کیست این آقای رضا پهلوی؟؟


mostafa ghanbari
by mostafa ghanbari

رضا پهلوی کیست؟ اگر ما ایرانیان بتوانیم پاسخ عادلانه و روشنی برای این سوال ساده پیدا کنیم، مسلما قادر خواهیم بود معما ی پیچیده و شگفت سه دهه بیراه رفتن و فرصت سوزی را به راه حلی برسا نیم. رضا پهلوی را به کدام خطای ناا بخشودنی میکوبیم؟ فقط به جرم فرزند شاه بودن؟ یا فقط به جرم حمل عنوانی که هیچگاه ادعا یش را نکرده است؟ و یا شاید بخاطر عشق بی‌ شیله پیله ش به خاکی که او‌ را زاده است؟ بی‌ انصافی و بی‌ دقتی‌ در قضاوت تا کجا؟ هر کس پرونده‌ای دارد و گذشته‌ای و اعمالی که بر مبنا ی آن مورد قضاوت قرار میگرد. گذشته رضا پهلوی چیست؟ کدام ظلم را مرتکب شده است؟ کدام خیانت را؟ کدام بی‌ حرمتی را؟


رضا پهلوی فرزند ایران است؛ فرزند مودب و صبوری که حتّی مرگ پدر و متلاشی شدن خانواده و بر با د رفتن آرزوها یش او‌ را دچار کینه و عداوت نکرد. او‌ در طول تمام سالهای غربت و در بدری از وطن ش و مردمش به احترام یاد کرده است. او‌ حتّی در رو یا روی با دشمنا نش هم معتدل و معقول بوده است. و آنچه مسلم است این است که رضا پهلوی دموکراسی و مردم سالاری را تنها راه نجات ایران و ایرانی‌ می‌‌داند و به هیچ عنوان سودای ریاست و پادشاهی در سر ندارد چرا که خود او‌ بهتر هر کس دیگری میداند که زمانه تاج و تخت و سلطنت دیر گاهیست که بسر آمده است.

حالا واهمه ما از رضا پهلوی چیست؟ اگر از عنوان او‌ و ادمهای فرصت طلب دور وبرش واهمه داریم چرا بجای کوبیدن و تخریب غیر منصفانه ش او‌ را به جمع خود فرا نمیخوانیم؟ چرا ما از این چهره خوشنام و عنوان ش برای ایجاد اتحاد و همدلی بیشتر استفاده نمیکنیم؟ چرا ما مردم همیشه از کنار فرزندان شایسته دیا رمان به بهانه‌های مضحک و واهی میگذریم؟ چرا ما مردم عشق و محبت مان را از ادمهای که عشق و محبت را میفهمند و میجو یند دریغ میداریم؟ رضا پهلوی فرزند سرزمینیست که روزگاری مامن گرمی بود برای همه فرزندانش، اما این روزها عاشقی و محبت را از یاد برده است و راندن و پریشان کردن را پیشه خود کرده است. رضا پهلوی عاشق بی‌ ریا ی سرزمین و فرهنگ خویش است؛ بیا یید او‌ را از خود نرانیم.


more from mostafa ghanbari
mostafa ghanbari

Dear Amir

by mostafa ghanbari on


Thanks a lot for your comment

Let's hope we learn how to  get united before it is to late.

mostafa ghanbari

Dear Ostaad

by mostafa ghanbari on


Thank you for your comment

Let's hope our people try to understand the things as they must be understood.

mostafa ghanbari

Dear MRX1

by mostafa ghanbari on


Thank you for your wise comment

Our devastating problem is lack of proper knowledge to recognize our  proper means, consistent with our goals.

mostafa ghanbari

Dear Maziar

by mostafa ghanbari on


Thank you for comment

Dispersal is the devastating product of the lack of the true quests. In other words people come closer to each other  and get united when they have a common and clear quest; but we are suffering form our impulsive demands.


mostafa ghanbari

Dear Darius Kadivar

by mostafa ghanbari on


Thanks a lot for your comment and your great videos. They  made me happy; they made me sad; they made me feel rich and honoured; they made me cry, cry and yell...

Dear Darius I do not know, perhaps we are a cursed nation, cursed for turning our backs to the goodness, wisdom and true God. Do we have anything else to lose? We have already lost many things and I hope we will not lose ourselves. There is still a little time left to make up for...

Thanks again

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

thanks for an honest article,but the haters  of Iran are the one who keep saying: tafregheh bendaz -o- hookoomat kon.

down with IR and its supporters            Maziar


Reza Pahlavi, is sure a good man...

by Ostaad on

I'd even vouch for him, if you asked me! He hasn't done anything to hurt anyone, nor has he done anything to help anyone - as far as I know.

The question is, so what?!!! Other than his occasion, and usually belated noises about lack of democracy and human rights in Iran, his impact on the current, and I'm sure the future, of Iran politics are minimal.

I personally think THAT is good thing, both for Mr. R. Pahlavi and for Iran. 


He is a good man

by MRX1 on

and he means well.He is a patriot, likes his country, wants the best for it. Problem is those who hate him have their own agenda's.  mos of them  suffer from insecurities, iferiority complex and oghdeh's and project their hate on him. There are others who like him but accuse him of not doing too much to liberate Iran. I don't think that is his fault either, not every one is born as natural leader. At least having him gives us another dignifying voice to tell teh rest of the world what is going on in Iran.

Darius Kadivar

Prince of Persia

by Darius Kadivar on

Thanks !

As for Who is Reza Pahlavi ?


For me at least he WAS AND IS  The Legitimate Prince of Persia :


Thank you for Your Great Article !




Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Reza Pahavi the son of Iran

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

He is an Iranian like us and he lost his sister as we lost our families. He accept every body and all Iranians. That is the key, we should accept all Iranian and not only one gruop. The mistakes that has been done in the past, was not only his father mistake. Many people were involved in those mistakes.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Reza Pahavi the son of Iran

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

He is the son of Iran, like other Iranians. He loves Iran like other Iranian.  He lives with us and with Iranians. He lost his sister as we lost our families.  Amir