Shahin Najafi - When ...
When condom was capote [1], it was ugly, it was bad
When commander of Sepah [2] was a replica of Mammad [3]
When heroin and syringe was per plan
When pain killers were painful themselves
When there was no war, the leaking roof of the house was under the rain’s bomb
When there was no war and brains were under bombardment
When Dracula for my brother was the police
When center of the world for me was Rasht [4]
When the Revolution bowed down, it reached down to Khavaran [5]
When Jamkaran petitions [6] were delivered to Jamaran [7]
When a woman was not a woman but a mother
When my sister’s friend’s friend was a sister
When headscarves were still the camel-lip type [8]
When horse riders of Hussein [9] were motorcycle riding thugs
When it’s you and bitterness of satire, and satirical bitterness
When it’s you and a herd of rejected learned
When it’s you and repentance and carefully-worded [10] poems
When it’s you and the thought of pissing on this world
When strawberry and banana became free in paradise
When love affair between eyes and breast became surreptitious
When "Tom" tore “Jerry” [11] apart and ate him to the last
When my eighteen year old thought was taken away by a girl’s period
When we were drained by the "Black Is Color of Love"
Did you see how we were tuned with broken diapasons [12]!
When the thought of you would wet my shorts and prayer rug
When my being twenty was causing danger by your alley
When "Shamloo" [13] had no legs, "Moallem" [14] was the millipede
When victory was not on the table, was alone in bed
When it’s you and bitterness of satire, and satirical bitterness
When it’s you and a herd of rejected learned
When it’s you and repentance and carefully-worded poems
When it’s you and the thought of pissing on this world of mine
When reform and reformism were the same as each other
When the revolutionaries bowed down or they were a few
When beards became stubbles and roots went down under the hatchet
When likes of "Bakeri" [15] and "Hemmat" [16] became politicians
When "Fereydoon" [17] overdosed and died
When twenty million votes was taken away by the wind
When cloaks [31] were chocolate-colored, white, and yellow
When we were free and freedoms were like pain
When film directors were baton-wielders
It wasn’t cinema, it was circus, full of "Hedyeh" [18] and "Golzar" [19]
When it’s you and bitterness of satire, and satirical bitterness
When it’s you and a herd of rejected learned
When it’s you and repentance and carefully-worded poems
When it’s you and the thought of pissing on this world of mine
When my wife and your daughter and your mother means duff [20]
When rap became vomit in the throat of every jobless lumpen [21]
When ghost of "Marx" [22] was over the head of "Derrida" [23]
When "Dali" [24] behind the canvas, was "Frida" [25]
When "Hussein" [26] had the White House, he became "Barack"
When our representative in America, was "NIAC" [27]
When we laughed at politics and politics laughed at us
When satire had parasites [28], frequencies spoiled
When human rights was game and strategy
When homeland was "Cyrus" [29], Chelo Kabab [30], and nostalgia
When, when this was happening
Someone from behind the curtain was giving us the finger
When it’s you and bitterness of satire, and satirical bitterness
When it’s you and a herd of rejected learned
When it’s you and repentance and carefully-worded poems
When it’s you and the thought of pissing on this world of mine
When it’s you and bitterness of satire, and satirical bitterness
When it’s you and a herd of rejected learned
When it’s you and repentance and carefully-worded poems
When it’s you and the thought of pissing on this world of mine
Translated by MPD 2012 ©
[1] Capote is the French word for condom. This verse might be a reference to the policy of population control and family planning, which was in effect at the time of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, being stopped after the Revolution, i.e. birth control devices, including condom, was frowned upon as being ugly and bad.
[2] The Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, or The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), is referred to as Sepah, or Pasparan, in Iran.
[3] Mammad is a nickname for Mohammad. Might be a reference to Seyed Mohammad Jahan Ara, a brave commander of the Pasdaran force (IRGC) in Khorramshahr. He was instrumental in liberating Khorramshahr from the Iraqi forces. A eulogy song became a popular war cry after his death in battle. The song and images of him are included in this graphic war footage >>>
[4] Rasht is the provincial capital of Gilan Province in the northern part of Iran.
[5] Khavaran is a neighborhood in south-eastern part of Tehran. Khavaran Cemetery is located in this area, where many executed political prisoners are buried there.
[6] Jamkaran is a village in Qom Province in Iran and the site of Jamkaran Mosque, where Imam Zaman is believed to reappear form a well at the site. Thousands of appeal notes (petitions)are dropped in the well each year, asking for help.
[7] Jamaran is a neighborhood in northern part of Tehran, Iran. It was once the home of Ayatollah
[8] Many types of mandatory head covers have been used in Iran throughout the years, one of them being referred to by some people as “camel-lip head scarf”.
[9] Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abi Ṭalib (626-680), the third Imam in Shia Islam.
[10] The phrase "دست به عصا" literally translates to “cane-in-hand” which is emblematic of doing a task with caution and refrain. Extreme caution in behavior or deed.
[11] “Tom and Jerry” is a series of theatrical animated cartoon films created from 1940 to 1954.
[12] Diapason is the Tuning Fork.
[13] Ahmad Shamloo (1925-2000), Iranian poet, writer, and journalist.
[14] A vague reference to Mohammad Ali Moallem Damghani, a contemporary Iranian
eulogist poet serving the ruling clerical establishment in Iran.
[15] A vague reference to Mehdi Bakeri (1954-1985), an Islamist revolutionary at the time of the Iranian Revolution. During Iran-Iraq war, he joined the IRGC and was promoted as a commander. He was killed in combat.
[16] A vague reference to Mohammad Ebrahim Hemmat (1955-1984), an Islamist revolutionary at the time the Iranian Revolution. During Iran-Iraq war, he joined the IRGC and was promoted as a commander. He was killed in combat.
[17] A vague reference to Fereydoon Foroughi (1951-2001), a musician, composer, singer, and actor.
[18] A vague reference to Hedieh Tehrani, an Iranian actress.
[19] A vague reference to Mohammad Reza Golzar, an Iranian actor.
[20] Duff is a colloquial Farsi word. Depending on the context it is use, it could mean anything from a woman being a ‘babe’ to a ‘slut’.
[21] Lumpen is an adjective from the German lumpenproletariat, referring to dispossessed and displaced people who are cut off from the socioeconomic class with which they ordinarily be identified.
[22] Karl Marx (1818-1883), German philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist.
[23] Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), French philosopher.
[24] Salvador Dali (1904-1989), Spanish painter.
[25] Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), Mexican painter.
[26] Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America.
[27] National Iranian American Council (NIAC)
[28] Parasites is a French word, means static, interference, noise. Parazit is also a Voice of American Persian language satire television show, now suspended.
[29] Cyrus the Great (576 BC–530 BC), the founder of the Achaemenid Empire.
[30] Chelo Kabab is a popular Persian cuisine.
[31] A reference to former Iranian President Seyed Mohammad Khatami.
There are some minor differences between the lyrics as Shahin Nejafi sings it in the YouTube video, and the way it’s subscribed in thesame video, and the way the lyrics of the song are provided here >>>. I did my translation based on the same mentioned order.
I have deliberately provided abundance of notes and links in an effort to help the readers who are not familiar with all the issues that this poem refers to.
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English translation, Shanin Najafi, When, ترجمه شاهین نجفی، وقتی که...
شاهین نجفی - وقتی که...
وقتی که کاندوم کاپوت بود زشت بود بد بود
وقتی که سردارِ سپاه بدلی از ممد بود
وقتی که هروئین و سرنگ هدفمند بودن
وقتی که مُسَکِنها خودشون دردمند بودن
وقتی که جنگ نبود، سقفِ سوراخِ خونه زیر بمبِ باران بود
وقتی که جنگ نبود و مغزها زیر بمبباران بود
وقتی که دراکولا برای برادرم گشت بود
وقتی که مرکز دنیا برای من رشت بود
وقتی که انقلاب خم شد به خاوران رسید
وقتی که نامههای جمکران به جماران رسید
وقتی که زن هنوز زن نشده بود مادر بود
وقتی که دوستِ دوستِ خواهرم خواهر بود
وقتی که مقنعهها هنوز لبشتری بودن
وقتی سوارانِ حسین لاتهای موتوری بودن
وقتی تویی و بغضِ طنز و طنزِ بغضآلود
وقتی تویی و یک گله عالمِ مردود
وقتی تویی و توبه و شعرهای دست به عصا
وقتی تویی و فکرِ شاشیدن به این دنیا
وقتی که توتفرنگی و موز تو بهشت مجانی شد
وقتی که عشقبازیِ چشم و پستان پنهانی شد
وقتی که "تام"، "جری" رو جر داد و تا آخر خورد
وقتی که فکرِ هجده سالهام رو پریودِ یه دختر بُرد
وقتی که با "مشکی رنگ عشقه" پوک شدیم
دیدی چطور با دیاپازونهای شکسته کوک شدیم
وقتی که یادِ تو، شورت و سجادهام رو تَر میکرد
وقتی که بیست سالگیم دمِ کوچهتون خطر میکرد
وقتی که "شاملو" پا نداشت، "معلم" هزارپا بود
وقتی که نصرت روی میز نبود، روی تخت تنها بود
وقتی تویی و بغضِ طنز و طنزِ بغضآلود
وقتی تویی و یک گله عالمِ مردود
وقتی تویی و توبه و شعرهای دست به عصا
وقتی تویی و فکرِ شاشیدن به این دنیام
وقتی که اصلاحطلبی و رفرمیسم شبیه هم بودن
وقتی که انقلابیها خم شدن یا که کم بودن
وقتی که ریشها تهریش و ریشهها زیرِ تیشه شدن
وقتی که "باکری" و "همت"ها سیاستپیشه شدن
وقتی که "فریدون" اور دوز کَرد، مُرد
وقتی که بیست ملیون رایو باد با خود بُرد
وقتی که عباها شکلاتی، سفید، زرد بودن
وقتی که آزاد بودیم و آزادیها شکلِ درد بودن
وقتی که سینما کارگردانش باتومدار بود
سینما نبود سیرک بود، پر از "هدیه" و "گلزار" بود
وقتی تویی و بغضِ طنز و طنزِ بغضآلود
وقتی تویی و یک گله عالمِ مردود
وقتی تویی و توبه و شعرهای دست به عصا
وقتی تویی و فکرِ شاشیدن به این دنیام
وقتی که زنِ من و دخترِ تو و مادرِ شما یعنی داف
وقتی که رپ قی شد از گلوی هر لُمپنِ عَلاف
وقتی که شبح "مارکس" روی سرِ "دریدا" بود
وقتی که "دالی" پشت بوم، "فریدا" بود
وقتی که "حسین" کاخ سفید داشت، "باراک" شد
وقتی که نمایندهِ ما تو آمریکا، "نایاک" شد
وقتی که به سیاست خندیدیم و سیاست به ما خندید
وقتی که طنز، پارازیت داشت، فرکانسها گندید
وقتی حقوقِ بشر بازی و استراتژی بود
وقتی وطن، "کوروش" و چلوکباب و نوستالژی بود
وقتی که، وقتی که اتفاق میافتاد
از پشت پرده کسی به ما بیلاخ نشان میداد
وقتی تویی و بغضِ طنز و طنزِ بغضآلود
وقتی تویی و یک گله عالمِ مردود
وقتی تویی و توبه و شعرهای دست به عصا
وقتی تویی و فکرِ شاشیدن به این دنیام
وقتی تویی و بغضِ طنز و طنزِ بغضآلود
وقتی تویی و یک گله عالمِ مردود
وقتی تویی و توبه و شعرهای دست به عصا
وقتی تویی و فکرِ شاشیدن به این دنیام
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by yolanda on Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:05 AM PDTHi! REA,
Have you visted www.iroon.com?
Here is a poem translated from Farsi:
super sweet!
by yolanda on Tue Oct 09, 2012 07:56 AM PDTHi! MPD,
Thank you for the cool links! This is your best work, we can learn so much from this poem plus related information! I think internet publication has its advantage. Like in this case, you can't embed any links if it is a paper publication, but here you can embed any links you want.
by yolanda on Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:18 AM PDTHi MPD,
Khamenei seems to wear the transparent mantle more any anyone else, but I did find Khatami in 'see through" cape in one photo:
It is your photo! Since it is yellow, the transparency is not as obvious as Khamenei's black 'see through' robe!
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Sun Sep 09, 2012 09:55 PM PDTThe 'see-through' cloaks are the ones worn during summer time.
by yolanda on Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:43 PM PDTHi MPD,
Khatami's favorite color seems to be gray; Rafsanjani's favorite color is brown, while Khamenei's trademark color is black. Khamenei wears the "see-through" robe once a while, must be made of some type of "sacred" threads! :O))
Your translation is unprecedented 'cause your footnotes are longer than the poem! Amazing! The background information does help understand this poem a lot better! If Shahin reads your translation he will be very honored and thrilled! He is able to write the lyrics, compose the music and does the singing! Incredibe!! Not every singer can do that!
IRI is trying to kill the guy, not sure if he can still perform in public?!
Thank you again for your exhaustive translation!
REA is right that you deserve a Nobel prize for translation!
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Wed Sep 05, 2012 07:59 AM PDTThank you all for your comments.
I believe this picture of Mohammad Khatami qualifies as wearing a yellow cloak >>>
By the way, the word "aba", exists in at least one dictionary, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary >>>, and also "habit" >>> is an archaic word for the type of garment worn by a religious order.
After debating it for a while, I decided on cloak instead.
Beautiful n depressing at the same time
by Rea on Mon Sep 03, 2012 06:47 PM PDTYou did a great job. Those who are into languages appreciate your effort, we know how hard it is to convey the message and yet keep the original spirit.
PS. Footnotes are the icing on the cake. Hope one day you win the Nobel for translation.
by yolanda on Mon Sep 03, 2012 06:15 PM PDTHi! MPD,
The poet/lyrics writer of this song is super erudite! His song sounds like an epic which has covered a lot of Iranian History, characters, and events! I enjoyed reading all your footnotes and references! Your translation is absolutely professionally done! Thank you for your extraordinary effort for translating every little detail and jargons!! The footnotes help me a lot understand this sophisticated and deep poem! With quality blog like this, I really can't quit IC! Seriously!
Here is chocolate, white, yellow I guess!
Thank you again for your translation, it gave me a mini lesson about Iran!
Paragraph 5, line 6 & 7
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:40 PM PDT... is a reference to former Iranian President Seyed Mohammad Khatami. I added anoter note, # [31], for now.
I specially like when he mentions the 20 million votes
by Soosan Khanoom on Sun Sep 02, 2012 08:54 PM PDTwasted and I believe he means ( by khatami ) !!!!???
Excellent .... Thank you MPD
by Soosan Khanoom on Sun Sep 02, 2012 09:05 PM PDTShahin is the voice of a nation. He writes and sings on behalf of us all.