
Nazanin Ghasemian
by Nazanin Ghasemian

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Recently by Nazanin GhasemianCommentsDate
Oct 18, 2008
Oct 16, 2008
Oct 12, 2008
more from Nazanin Ghasemian

How is it obvious?

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

It doesn't bother me at all to reply. 

In this entry, I'm concerned about the plight of women insofar as it relates to abusing the issue for a completely separate (&dangerous) cause. 
I am only pointing out a flaw in an argument that pretends to care about women and homosexuals. 
Your attack makes me wonder whether you're doing something to help women, as you seem so concerned about us. 
Are you lamenting that Iran isn't compared to European countries or the lack of rights for women in Iran? 


Nazanin: Obviously, you're

by sad (not verified) on

Nazanin: Obviously, you're not concerned with the plight of women in Iran. You're into political hackery. Don't bother replying. It is such as shame that our so called educated people of your calibre. sad


Hi "sad"

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

You're delving into a lot. 

I'm focused on the use of females (&more recently homosexuals) to promote political agendas. 
It doesn't sit right that Wolf Blitzer decries the lack of rights in Iran on his show and excludes an Iranian female voice on the topic, which certainly exists.
Mr. Blitzer then proceeds to regularly attend lavish dinners in McLean, VA at the home of the Saudi Foreign Minister. He would never visit an Iranian minister's home. I'm not saying he should do this, but it definitely weakens his argument about caring about women in society. 
Also, I'd really like for you to post those videos about forced hejab. Within religion there are many examples of using women to promote political causes. You could post them here for everyone to see. 
I'm not pretending to be an expert with the right answers. Neither should you, especially if you're going to approach me anonymously frustrated.
However, I don't think the unexamined life is worth living. 
I'll continue pondering and writing about these issues, regardless of whether certain groups agree with me.


typo: I meant link to her

by sad (not verified) on

typo: I meant link to her article.

BTW, this is maryam namazi's blog. Ask her how she feels about this moron's article on her blog.



Nazanin jan: do you have the

by sad (not verified) on

Nazanin jan: do you have the link to Maureen Dowd's link. I'm going to have Maryam Namazi send her letter. What a sick human being.


What a tragic state of

by sad (not verified) on

What a tragic state of affairs when I see that we have succumb and fallen on such a base/low yardstick as the other Arab and Islamic Countries. My heart aches when I think about it.

Fred: Obviously, this women is reciting verbatim the political meme from our pseudo-left. Not knowing that the liberal left could not care less about Iran and why should they. They use useful idiots like her to score political gains in their domestic politics against republicans while the don't want the same freedom and rights for the brown skin people in the name of "Cultural Relativism"...I'm sick and tired of ignorance of our lazy pseudo-intellectuals on this site. It's quite embarassing.

The Democrats were the KKK founders in the past and their racism confounded with their amorality is much worse than the Republicans....

Ms. Nazanin, you must be young but I highly recommend you do some research on the history and philosophy of democratic/left in the U.S.

Please read Maryam's Namazi articles and website for more info on cultural relativism.


Nazanine: Do you know that before the revolution Iran was used to be compared to European countries such as Sweden? Have you read or know about women right in Iran before the revolution and how they were are rolled back by Khomeini's deception and laws? Have you watched the video of women demonstration in 1978 when Khomeini forced Mandatory Hejab on them?? If you need more info. Please let me know. I would be more than happy to provide them for you. That is if you're not a political hack and don't have any alterior agenda.


The argument, not brutality

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

My comments are about the argument, not brutality. I don't think Wolf Blitzer cares about women being brutalized in Iran. Women and gays are topics and tools for separate causes that don't serve women or gays. Americans are talking about reforming a country here. Whereas, the country that the 9-11 highjackers came from does not seem to require attention on the same topic.


Are you for real?

by Fred (not verified) on

I hope you are not working or studying in any field that requires a modicum of logic. What does Islamist repression of Iranian nation got to do with other’s behavior or as you put it the “administration and media”? How can condemning the daily atrocities meted out in Islamic Republic be “undermined by ignoring other, WORSE conditions in the region”. The argument might not be “genuine”, but the suffering and daily brutality is. Are you for real?


The purpose of this entry

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

The purpose of this entry was not to defend the Iranian regime.

I am calling attention to the inherent contradiction with the administration and media's argument against the situation for women in Iran.

What I am trying to point out is that the argument has been undermined by ignoring other, WORSE conditions in the region. It proves that the current impasse has very little to do with women or gays. This demographic is used conveniently to serve a separate political cause. The argument is not genuine.

More importantly, they cheapen an important issue.


Apple of granny's eye

by Fred (not verified) on

As despicable it is to have men defending the existence of this Islamic regime it is quite revolting to have a woman defend a misogynistic regime, albeit in a roundabout way. Being the granddaughter of first female driver license holder from Kermanshah makes it even worst for she should know better.