قومی‌‌ گمشده در غبار روز مره گی و سبکسری


mostafa ghanbari
by mostafa ghanbari

آزادی حقی‌ است که ریشه در شعور انسانی‌ دارد. آزادی در میدان اندیشه شکل میگرد و از پس ترا وشی خود جوش به جریانی مدا وم و زاینده تبدیل میشود.

تاریکی‌ سکوت را میزاید و سکوت عادت را و عادت روز مره گی و سبکسری و هوچی گری را.ملّتی که احمقانه و سبک سرانه سالها در آنسوی سایه خود پنهان شده است هرگز به آرمان‌های واقعی‌ و منطقی‌ دست نخواهد یافت. ملّتی که با صدای هر طبل و نقاره‌ای به خیابان‌ها می‌ریزد و برای هر کس و ناکسی هو را می‌‌کشد، ملّتی است مسموم، منسوخ و محکوم به شکست. ملّتی که راه مبارزه کردن را نمی شناسد اما مدام در میدان است ملّتی است اهل خودکشی‌ و ویرانی.

دیروز، ۲۲ بهمن، منا د یان آزادی و دموکراسی میدانی برای فریاد و جولان نیافتند. دیروز منا د یان آزادی در برهوتی از توهم و مالیخو لیا بر ترا کم بغض و رنج هزاران ساله خود افزودند. دیروز آزادی در کوچهٔ پس کوچهٔ‌های دیار ما به سرگردانی ا بدی و غریبانه خود واقف شد. دیروز آزادی جنازه خود را برای هزار مین بار تشییع کرد. دیروز آزادی در میان شعله‌های سبک سری و نا‌ بخردی و هوچی گری قومی خود باخته و خود فریب به دودی از حسرت و نسیان تبدیل شد.

آنچه دیروز در ایران اتفاق افتاد واقعیتی تلخ است و انکار کردن آن کاری احمقانه و کوته فکرانه خواهد بود. جنبش سبز با سر به دیوار خورد! راستی‌ چرا؟؟


more from mostafa ghanbari
mostafa ghanbari

Dear kill mouse Traps

by mostafa ghanbari on



برادر یا خواهر عزیز

من به تو گوش خواهم سپرد و تو به من. ما همدیگر را تحمل خواهیم کرد.ما
به نقد یکدیگر خواهیم پرداخت. ما تلنگری خواهیم زد به ذهن‌های که زیر فشار
بی‌ حرمتی و رنج در سکو نی‌ سترون به انفعال و ایستایی رسیده اند. من و تو
در نشستی از منطق  و شعور آینه هائی خواهیم شد برای ور انداز کردن شکل
عظمت و زیبایی فرهنگ و تمدنی که در غباری از غفلت به نا‌ کجایی از اذهان
پیوسته است.

من فکر می‌کنم که شما که پیام اصلی‌ نوشته مرا خوب متوجه نشده اید.
منظور من از بکار بردن کلماتی مثل حماقت، سبکسری،هوچ گری، غفلت و...فقط و
فقط زدن تلنگری است به ملّتی که به دنیا تمدن و عشق را ارزانی داشته است
اما خود سالهاست که در گرداب حوادث خود ساخته دست و پا میزند.

من به شما پیسنهاد می‌کنم تاریخ ایران را از نهضت مشروطه تا انقلاب
۱۳۵۷ مرور بنما ئید. به علل و عوامل ناکامی مطالبات آزادی خواهانه در خلال
این سالها با دیدی واقع گرایانه نگاه کنید و اگر دلیلی‌ برای مقصر دانستن
مردم به عنوان عامل اصلی‌ در به ثمر نرسیدن مطالبات آزادیخواها‌نه نیا
فتید به من اطلاع بدهید تا بابت تلنگری که به خود و هموطنانم زده‌ام از
همه عذر خواهی‌ کنم.

بصیرت و رک گویی تنها راه رسیدن به تصمیمات سا زنده و راه گشاست.

Kill Mouse Traps

So, from now on if I ever read any of your blogs again,

by Kill Mouse Traps on

... I'll read your blog first and then I'll read your follow-up comments afterwards to figure out what you are talking about, becuase in your blog you seem to be saying one thing and then in your comments you seem to be saying something else.

Good luck with your contribution to Iranian democracy.

mostafa ghanbari

Dear Lady Souri and Dear Mr JJ

by mostafa ghanbari on


Dear Souri

Of course we are great as we are truly the descendants of the glamorous men and women who created a civilisation which still is considered as the pride and the dignity and the credit of humanity. But I think we need somethings more concrete to understand the unique values of our great past. In other words we have to come out of our past in order to see it from a different angle. Dear Souri catastrophic moments are created when people knowingly and unknowingly start to justify and redress their defeats by the way of referring to their past achievements.

Democracy is a great quest and not a notion, and thus it would be achieved in a long-term process. I hope we will find the beginning point of this great quest before wasting a lot of time and energy...

Thank you

Dear Mr JJ

You are right. Hope and positivity of man are the main drives within his life. But reality and time are so cruel  and harsh when it comes to the crucial and decisive moments. I have lived a life of struggle and I have won many games and I have lost many others. And I believe life is a great and amazing challenge as long as you remain faithful to the reality and time.

Dear JJ we have had a remarkable f amountof time to spot our quests, but we have spent almost all of this precious time to follow the ambiguous and hindering notions...

Thank you.

mostafa ghanbari

To Dear Khar and Divaneh

by mostafa ghanbari on


My dears democracy is a quest and not a notion, and freedom is a quest and not  an instant desire. So I have not been expecting the fall of the Islamic regime (which is one of the strongest regimes in the world) on 22 of Bahman! As it would be so silly of me as a person who knows all the intricate layers of power within the Islamic regime.

My main point in this post is the recognition of democracy and freedom as a quest and  not as a notion. Would not you say that we have not succeeded to spot the democracy and freedom as quests during the 150 years of fight for freedom?

Through a very organised and consistent plan, It would take us at least four years to shake the foundation of the regime, and after that we would have a long way before us  to stride,strive and struggle within the process of foming a democratic society.

I have to Thank you for your honest and ardent love for your country and your culture.

I hope we will learn how to assess our strong attributes and of course how to criticize our fatal behaviors before it is to late.

The Phantom Of The Opera


by The Phantom Of The Opera on


The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.


Souri is right

by divaneh on

What else did you expect in the face of the armies that invaded the streets and communication breakdown? Please give this fighting people a little more credit. Our people are not stupid as you have assumed them. We know what we want and for over one hundred years have made one attempt after another to achieve freedom and democracy.


Looking for instant gratification?

by Khar on

You were expecting that the regime would fall yesterday? Are you kidding me? Shah's regime fell after 3 years of off and on demonstration and strikes. Last eight month is only the beginning of the end for the theocracy, no one expected the regime's fall yesterday. There are many days of struggle ahead; neither IRI nor green movement's last day is the 22 Bahman!

Green Movement is a process of growth for Iranian society and its people and nothing more. Perhaps  unreal expectations and looking for instant gratification is your problem here

The wall is torn down by our people and our youth and the political climate of today’s Iran is not same as it was a year ago, and that is the great achievement of the green movement to date.

Jahanshah Javid

Hope never dies

by Jahanshah Javid on

You cannot beat an idea to death. You cannot crush the wish to be free. You cannot force people to love a regime that hates. The Green Movement is the hope for a better future. And hope always lives.


Mr Ghanbari

by Souri on

I believe you must be in a moment of desperation right now, because the situation is not as catastrophic as you describe in your blog.

You say you have been frustrated ? why? Again, I ask the same question, what was your expectation?

Maybe your expectation of the event (or of the whole trend) is too high. Putting the expectation too high, cause always some frustration.

The only thing I can assure you , is that we the Iranians, are the bravest people on the Earth! Call me racist or nationalist or everything you want, but when you read our history and reflect on our past accomplishment, you will agree with me.

Just let this depressive moment pass...........Hey, you have Valentine Day's to celebrate  :0)

mostafa ghanbari

Dear Lady Souri

by mostafa ghanbari on


It is rather  frustration than the desperation that makes me  feel  so cold and bitter. Is there really any limit for our folly, impertinent and haughty ways of approaching the philosophy of life?To what extent a nation can be so unfaithful and capricious?


روزمرگی سیاسی


روزمرگی سیاسی برای ۳۰ سال، سال به سال، روز به روز