This Week in the News


Niki Tehranchi
by Niki Tehranchi

Not in Oprah's Book Club

Tony Blair published his memoir, a 700 page volume entitled 'Journey' that reveals fascinating behind-the-scenes details on the thought process that went on behind his sometimes controversial decisions during his long tenure as Britain's Prime Minister from 1994 to 2007.  Readers interested in the American perspective on that historical period can look forward to the release next week of former U.S. President George W. Bush's own memoir, a 7 page volume entitled 'Curious George.'

Eat Mad Cow Burgers instead

The US Food and Drug Administration announced that fish and shellfish harvested from the Gulf Coast are perfectly safe to eat despite being exposed to toxic chemicals because of the disastrous BP oil spill in the region.  To boost the FDA statement that nothing bad could happen to you by eating Gulf Coast seafood, President Obama and his wife made a very public outing to New Orleans' Red Lobster restaurant where they proceeded to consume a vast array of local fare.  When their waiter was late in fetching their dessert however, Obama snapped his head off with one of his tentacles and Michelle ate him.


Maybe they were looking for stones

Special arrangements were made for cheerleaders to dress more modestly during the US-Iran basketball game at the FIBA World Championships in Istanbul, after Iranian officials sitting in the audience reportedly stood up and turned their back on the female dancers during previous matches.  FIBA Secretary-General Patrick Baumann defended his decision as being one that was meant to respect "cultural sensitivities" and even added that further changes would be made next year when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad becomes the squad's choreographer-in-chief. 


Sgt. Pepper's Loo

A UK auction house made over 14,000 dollars by selling a toilet that once belonged to John Lennon.  Inspired by this feat, Russian President Dmitry Medyedev announced that he would soon be holding a Kremlin garage sale to try to sell off a bidet that once belonged to Vlad Lenin.



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Nice job Niki! (LOL's)

by Monda on

This is becoming addictive, already.  So, please make sure your family's healthy and in good spirits any day of the week especially before and after you write these reports.  Thank you.

Jahanshah Javid

Niki email

by Jahanshah Javid on

Great! I will forward you the information. I'm not sure if I have your correct email. Email me first and I will take care of the rest.

Niki Tehranchi


by Niki Tehranchi on

Sure! Email me and let me know the details pls.  And by the way, kudos to her :)


Very funny

by Abarmard on

President Bush's new book. lol

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Mahsa Saeidi-Azcuy is an Iranian American attorney in New York. She's going to be on The Apprentice this season. Would you like to interview her? The publicist has contacted me and wants to know if anyone would like to do a feature on her. Let me know!


18 year old ousts the 18th seed Aravane Rezai

by Anonymouse on

After catching a red eye following the expats conference in Iran Rezai succumbed to an 18 year old ranked 371.

Okay don't kill me for it :-) 

Everything is sacred