School Scholarships

by Ms_America

I am $50,000 in student loan debt and need assistance in funding the next two years of graduate school... fast. Every Iranian immigrant I know is finding a way to beat the system; to get their tuition and books and housing paid for without ever facing an obligation to pay the assistance back. All I can think is, wait a minute, I'm the one paying my taxes regularly and working my butt off. I am the one who defends this country's name while the Iranian immigrants who are here on Uncle Sam's buck are bashing it left and right. Why shouldn't I be able to take advantage of what America has to offer? If anyone has a way to get me some law school dough, fast, I'd appreciate any pointers.....


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No problem Doctor jan!

by Midwesty on



Midwesty jan

by Doctor X on

I am sorry if i misjudged you in any way. I am glad that you understand how those general workers feel. I personally believe that she was trying to highlight certain aspects of Iranians style of living and their behavior in general and how that may be unfair compared with others (who have lived here longer).

So many factors and exceptions need to be considered when running a country and this CEO mentality is really not what the doctor ordered as a priscription for success.


Doctor jan, you said,

by Midwesty on

"You seem to not care about the fact that these general workers have put down roots in this country and living lives as well".

This is what you think that how I feel. How could you possibly know how I feel about the general workers?

However if you read my comment earlier on, this blog has a view of a macro in nature therefore my response was equally in a general term against stereotyping Iranians. Meaning if the author suggests an immigration reform is necessary to curb Iranian abuse of the system, I brought another example (from the same perspective of the author) that illustrates a far more scary image than of the possible danger that Iranians are ever be able to pose.

Iranians are highly educated, intelligent, productive, responsive, responsible, integrated and cooperative.

Do I think that within the above terms we are better than others? Absolutely!

Do I think that we are better than others in general? Absolutely not!

But if I have a company for profit which is surrounded by vicious competitors and it needs skilled workers, do I hire Iranians to gain a competitive edge? Absolutely!

Running a country is just like that, like running a business!


Resourcing = Outsourcing

by Doctor X on




by Doctor X on

No i am not denying that. But be real. What good is that going to when Americans in America are desparate to pay their mortgages and looking for work, even those with years of experience and those who are professionally super qualified? I have also heard about this pie-in-the sky version of support for legal Immigration, but what is the point? Let's fix what is before us and what is on our plate before we get to worry about how many qualified Foreign engineers and doctors are out there and what we should do to bring them over legally.

You seem to not care about the fact that these general workers have put down roots in this country and living lives as well. I don't know where Beck is getting his info from but whoever has said that the door is closing and the curtain is coming down has not seen the recent stats on immigration.

You have such misperception regarding these workers. Do you even know how many of them have been subjected to mass deportations? as in right on the spot where they work. Did you hear about all the meat factory plants deportations? Also there are no longer "low visibility" jobs where they can just blend in. That is a myth.  And, I don't understand your point here. Why would a skilled immigrant who has been here legally ever worry about being deported?

When you dine out and go to a restaurant you are taking advantage of an affordable service that would not have been there had it not been for low cost of hiring general workers. and this thing about resourcing is a relatively new phenomenon and was not widely accepted in the 90's.




1- "So Is it really bad and

by Midwesty on

1- "So Is it really bad and awful to: hire uneducated people who speak no english and make no demands whatsoevere"

There is no absolute term, my comment was in a relative term, where from a macro view, the ratio of importing skilled workers to general workers will skew the competitive edge of the country from one side to other. Can we deny that? 

You might ask, but don't we need general workers? Yes, but again the question of how many compared to the skilled workers? The way this country is going (Beck mentality) it is closing its doors on immigrants on all types. However it is impossible to block the flow of general workers into the country. They can get in easy, blend in, and don't have to have a job with a high visibility hence stay out of sight of government to be deported. Can we say that about the skilled immigration candidates?

2- "...see how consumers of cheap and affordable various services would react? That would be like one economic collapse within another!"

The service sector in this country is not affordable, however the goods are, since we are outsourcing them to overseas.

Bottom line, the Beck mentality will destroy this country!



by Doctor X on

So Is it really bad and awful to:

 hire uneducated people who speak no english and make no demands whatsoevere, and form gangs (maybe not all but some radicals among them behaving like some that we know of back home!!) Just what you pay them is more than enough for them, who might make some occasioanal claims that Hey... By the way. you know, This land, at least the southern most part of it used to belong to our fathers some 100 years ago, and would be nice if you had kept that inmind when you look at the immigration issue... To do all the dirty work that no americans would even dare getting close to, unless it comes with a very attractive benefits package? That is just so bad and ugly , isn't it.

Why don't we just get it all, our resources together and prove those who say it can not be done and we can not deport them all, wrong and do send them back home and then see how consumers of cheap and affordable various services would react? That would be like one economic collapse within another!



Thank God...

by Midwesty on

We didn't sneak under the fence to come here with no education to work for cash, get free health care while not to fear to air our flag next to Sant Mary's statue on the hood and the rear window of our cars, form gangs, claim that half of this country belongs to us and refuse to speak English...

If we did I bet they wouldn't hesitate to hang us on every flag pole!


I was following this thread for a while...

by Midwesty on

You got some responses mainly because of the title you chose, however you've got some contradictions.

The topic of School Scholarship strikes a high cord with Iranian-Americans because most of us has come to this country on a student status not as Immigrants (Also the topic of scholarship is especially touchy for us since we would always stumble on it one way or another). This is your first contradictory point. You chose a catchy topic (School Scholarship) that you know it is going to attract us then you bring up another topic (Immigration) within that. (By the way, attracting immigrants as students and scholars brings the most valuable resources a country can ask for).

Your blog's banner reads: .Stop Pretending. Which is another true fact about Iranians, sorta! So let me sort it out for you then. We come from a country with limited resources, as a result we inherently know how to manage money. As the principle of life that we were nurtured with via our parents (which the concept of a nuclear family and now single family lacks it greatly), making money does not bring wealth rather saving that is. So you got the point right, we pretend that we make money but what we actually do is we know how to save money. So your statement, "I am definitely referring to green card holders as well as those who falsify information to arrive her under "refugee" and "asylum" status" does not apply to most of us but you have collectively put all of us under it. 

That was your second contradiction/misleading dear!

That's why some people here are outraged and comparing your statements to what typical loud but hollow voices in this society echo about the immigrants in general and Iranian-Americans in specific. 

However, I believe you know too little about us that makes you to hate us. That happens a lot. Just take your time and get to wet your feet in our culture, you won't regret it!



Hamsade Ghadimi

by Doctor X on

Though i concure with you on not blaming others for one's shortcomings as a general rule, But when you add all these "subtypes" and subsets you will see that the tab is not gonna be that small. It all adds up. In fact scamming off the medicare is something that is practiced all too common hence one of the reasons HC cost has skyrocketed.


Doosheezeh Amreekayi

by Doctor X on

1- As a student you are not classified into a High-tax bracket as a general rule, because even though you fill out a form and send to to the IRS you are actually getting some money back, simply because you are a student. That would also be true, if During the first several years after getting a job, you are still making below a certain level of income. these are the facts.

2- Those whom you meet on a daily basis!! who have changed their religions and are supposedly getting all pampered up by this and that, will pay for all this somewhere down the line. That is how life is and there definitely are no free lunch. Someone will get them somehow. This country IS all about working hard and taking advantage of what is available and try to make it big, But what we are facing today and have actually been this way for ages, is that coming out of school with a huge burden of debt is a norm in this country , so you are not the only one who is living a debt-laden life.

Working hard is good for you so is, and particulary even more important, to be pushing those goals further. It is always a good idea to go all the way and to get your Phd and post doc and so on and so forth, and it can no longer realistically be expected that you can get far with a lousy BS or even a BA which is what many of these fresh faces and newbies are here in town to work on and earn.

3- are you that desperate for a measley piece of Flie mignon? If that is the case why don't go and do the same? is that gonna make or break you? what is another 50 bucks on top of what you are already being crushed under?:)

4- have not seen a doctor? Most offices accpet payments. I am sure one can arrange a plan with you so you can pay them over time. don't use that as an excuse. 6 years ago, you should not and could not have been that poor, since you too were receiving money from the government and should have been covered by student insurance. so you have got your own self to blame for thatone.

Stay in school and study your behind off. be in the top 10% and then see what happens.

hamsade ghadimi

it’s a shame that some

by hamsade ghadimi on

it’s a shame that some people benefit from the crimes they commit.  kudos to you to figure that out. it must’ve been the $50,000 undergrad education that you got on loans.  as i go to work everyday, i don’t worry about enron executives, madoff, and bunch of other zillionaires who lived (and live) the high life scamming others for a living.  i don’t worry about millions of people ripping off social security, medicare, etc. when i pay into my own.  i don’t worry about george silver spoon-in-his-mouth bush having ivy league degrees (with no brain) and becoming president while i worked through school and earned my degrees and jobs.

you may not watch beck and support palin, but you should look into it, you just sound like them: blaming all your ills and shortcomings on foreigners and people who’re breaking the rules (in your case, a small subset of those people).  by the way, being an american citizen does not mean that it’s one’s duty to defend america’s name.  credit and blame are due where it's deserved.


People under 30 still have milk smell on their breath.

by Anonymouse on

You have 5 more years to get to an age to be considered an official adult.  For every one person who cheats the system there are thousands for whom the system was designed.

What money are you talking about? seriously.  Welfare? Scholarships? Pell Grants? Food Stamps? what? $2000 in America per month from Bank Melli? The same Bank Melli that is on the no fly list?

How many Iranians are introduced to you on a daily basis?  How many Iranians have been introduced to you this way in total? And how much money in total each Iranian whom you know would you say has been paid by Government?

I think you're just ranting because someone has pissed you off and you're taking it on others and blaming it on tuition and healthcare! 

Everything is sacred


"Ms-America" short of money: "I'd appreciate any pointers..... "

by yousef on

Sure, contact one of about a dozen Islamist "User IDs" on this site, who are screaming 24/7 against jews and for ahmadinezhad and mullahs, how you could earn extra money. The key job requirement I believe is a brain the size of a peanut. I think you will be well qualified for that opening "MS-America" ! 


 I am definitely referring

by Ms_America on

 I am definitely referring to green card holders as well as those who falsify information to arrive her under "refugee" and "asylum" status. I am not watching Glenn the retard Beck, nor do I give two craps about Sarah lipstick on a pig Palin. I am merely seeing with my own two eyes the Iranians who are introduced to me on a daily basis who have changed their religions and conveniently arrived here seeking "freedom"...the ones with huge interest-bearing bank accounts at Bankeh Melli who get their funds routed to them by relatives and who claim poverty and receive food stamps, welfare checks, low cost housing and educational assistance. I'm talking about the green card holders and I'm referring to them as immigrants because that is what they are...they weren't born here, and they don't respect this country no matter what benefits America bestows on them. They flee Iran and come to America, rape its welfare services, and then backtalk American policy every chance they get, claiming "democracy". Well, to me, democracy = respect for the nation that affords you freedom, first and foremost. America isn't designed to be a welfare state; it is designed to make a man or woman pull him or herself up by their own bootstraps and work hard toward their goals. As a 25 year old student, who has been paying taxes for the past six years, I find it deplorable that I must work full time in order to put a roof over my head and every year, I need to push my educational goals further and further away....while an Iranian fresh from the foroodgah has a little EBT card they swipe to buy themselves filet mignon at Costco and they get $2,000 a month in Fresno county for out of pocket costs while their vocational training is free and so is medical insurance. As an American born taxpayer, I haven't been to a doctor in six years!! Does it make sense? I mean, I know the majority of people on this site like to defend whatever the opposite point is that the writer is trying to make...but how long are we going to cover our eyes and pretend that Iranians aren't taking advantage of the American system? How long?

living in silence and writing in screams ---A



by Doctor X on

Actually, as one who used to be an F-1 visa holder, there are cases which vary by state and amount of it, where there are some sorta hardship-oriented grants available , not much though, we are talking peanuts compared with what you actually pay for tuition around 7 G for one semester...

But i do second you on that GC requirement to apply for the goodies. I guess she is talking about the GC holders when she refers to iranian immigrants?


Ms. America: What social

by vildemose on

Ms. America: What social services? Please name the organization? I doubt very much that without having a green card, there are any loans or tution assistance available for any non-immigrant or students on F-1 Visa.

Stop watching Fox News and Glenn Beck.

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

lift yourself up by your thong and get your butt to work.  and if you've done well in school so far, there shouldn't be any problem getting a ta, ra, or fellowship from grad school.  as far as your anger goes, get a paper bag and blow in it.



by Khar on

You are watchinig too much Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin on FOX News! I suggest you study instead of "hating" as you put it.

you wrote: "The reason behind it is an anger I feel at Iranians newly immigrated to this country who quickly apply for educational assistance through social service programs and who educate themselves at our expense, while getting low cost housing, free books, and other assistance. They declare they're poor and suddenly USA gives them a free pass. I hate it. It absolutely makes me sick to my stomach."

What is your proof for your claims above.

Otherwise sounds very TeaParty-ish to me!


Thank everyone for the input.

by Ms_America on

My sarcasm is what is asking the question about available aid. The reason behind it is an anger I feel at Iranians newly immigrated to this country who quickly apply for educational assistance through social service programs and who educate themselves at our expense, while getting low cost housing, free books, and other assistance. They declare they're poor and suddenly USA gives them a free pass. I hate it. It absolutely makes me sick to my stomach.

living in silence and writing in screams ---A


Work Part time

by Doctor X on

And attent school Full time. Tough Yet doable.

There is absolutely NO WAY anyone in this day and age can get away with not paying back their loans. I have heard that from a very very credible source on the Radio (check out There mayeb some Tax relief or a good low interest deal down the line but you will pay it off.

maziar 58

second taught

by maziar 58 on

may you want to hook up with some of those Eye-ranian you mentioned and they can set you FREE! 

OR enroll for more schooling so you don't have to pay for now.    Maziar

Jahanshah Javid

Give these a try

by Jahanshah Javid on

The Momeni Foundation

The Hand Foundation

Popli Khalatbari Charitable Foundation


W/ all ur internet savvy skills u cant find free dough 4 skool?

by Anonymouse on

So maybe it means you either have to be an honor roll student (what do they call them, suma cum laude?) for scholarships or very poor from a very poor family to maybe get grants. 

Everything is sacred