IRI ambassador's wife in Paris


Nayereh Tohidi
by Nayereh Tohidi

Check this link below for an interview that will further assure you that it is not the “rich, nor the middle class soosools in northern Tehran " who are ruling the Islamic Republic of Iran, but they are the “poor toilers” (mostazafin) such as the Iran’s ambassador to France Mr. Aboutalebi and his wife Ms. Fatemeh Daroogar-Abutalebi, who make up the ruling class, especially those that make up the government of Mr. Ahmadinejad. Besides it is not only the “bourgeois Zahra Rahnavard or Mir- Hossein Musavi” who is artistic, there are many artists like this lady Daroogar-Abotalebi among the current rulers!

Just forget and never mind that about 90 people have been stoned to death under the IRI, because the attaché says “it is almost impossible to carry out stoning and it has been actually abolished in Iran”. Would the Ahmadinejad attaché lie to you or to the media? Never!

Besides, never mind that despite all the odds, Iranian women have been progressing in arts and science and making up 63 percent of university enrollment. Just listen to the wife of ambassador who will educate you about the existence of “a gland in the female brain that prohibits her from rational thinking” and that is why she is “very sorry” that “the Nobel Committee awarded the prize to a woman, Shirin Ebadi, an emotional being who is incapable of making correct judgments.” This Ms. Daroogar-Abutalebi will make the pro-Ahmadinejad and pro-IRI people prouder than ever, especially the left-inclined women supporters of Ahmadinejad should take a special note of the class background, the gender view, and intelligence level of the members of his administration inside and outside Iran!

To be fair, I give credit to the candor and frankness of this lady because of her openly disclosing of the world views and standards of living of the IRI diplomats inside and outside Iran .

Check the interview at the link below, but first read the following notes I have received from some friends:


Alhamdollelah the attaché speaking along with her says that “sangsar dar Iran kamelan mansookh shodeh”!!

She also says that women in her family are known for having good taste [and beautiful noses]…

همسر سفیرایران در فرانسه : غده ای در سرِ ما زنان وجود دارد که اجازه قضاوت درست را از مامیگیرد / اینجا خانه من 12 اطاق دارد. منزلم در ایران خیلی بزرگتر از اینجاست، ۵ طبقه است، یک چیزی بالای ۱۵۰۰ متره

بمناسبت هفته زن در رادیو فرانس کولتور، فاطمه میرابوطالبی، همسر سفیر جمهوری اسلامی در فرانسه مصاحبه ای با این رادیو انجام داده است …….

خبرنگار : مایلم در مورد خواسته های زنان ایرانی صحبت کنیم، شنیده ام که خانم شیرین عبادی برنده جایزه نوبل حقوق بشر برای تساوی حقوق زن و مرد در برابر قانون مبارزه میکند ……

همسر سفیر : من قبل از اینکه توضیح بدم، اینهم باز از اون چیزهائیه که متاسفانه، متاسفانه باید بگویم که این جایزه بعضی اوقات به کسانی داده میشود که لیاقتش را ندارند. من فکر میکنم خانمها عاطفی تر هستند. به نظرم میتواند به فرم بدنی آنها هم ارتباط داشته باشد. میدانید که زنها چگونه مادر میشوند؟ برای اینکه در سر زنها غده ای وجود دارد که مختص زنان است، چه در انسان و چه در حیوان. این بخش از سر زنان است که محرک اصلی حساسیت زنان است. بخاطر اینکه زنها خیلی عاطفی هستند خیلی دلسوز هستند خیلی مهربان هستند ممکنه که اون زمانی که میخواهند شهادت بدهند اون عواطفشون مانع این کار بشه و نتوانند درست تصمیم بگیرند ……

خبرنگار : خود شما به نظر نمیاد که احساساتتان باعث لغزش در تصمیماتتان بشود و شما را بسیار مصمم میبینم، من در ایران برعکس آنچیزی را که میگوئید دیده ام. بعضی اوقات زنان ایرانی را با افکاری بسیار روشن تر از مردان و بسیار باهوشتر از مردان ایرانی دیده ام ………

همسر سفیر : این درسته، این نظر شماست ولی این واقعیته! ما اون غده در سرمان هست، هرچقدر هم اقتدار داشته باشیم، آن موقع حساس، باز اون عواطف ما نمیذاره، باز جلوی ما را میگیره!

خبرنگار : چند اطاق دارید...

خانم سفیر : ۴ تا در طبقه اول، ۴ تا در طبقه دوم و ۴ تا درطبقه سوم. منزلم در ایران خیلی بزرگتر از اینجاست! سالن پذیرائی من یک چیزی حدود ۳۰۰ متره!

خبرنگار : خانه شما در ایران از تمام این کاخ بزرگتر است؟

خانم سفیر : بله منزل من ۵ طبقه است، یک چیزی بالای ۱۵۰۰ متره.

سئوال حبرنگار در مورد سکينه آشتیان (زن محکوم به سنگسار) : نظیر سکینه زیاد است. چندی پیش در آمریکا نطیر او اعدام شد. مگر مردم غزه بشر نیستند.


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Dec 20, 2010
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Fariba Amini

Thanks Nayereh joon. It is

by Fariba Amini on

Thanks Nayereh joon. It is amazing how these women can be total apologists for this regime and live in a 12 room mansion in Paris while someone like Nasrin Sotoudeh is being held in a tiny cell in Evin.

It used to be that the Shah's ambassadors and their wives lived like this but at least they had some class.

How did we end up with these people? 




great blog

by curly on



That attache is brilliant

by divaneh on

He made me laugh, but he should have been challenged a little. Here are the replies that he should have received.

Attaché: Stoning has entered Islam from Christianity and Judaism

Correct reply: Ok I got it, Muslims do it, but its Christians fault.

Attaché: The person who throws the stone must have never committed a sin.

Reply: Come on, you stole that one from Jesus. It doesn't exist in Islam.

Attaché: The person who throws the stone must have his hand attached to his body (be badanesh chasbideh baashe)

Reply: Yes, I think I would find it very difficult to move my hand if it wasn't attached to my body.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Do they still have guillotines in France?

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

They sound like French Aristocrats just before the French Revolution. "They don't have bread, well give them cake." She is totally detached from reality.

The last time I looked into this stoning WAS and still IS in the Islamic Penal Code, Article 71, 74, 83, 84, 89, 91, 93, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, and 107 of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


I didn't see the link but I

by TheMrs on

I didn't see the link but I wouldn't put too much tought into this. She admits that as a woman she is incapable of rational thought and she's incapable of making maing correct judements. So whatever she says is wrong anyway.



You hit the nail on the head, jj..Our Iranian officials

by DelilahNY on

feel safe on top so they do whatever they want. And then they say whatever they want, because there is no challenge, no accountability, and most of all no common sense.  It's not so much that they really think people believe them though. It's all because they feel safe. And the person in question is no different from all the rest. The disconnect is truly shocking. But for some time now we have been at a crossroads and I do feel there is an end in sight. I hope you share my optimism.

Darius Kadivar

Ajab Mosseebaty shodeh that we have Her and NKoreans has him

by Darius Kadivar on

To Represent them abroad ...

Playboy son of NKorea leader raps succession plan


BEIJING – The casino-loving eldest son of North Korea's Kim Jong Il — once tipped to succeed him before trying to sneak into Japan to go to Disneyland — says he opposes a hereditary transfer of power to his youngest half-brother.

The chubby 39-year-old Kim, the oldest of three brothers who were in the running to take over secretive North Korea, is the closest thing the country has to a playboy.

Unlike many of his countrymen back home who lack the resources and connections to travel overseas, Kim travels freely and spends much of his time in China or the country's special autonomous region of Macau — the center of Asian gambling with its Las Vegas-style casinos.

Shifteh Ansari

IRI-style bliss: a life of luxury and utter stupidity

by Shifteh Ansari on

People who can afford it can have access to extremely luxurious standards of life in Iran.  We cannot be sure where this woman and her husband's wealth came from, as there is no talk about it in what we can hear.  Is it possible that she inherited the property or the money with which she bought her home?  I don't believe we should worry too much about this couple's wealth.  It is a foregone conclusion that Iranian authorities live a life of luxury. 

What bothers me about this woman is the tumor that is growing in her brain, making her stupid, pushing her into believing that other women are equally stupid and retarded as her.  And she thought she was doing so well, repeating nonsense and saying things that she was sure would endear her to Tehran as the perfect Ambassador's wife.  Who told her she could do this interview?!  That person's job is on the line, too! 

For her stupidity and this fiasco, even if her husband stays, she will be pushed out of her "tiny" mansion in Paris and she can go back to her madineh fazeleh of Islamic Republic of Iran, where she can live in her five story house and paint a few hundred more paintings.  She is a total idiot.

Nayereh Tohidi

You are right. But I meant

by Nayereh Tohidi on

You are right. But I meant to show the continuing lies and hypocrisy in this government. As a friend wrote: "Remember this is the wife of the ambassador of an administration whose president puts on a show for the wedding of his son in which one piece of fruit is placed in front of each guest right on the carpet. Even plates are deemed too luxurious! " Now, the wife of this ambassador reveals that they live in a 3-store house of 12 bedrooms in Tehran even larger than their luxurious residence building in Paris and ...

Jahanshah Javid

Shocking disconnect

by Jahanshah Javid on

She's no different than today's Iranian officials. They say the most ridiculous things and expect us to accept and praise their stupidity and arrogance. And that's only because they feel safe on top. There's no challenge. There's no accountability. There's no common sense.