Ebadi's life in danger


Ebadi's life in danger
by News Goffer

I chatted briefly with Omid Memarian at the United Nations last night.  He had just finished interviewing Shirin Ebadi in Tehran .  He said having interviewed Ms. Ebadi tens of times, the usually resolute and strong defender of human rights in Iran was sounding a little tired, sad, and vulnerable this time around.  The recent attack on the building where Ebadi both lives and works, as police officers simply looked on has been a scary experience for the Nobel Peace Laureate.

I have often thought what kind of character it would take to do as she has done, standing up courageously for those political prisoners whose very legal representation has been a scary prospect for many attorneys in Iran.  I have often thought what would it take for most of us to fight tirelessly for a cause for 30 years, defending the rights of women and children of Iran, never giving up.  What I had never known, until I read Omid’s interview with Ms. Ebadi, has had me thinking and realizing new depths to Ebadi's courage, however. 

What would you do if you were Shirin Ebadi, accepting to represent the Forouhar family who were seeking justice for their slaughtered parents, going to read the files and perpetrators' confessions, only to realize that the same man who had issued permission (fatwa) to kill the Forouhars (Dorri Najafabdi) had also issued a similar permission for your murder?  I don’t know what I would have done, but I know what Shirin Ebadi did.  She forged ahead, undaunted and un-intimidated.  That’s the stuff she’s made of, more courageous than anyone else I have ever known in my life.

Please do whatever you can to bring awareness to Shirin Ebadi’s treatment in Iran .  Her life really is in danger. 

Read Omid Memarian’s interview with her in Inter Press Service here.  Photo from the same report.


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The goal is to force Shirin into exile

by Mammad on

The goal of suddenly racheting up pressure on Shirin is to force her into exile. Her presence in Iran creates a centralism around her for human rights advocates. She supports them, morally, practically, financially, etc. If she leaves Iran for good, it would take a long time to have another person with her stature to attract attention to the plight of political prisoners and other victims in Iran. She has said many times (several times to me personally) that she will not go into exile, although she can change her mind, given the bad situation.

The IRI is angry at her because the recent UN resolution and Human Rights Council's report on Iran referred to her work and her center frequently.

Those in exile who considered Shirin a stooge of the IRI - including the monarchists and Shahollaahies - must now be ashamed of themselves.



she is crazy women

by hajiagha on

move in Canada stupid women live 6 month then you will forget your your name and human right .


نامه به بان کی ‌مون، دبیرکل سازمان ملل



نامه زیر توسط جمعی از فعالان حقوق بشر و شخصیت‌های سیاسی و فرهنگی ایرانی مقیم خارج کشور برای ارسال به دبیرکل سازمان ملل متحد و دیگر نهادها و شخصیت‌های بین المللی، تهیه شده است. چنانچه مایل به افزودن نام خود به لیست امضاء کنندگان هستید لطفا به آدرس bhoghoogh@yahoo.de
ایمیل بفرستید.
لیست روز دوشنبه ۱۲ ژانویه ۲۰۰۹ (۲۳ دیماه ۱۳۸۷) بسته شده و نامه همراه با اسامی امضاء کنندگان برای گیرندگان ارسال می‌شود.

برای مشارکت در ادامه تلاش‌ها برای دفاع از خانم عبادی و بازگشایی دفتر کانون مدافعان حقوق بشر، از جمله برای رسانیدن این نامه بدست و جلب حمایت
اعضای پارلمان، روزنامه نگاران، فعالان حقوق بشر و دیگران در کشوری که اقامت دارید، نیز می‌توانید با ایمیل آدرس فوق تماس بگیرید.

Kaveh Nouraee

This is very troubling news

by Kaveh Nouraee on

While I don't believe that she will be physically harmed (because of her international profile), I do believe that she is sincerely in danger by other means, be it emotional or mental, or perhaps the spectre of physical harm against a family member as a way to get her to capitulate completely.

To "what a joke", I think you are way out of line to attack Mr. Kadivar. I'm also interested to know what you really think democracy and freedom are all about and how those two terms are truly defined.

Further, I second Kourosh's suggestion that you come up with something constructive rather than getting agitated because Mr. Kadivar posts many items related to the Pahlavi monarchy (for it's historical and nostalgic value rather than some political statement you take it to mean). He has also posted IRI related material, but that doesn't make him an Arabparast any more than you think his online Pahlavi "museum" (as I like to call it) makes him shahparast.

Niloufar Parsi

they won't

by Niloufar Parsi on

they won't kill her because the repercussions would be too great. they would not dare.



Her life is in danger

by ghalam-doon on

There are a lot of people in Iran who oppose the ruling elite. Their lives don't seem to be in danger.

But apparently hers is, and she still refuses protection. Even the president of the country has offered her protection.

Is it out of principle, I don't know but even Michael Moore in the "land of the free" has bodygaurds.

When one is a controversial figure, in any society, their life might be in danger.



Shrin Ebadi

by 1Dariushagha (not verified) on




It is SO serious.

by kouroshS (not verified) on

what a joke.

I think you are a little bit, how shall i say this, Unclear on the whole subject. Of course people matter. Do you expect to achieve democracy by magic and overnight? are you waiting for a miracle??
Do you have complete familiarity with the religion, culture of iran? If the answer is a yes, then why don't you make some recommnedations and join the debate and help us out? that could be a lot more constructive than bashing.

At least those who come to this site, are actively engaged in a dialouge and are suggesting ideas and sharing thoughts for iran's future, whether they are shah-parast or something else. And that is a start.



by what a joke (not verified) on

I dont get why Kadivar even talks about democracy? He believes in monarchy and defends the antiquated pahlavis and the neem-pahlavis return to power. kadivar speaking about democracy is like a hooker talking about virginity.

seriously i am tired of him and all these other people who just use words like democracy and freedom but dont believe in any of it. these people have no understanding of iran, its people, its culture, its religion, etc. and when they do they just make fun of the people. so then what kind of democracy is that? either the people matter or they dont? which one is it

DW Duke

Get Out of Iran

by DW Duke on

I wish she would get out of Iran.  Not only could she be much more open and vocal but she would not have to deal with death and prison threats. 

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Fellow Nobel Laureate Concerned For Ebadi's Safety

by Darius Kadivar on

more here :


Nobel Peace Prize winner Williams says Iranian authorities "have to be serious about protecting her, not pretending and saying one thing to the international community and then behaving a different way at her house."


Exceptional Lady Activist

by IRANdokht on

NG jan I have always wondered the same thing. When they took power and demoted Dr Ebdai to an "office girl", a lot of people including me would have quit in her place...  She didn't and she kept on fighting. She not only fought for her own status, she continued defending women and children and all innocent victims. Dr Ebadi was, is and will always be a hero to me and many Iranians I know.

I am sorry to hear about this very close call and I hope that the international pressure and the attention that she deserves will come to her rescue and keep her safe from harm. She deserves our respect and our support.

Thank you so much for this wonderful blog, the insight to the situation and Omid's interview. Lets spread the word and alert everyone. I wish us all luck! 


Darius Kadivar

I wish her well ...

by Darius Kadivar on

But for once she can't blame the opposition in exile for her predicament ... 

I simply wonder if she still thinks she can reform it into an Islamic Democracy ? Nearly every prominent members of Iran's civil society from Amir Entezam ( in Prison) to Akbar Ganji who went on a hunger strike that nearly cost his life consider that this Regime cannot be reformed and wish to see Free Elections take place and the removal of the Velayeteh Fagih.

Can Khatami or any other reformer bring that Change ? Yes We Can ? ... 

I don't have the answer.

Maybe she should join the Diaspora ( not the Political parties) in exile and its intellegenstia and join her voice and use international prestige to convince the Western Democracies and the Obama adminstration to give voice to Iran's Civil Society beyond the political spectrum and not the current Iranian Leadership.

The lack of a leadership and a true program for Change as well as the lack of unity amongst Iranians at large is what makes this unpopular regime so solidly rooted.

I'm not very optimistic for our collective future as a nation, or prospects of a genuine democracy in Iran in a near future ...

That said I sincerely wish her well and will do my share to alert others in the press and community on her courageous and noble endeavors.




sick of madness!

by Hajminator on

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