravi or Mahnaz Raoofi, indeed do have a point. The way you ran NUR out of this site and the shameless manner you treat Reza or Dave by ganging up on these people speaks volumes to it.

You have just insulted the majority of the Iranian population and their religious beliefs and then are arrogantly justifying yourselves with totally concocted and silly figures and arguments. What are you trying to prove here with this? That you are victims? I'm sorry but with this you show yourselves as aggressors not victims.

I ask you, if the majority of the Iranian people were not Shi'a and disliked the Shi'a creed as you claim then how in the world has Shiism survived in Iran as the official national creed for the past 600 plus years while the Baha'i Faith has barely managed to make any significant inroads anywhere for the past 100? How in the world did the Islamic revolution even happen in Iran or has the Islamic Republic manage to remain in power as long as it has?

None of your responses begin to even answer any of these questions because you are dreaming, sir. But it's a free world so dream on. Just don't expect or demand that all Iranians uncritically share in such delusions. We have eyes of our own and we can see what we're dealing with in the Baha'i Faith and it isn't a pretty picture, sir.


souri khanoom

by Anonymous-friend (not verified) on

ali-uk asks the bahais not you,why do you interfer again like always/
are you their attorney?don't mess up this blog like other ones please.


inherent dislike is our national syndrome

by Seagull (not verified) on

Ali uk,
I disagree with your assessment.
I do not think that you are being fair or reasonable.
It will take time for you to realize that but i hope it wont be another 30 years.

To begin with, unfoutunately there has been a lot of hate teaching by the uninformed clergy toward all Iraninas of different faith and ethnicity. Bahais have been persecuted the most, simply because they dont share the Shia view of Mohammd(s) being the last massenger of God.
This is not insulting Shia, but choosing to differ in faith, opinion and truth. Taking this as an insult means that Shia by the same token insults Sonnies by choosing Ali vs Abubakr or insult others by choosing Mohammad vs Moses, or Jesus.

We just have to develope the capacity to understand and accept that people have the right to choose to believe in whatever they want to belive solong as they do not break the civil codes.

Your personal inherent dislike, is a syndrome of a learned behaivior taught by your custodians who lack constructive and positive message and influene. The same attitued excersized by a few in charge has kept the Iranian nation isolated, oppressed, agonized and set against the world.

You must change your psyche from dislike and paranoia, fear and anxiety to peace, reverance, good will and positive outlook. There is no other way Ali.
Irrespective of what book you read, you just are not reading it right or you have never read your book in the context God intended it.

This can only be said in so many different ways, but the message nevertheless remains the same. You must change your ways if you want to make things good for Iran and our next generations be they Moslems, Jews,
Christians, Zorastrians, Bahais. You owe this to yourself and your fellow human beings, countryman or not.

How many centuries are we going to blame the negative feelings of hate and dislike in us on others.

Also the amount of resentment toward all minorities in Iran is more or less the same with the exception of official and sanctioned persecution against groups feared the most due to idealogical fears.

We need to take responsibility while we have the privilage and the chance.
God bless


let me clarify

by Souri on

What I heard from this sentence is that:

The Bahai religion, admit that Mohammad is a prophet sent by God, while other religions do not admit it.

Although I am not an expert in Bahai religion, but I think their message is very clear about how they see Islam as a religion and Mohammad as its prophet. Yes, they do believe Mohammad is a prophet sent by God (and if I am not mistaken they do believe that Koran is sent by God to Mohammad too)

The main problem they see with Islam, is mostly the clergy and the Shia cult, hence the answer to your question : Why they have always been looked that bad and been disliked by the people of Iran even at the time of the Shah! Do I have to remind you that Iran is the main Shia country in the world?


To Souri

by ali_UK on

My first question still stands.I wanted to hear it from a Bahai's viewpoint as to why they are looked at they way they are or disliked in Iran , even from shah's time?

All I got was links to web sites on how popular they are and how bad shia's are , etc...

I am no closer to getting an answer.You say you accpet mohammad and yet you are not muslims?

Whatever you may think my motivations are , I can assure you it is not as complex and convuloted as you may think.

It is the fact that all the replies I got have been so deffencive at best and aggressive and steriotyping .....

at least three Bahai's here have responded to my post and none with an answer.


حضرت محمد و کتاب اسمانی قران کریم



Yes, I do believe in Mohammad as a true messanger/prophet of God and I do believe in Holy Quran.
