Hadi Khorsandi, our chat guest Saturday


Hadi Khorsandi, our chat guest Saturday
by Nazy Kaviani

I am excited to announce our next chat guest, Hadi Khorsandi.  Of course he has always been very nice to iranian.com and to his friend, Jahanshah, but I am most grateful to Hadi Khorsandi for accepting my invitation to come and talk to our community.

I doubt there are too many people who don't know who Hadi Khorsandi is.  He is a well-known and extremely well-loved Iranian poet, satirist, and comedian.  Even before the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Hadi Khorsandi was a beloved satirical columnist in Iran, with his many followers.  Mr. Khorsandi has lived in London since 1979 and is most notably known for his poetry and writing which appears on his website Asghar Agha.  He has had numerous stage and television appearances and continually packs the house wherever he has a show.  Hadi Khorsandi is father to two talented and funny artists, Peyvand and Shappi Khorsandi.

Please join us in welcoming him on Saturday, July 18th at 2:00 p.m. PST. 

I am putting the lastest poem he has posted on his site here:

لباس شخصی‌های شیکپوش
دیدمت. باتوم بر فرق جوانها میزدی
از همینجا تیر بر اندام آنها میزدی

دیدمت آراسته بنشسته در استودیو
دشنه بر قلب جوانان از همانجا میزدی

دیدمت با ظاهر تفسیرگوئی بی‌طرف
با کلامت بر اصول حرفه‌ای پا میزدی

واژه را از پیش با وسواس کردی انتخاب
جای الهامات و احساسات خود جا میزدی

با همان آمار مجعولی که میکردی ردیف
از همین لندن تبر بر ساقه‌ی ما میزدی

تا هماهنگی کنی با دسته‌ ارکستر نظام
هرکجا میشد زدن، یک دو.ر.می.فا میزدی

دیدمت. در عمق چشمان تو ترسی خفته بود
خاصه وقتی حرف ساواک و ساواما میزدی

موج میزد در میان چهره‌ات لورفتگی
بهر جبرانش گهی دل را به دریا میزدی

دیدمت انگار زیر چشم با ارباب خویش
چانه بهر حرف های سطح بالا میزدی

در خیابان‌های تهران همقطارانت به صف
ای لباس-شخصی!‍ تو هم زینسوی دنیا میزدی


I took this picture of him in March 2008 at Stanford, where poet Simin Behbahani was awarded the Bita Prize for Literature and Freedom.


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Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks Nazy jaan: please check the Chat ad: is says Sunday!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Every voice counts! Every action counts!