Why comments go missing on this site!!??


mostafa ghanbari
by mostafa ghanbari

Why comments go missing on this site?? Perhaps, just because this is an Iranian site and inevitably we have to do the things in a different way to show that we are IRANIAN!! In my opinion this site has provided all of us with the unique  and precious opportunity of having a platform to express our ideas and let our voices be heard by our compatriots and the rest of the world. We are a nation with great and unique capacities in different fields; and of course, on the other hand, we are a nation with great and exclusive flaws in our personalities.

In this crucial period we are in need of creating the new thoughts which can help us to get to a level and close political cohesion; and in this way we have to be meticulously exact  with our use of our means. Therein, this small window(Iranian.com), opened to the heart of  the world, is one of the our significant means which should be used appropriately. There are a remarkable number of highly informed and knowledgeable people over here, and the current communications between them are mostly resultful and effective in gaining  the right momentum and moving towards formation and cohesion.


It is obvious that the spirit of tolerance is the main attribute within the personality of any thoughtful and reasonable person; as it is the nature of thought and philosophy  that are created just in an atmosphere of forbearance and equanimity. But unfortunately we are not going to accept this attitude and consequently get the most out  of our reflections upon our vital problems. The deletion of comments is  clearly described and defined  within the related moral considerations in these sort of communications; but deleting a comment that  has a smack of criticism and somewhat adverse to our views, is just a proof to our weakness. I appreciate the confirmatory  and admiring comments, but I love the comments that criticize me, as they are really guiding and corrective.

A while ago I heard from different people on this site about their comments going missing without any acceptable reason; and it happened to myself a few days ago and one of my completely polite and rational comments went missing! Why?? Are not we here to practise the open and democratic ways of approaching the freedom and in particular, the freedom of speech? Are not we trying to help our country in achieving its democratic goals?Why crticism is considered as 'SPAM' in our minds? Surely, we can not be any better than Mullahs for our people, if we keep facing with each other's views in this manner.

To the management of this precious site, I  should say no comments should be deleted out of the clearly defined  related have tos and do not have tos.


more from mostafa ghanbari


by IRANdokht on

People are allowed to delete their comments, why should that concern JJ?


Louie Louie


by Louie Louie on

The comments have been disappearing since last night. Wherever she has left comments most of them are disappearing, it's very strange!!! What's going on?



by capt_ayhab on

Seems like something is going on technically.

Just notice the recent comment as see how Flying Solo shows to have commented on an old thread, yet when you go to the thread there are no recent comment by her.

I wonder if JJ is aware of this?



Comments are not above the blogs themselves. My view.

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.



by IRANdokht on

that's true but if you go to the "recent comments" and click on more, you'll see a bunch more that were deleted by the author of the comments.

I believe MG is talking about his comments that were deleted when the blogs themselves disappeared.



If you "reply" to a comment & that comment gets deleted you'll 2

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


Dear MG

by IRANdokht on

a very wise but bitter man once said:

"I believe you have become a victim of a scam called comment-and-delete, very common around here this time of the year."

That comment-and-delete or blog-and-delete is actually happening a lot lately. The blogs and comments are disappearing like leaves from the trees... It must be a seasonal thing!  :o)



Anahid Hojjati

Bloggers cannot delete comments if they are not offensive

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear mostafa, I noticed that on "Mina Dadvar" 's blog, you asked her why she deleted your comment.  Here you talk about a complete polite comment of yours that got deleted.  Please note that "Mina Dadvar" or any other witer on this blog cannot delete comments that are not offensive.  I have myself noticed this deletion of comments and to me this is a technical glitch. 

Also, sometimes people's comments might get deleted and they don't think it was offensive but in fact it was.  However, dear mostafa, I have read your blogs and comments and you are a polite writer so I doubt your comment was deleted for being offensive.  Most probably it got deleted as result of glitch that some of us have noticed. 

If JJ wants and pays me for my help, I will use my trouble shooting skills to help him figure out this glitch.  But Jahanshah this will cost you.