If you had paid attention to the speeches or articles written by the clerics who belong to the oligarchic ruling class in IR ( prior to Ahmadinejad ) since last year, you will notice that they all agree that there is an ongoing conspiracy which has not been eliminated. Through historical facts ( some centuries old ) they openly say that they are worried to witness " The Quran on spears ".
The significance of such terminology lies in the history of Islam. What it really means is that they believe the real danger is not coming from those who are traditionally the enemy of IR, but those who belong to IR and were grown with IR and islamic ideology ( Khodi haaye monharef ).
How did we get here?
Three decades ago, the majority of Iranians who dreamed about a moral utopia, followed a revolutionary cleric with extensive political credentials. This utopia never materialised. Different political groups ( Marxists, secular, nationalists, democrats ) started to ask difficult questions from the clergies who could not provide the correct answers. Regardless of who was asking or demanding, the clergies followed two approaches to address the issues;
1- All demands and questions were cross checked by Quran and the sharia laws and they argued only through religion our problems would be solved.
2- Based on the same Sharia Laws, they pushed aside ( eliminated ) many who were demanding and asking difficult questions.
As a direct result of such policies, the clergies lost the unconditional support ( from all social classes) they had enjoyed at the early stages of revolution. The only group still loyal ( by hope or fear ) to the ruling clergy class were the muslim population ( Practicing Muslims ). This last group or segment of our society still had hopes for the utopia promised by our religious leaders.
People witnessed that years after the end of war, despite the brutal elimination of the oppositions by the ruling clergy class, and inspite of our vast resources, the report card on an Iran ruled by the religious clergies is a failure both politically and economically.
The last group standing ( The practicing muslims ) are starting to ask the same difficult questions again ( very similar to early revolution ).
What can the ruling clergy class do?
When they dealt with marxists, they called them " Kafar" or infidels. When they were dealing with a clergy who was advocating separation of religion and politics, they labeled him advocate of "American Islam". When dealing with a liberal democrat, they labeled them " westernized".
But what would you do with those who grew up listening to your lectures and speeches in the mosques? Can you call them Kafar??
When the Qurans are raised, they will ask ; Are these the words of God or do you speak on his behalf? which one?!
Recently by No Fear | Comments | Date |
«وارونهفهمی» | 23 | Apr 30, 2011 |
انقلاب ما، انفجار نور بود | 18 | Feb 19, 2011 |
۲۲ بهمن یا ۲۵ بهمن یا هیچ کدام ؟ | 5 | Feb 10, 2011 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
by Bavafa on Sun Jul 11, 2010 09:29 PM PDT"But we should support any movement or group that limits clerical expansion in governmental policies."
That is the essence and motivation for those who insist of a democratic and free system in Iran. Democratic in the sense of "hokomate mardom bar mardom" as oppose to "deen bar mardom" which requires separation of religion and state.
"I wonder why people are so afraid of an Ayatollah in Qom"
Without intending any insult, I am reminded of the Persian expression "adam mar gazideh az reesomne siah o sefeed ham meetarseh"
For too long, the clergy (Akhoond) words, teaching and their polices in the last thirty years have not been subject to questioning or dissident. That ought to give you a reason as why any body, not connected to this system, is afraid of any Ayatollah, regardless.
I read the link you provided and you can see the sign of dictating terms and conditions of who can and should run the affairs of the country (hokoomat koneh)
by No Fear on Sun Jul 11, 2010 09:28 PM PDTIt certainly makes it very simple to group and generalize a variety of different opinions and ideologies under the banner of " West residing IRI cyber groupie".
Afterall, It is a well suited term used by those who can't be bothered with any other opinion than their own.
There are great differences between the opinions of the west residing groupies. I have a keen interest in understanding those and trying to reduce the gap between us. It just happens that most of these west residing groupies are also the most rational and logical ones which makes the debate ever more interesting.
I know where your group comes from. I know you rather think of me as a rapists of boys and girls, murderer, stupid as shit fuckhead who dies for an arab prophet, undemocratic prick who believes in Quran and so on... I have my ear full of what you are saying and if only it wasn't too repetitive, i might have had a keen interest in what your thoughts would be as well. Sincerely.
There will be no glasnost or perestroika for IRI
by AMIR1973 on Sun Jul 11, 2010 09:27 PM PDTThe Rapist Regime will stay the Rapist Regime whether it comes under new management (which it hasn't really, since the Rahbar became the Rahbar 21 years ago and Council of Guardians & Assembly of Experts are dominated by "men of religion") and whether it gets a new coat of paint (which it hasn't really either, since the goons of the IRGC have adopted the Rafsanjani role of looting Iran, as seen in their involvement in IRI's natural gas industry and AN's privatization measures).
The "lesson" of the USSR was that when an authoritarian "revolutionary" regime becomes more "open" and the people gain more rights and freedoms, then that will set the stage for its collapse. And bear in mind that the lousy Commies of the old USSR, like Gorbachev, were a lot more "forward looking" and "enlightened" than the women killers and executioners of the IRI (both factions: akhoonds and armed goons of the akhoonds, aka IRGC & Basij). Moreover, despite the USSR's many, many economic problems, it had the second strongest military and second biggest economy in the world--IRI's economy and military are not even in the same league. The IRI will not "reform" in any fundamental and meaningful way.
by No Fear on Sun Jul 11, 2010 09:10 PM PDTI salute to your patience and time spending on ISK. i am following your exchanges.
Mola: You've got a friend in No Fear
by AMIR1973 on Sun Jul 11, 2010 09:05 PM PDTWe have more in common than you might think.
You're discovering this just now? I've been saying Mola was a West-residing IRI Cyber Groupie for quite a while. As Khahar Niloufar likes to say, "Welcome Aboard!" (the Islamist Love Boat, that is). I feel a budding romance between Mola's shotor and "No Fear's" president AN. Will I be invited to the wedding? :-)
what Saudis learnt from Mohammad
by i_support_khamenie on Sun Jul 11, 2010 08:41 PM PDTThey learnt that to survive and expand your sphere of influence you have to play nice with all sides.
You then take out the little guys. Once you are big enough, you flex your muscles.
The Saudi government despite its corrupt royal family has been a master chess player.
They maintained good relations with US to avoid retaliation for 911.
At the same time, they supported the Wahhabi Sunni movement to take on Iran and its supporters.
They effectively turned the emence hate of the Western world away from Saudi Arabia and focused it on Iran itstead.
It is no wonder why Mohammed was so successful, he is named the most influenctial personality. These Saudis are his progeny. Not the Iranian clerics who fake their relation to Mohammad just to get that black turban.
Iranians meanwhile have been very poor at juggling. They would either completely side with the West as in Shah's time or the opposite as we see today.
Today the Iranian clerics due to poor strategy have managed to garner the hate of US and the hate of Sunnis who regard Iranians as Shias and not as Muslims.
Throughout history, Iran has been afflicted with rulers who are poor politicians. Even in the historic times, the Persians were hated by the Arab Muslims and the Romans.
Will history repeat itself? Are Iranians in for another Qadesiya beating that would humiliate them for generations?
Whatever the answer, Mohammad must be laughing in his grave at how stupid his Iranian followers turned out to be
Poor and Naive, still deserve to know
by I Voted Ahmadinejad on Sun Jul 11, 2010 08:33 PM PDTWhere exactly are all those billion of $$ that Raf made just before stealing some more billions???So Iranian economy thrived in 16 years of Raf & co's rule? wow!! how could a group of corrupt eliet run an administration effectively? Corruption has dominon effect, the boss is a crock that makes the bus boy looking for tea money every time he serves the public with a cup of tea.
During Raf era, Iran was found inside the land that was inherited by Raf &Co. Billions were stolen and more billions were mismanaged!!
take Kerman carmaking Manfacturing as an example, how much money of Raf'own inheritance money was spent on it? and where is the company today?
George W Bush would be another role model when it comes to a healthy and effective economy!!! yeah he took over country with surplus and turned into the biggest fiscal crissis seen in centuries!! ver efficient.
on the other hand, Ahmadinejad fixed many inefficencies(subsidies),which were given away from Raf's inheritance to poor and naive pople like me to keep us quite. That is why Raf was Kareem and Ahmadi is Bakhile!!!!
Talking about oil well fire in Naftshar, BP and American goverment were stunned to see Iran was able to stop the leak-it was a natural gas leak which was fuelling the fire and made it hard to contain. This is exactly we, poor and naive with denied visa entry into Saudi, take pride of, our own trained Eng and Tec without help from the West.
I_support_Khmanei, I have seen many Iranians who bash and insult Islam, Prophet, Imam Ali-never mind late Imam or Raf-however, they dont call themselves what you chose as your ID. Of course, it is and will be your own decision to pick a name for yourself, but, as you mentioned, I need not to be so naive.
ram jams
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sun Jul 11, 2010 08:08 PM PDTThe problem with IRI Mullahs is they are both like the Pope and Hitler. They like to murder as Hitler did and to rape boys as the Pope does. I guess you get both degeneracies for the price of one.
Neither your life nor your back end are safe from the Akhoonds. You may think of this as good. I do not. I like my life safe and my reas end is and exit only portal.Any involvement of religion in politics is bad news. But I do not expect you to agree.
by No Fear on Sun Jul 11, 2010 08:03 PM PDTThank you for following this topic. I have also made a habit of reading most of your posts and i follow your thoughts.
We have more in common than you might think.
by No Fear on Sun Jul 11, 2010 07:56 PM PDTTrue, there are many organs and institutions that are still under clergy control. But we should support any movement or group that limits clerical expansion in governmental policies.
I wonder why people are so afraid of an Ayatollah in Qom who never held any positions in the government and is busy teaching and preaching in Qom ( Mesbah Yazdi ). A clergy who acts within the parameter of religion without crossing the political line ( seperation of Religion and politics ).
We call this man an ultra conservative because the religious oligarchic class has introduced him to us in this manner. What has he DONE to inflict such fear and horror in to the masses? How familiar is anyone who accuses him is with his ideologies?
I can name quite a few other religious politicians in Iran which their actions fits your description of Ultra conservative perfectly. However, they speak of reform today and to the uninformed, these dinosaurs are the voices of modernity and change in Iran.
Ofcourse, when you create a "Lu lu khor khoreh" like Mesbah Yazdi, it makes people to accept your political version of Islam more receptively. Do you see my point?
PS; I posted a link for you to read about one of Mesbah's speeches about VF. What do you think? Should his views be supported?
you cannot re-write history by telling otherwise
by MM on Sun Jul 11, 2010 07:36 PM PDTThis current system is the opposite of what Khomeini promised to all and fooled the masses to follow him and blindly asked him to write a constitution for Iran. See Khomeini's 50 lies under the apple tree:
Note Khomeini's comments before and after he took over total control of the government.
People got fooled by believing a man who seemed pius before he took off his mask and showed his hidden agenda after he secured total power. Never again.
Re: No fear & I voted for Ahmadinejad
by i_support_khamenie on Sun Jul 11, 2010 07:04 PM PDTMaybe some people with naive understanding who are fed up with the current situation in Iran would buy into the "Akhond" has no place in politics and should retire.
Politics is not something one studies. It comes with experience. Many of US presidents were former generals. Pervez Musharaf was a general. Can we then say that a general should be allowed to run the country?
To try and bolster Ahmaghinejad by arguing that he is not an "Akhond" is weak.
Do you think Europeans would prefer to have someone like Pope John Paul rule them or someone like Hitler?
Ahmaghinejad is nothing but the product of class bitterness. He had a lot of vengence in him.
He is primarily supported by lower classes. The Middle Class which is in most societies represents the most way forward for any nation do not support him. They prefer other candidates.
The types that support AN are the ones that know jack about foreign policy, believe that Iran secretly has nuclear weapons and other folks who have had their visas denied to foreign countries and bury a deep seated hatred and bitterness.
Well, that is not the way to run a country. And if Rafsanjani wants to steal billions. Good for him, so long as he generates billions for Iran too. But if Ahmaghinejad wants to be a pauper and walk around in socks ripped up at the heals and wants to turn Iran into a Cambodia then sorry, I am opposed to him.
The followers of AN are indeed very naive. They think that if AN rides a Peykan than a Mercedes to work then that means he is being an efficient president. Well, that is not the measure. He can sit in a Peykan and save Iran $60,000 price tag of a Mercedes, but if the damn oil field is burning in one province for 1.5 months and we don't have the euipment to put it out, then we are losing close to $500,000 daily. By creating unstable conditions and scaring foreign countries, we have to pay 3 X retail prices for Boeing prices, we have to wat 10 years before gas fields are explored. Meanwhile Qatar keeps selling gas from the same field.
With AN, we have the bizzarest foreign policy. Today Qatar and Turkey are friend. But at the same time, both Qatar and Turkey have firm alliances with US and have relations with Israel. Who benefits? Qataris and Turks who overnight become champions of the Palestinian cause without acting stupid like Iranians and cutting their relations with the G20 countries.
Supporters of AN are of such limited mindset they are literally focused on the pennys being saved here and there and cannot understand that the economies of a nation are built on investments and billions.
They tend to think that if people save their money and not consume too much, everything will be good. Little do they know that the rug merchant in Kashan, if he can't sell his 10 million toman carpet to a rich person, he wouldn't be able to employ the same carpet weavers (that are BTW voting for AN).
Given AN's policies: I would like to suggest that all surgeons, do their own laundry and iron their own shirts and save $20 weekly...instead of spending that time doing another shift in the hospital, make $700 and spend $20 on the dry cleaners.
Japan was known for its high savings rate in the 1990s and it culminated in it buying Columbia Records by Sony. However, the US quickly came back because of its strong consumer spending.
Even after 911, George Bush rightfully encouraged Americans to go out, shop and buy...to make sure the economy is stimulated and grows.
However, had it been AN and his ilk, after a 911 type event, they would have said something like Allah punished us due to frivilous spending....please save your monies and don't buy 'ridiculous' thigs like 'pizzas, shoes and clothes.' And the economy would have collapsed.
I don't understand, why supporters of AN are so focused on nickels and pennies. They at times act so much like Yahoodiya that one wonders whether they have some Johood blood in them somewhere and whether they will be stingy when it comes to putting meat in their guest's dish.
One thing is for sure. I feel sorry for guests that attend a wedding for an AN supporter. They might have to starve that evening and hear things like ," Israf Haram ast" while the guests go hungry and curse the day these Johoods in Islamic robes were ever cast on us.
Sorry, but Iranians are against folks who are khasees and bakheel and keiney.
To AN and his followers, some poor guy in Shiraz would have been more Islamic than someone like bin Laden the multimillionare. Except, the poor guy is super stingy and never spends whereas bin Laden (according to his mindset) put all his money and millions in th eservice of Islam.
Keep focusing on Saddam's 40 million dollar palaces and curse him for his $4 billion dollar wealth, but close your eyes to the hundreds of billions in damages and oil robbing that US did to Iraq. Because you can only see so far. You can only understand class hate and warefare. And when you complain to God, why the poor stay so poor, he responds because I give my money to those who are not tight fisted and are kareem. Ina Lah kareemun uhebo al karam.
"after I joined leghaallah"
by comrade on Sun Jul 11, 2010 05:26 PM PDTپیوسته شاد و برقرار باشید.
On the topic
by I Voted Ahmadinejad on Sun Jul 11, 2010 05:14 PM PDTNo Fear you are right on the point. The late Imam,too, was very hesitant to have clergy run the country.
ram jams
regarding Hojjatieh flavor of Shiism (to Comrade, & NF)
by marhoum Kharmagas on Sun Jul 11, 2010 05:11 PM PDT"Thank you for the discreet, and subtle correction of my erroneous usage of "on the record". "
You are welcome Comrade jaan. As you may guess after I joined leghaallah I was directly sent to barzakh, and was given a house next to rafigh Nourroddin. Initially I thought the intention was to punish me, after talking to you I suspect they intended to punish Nourroddin more! I need to thank you for making me realize that!
BTW, hazrate No Fear, don't worry. If you happen to join us here in barzakh, they will not make you my neighbor, based on what I know, Hojjatieh supporters, Temsah yazdi supporters and alike, are sent to a section that get much higher daily doses of hot tar.
Iranian women the main concern for ISK
by I Voted Ahmadinejad on Sun Jul 11, 2010 04:54 PM PDTThe more I read ISK post, the less it impresses me. I m not a historian, but here are few facts about Ali
First and foremost, when it comes to Iran, with no doubt, Ali was a great fan of Iranians and Iran. There are many narrations from Ali, implying how he favores Iranians over his fellow arabs. He had his son Houssien marrying the persian princesses
Unlike Abu-Bakar, Ali did not have the support of eliet class of Mecca to name one Abu-Sofyan, the last man who accepted Islam. And that was exactly what impeded Ali to be named as Khaliefe.Abu-bakar was not pragmatic nor is Rafsanjani, they are simply corrupt.
Just like Abubakr, Rafsanjani had his shot at governing a big nation, with support of big businessmen who only see mony and profit and nothing else. After 16 years of "pargmatic adminstrating", no one and this is no one would cheer for him-maybe a handful of people-due to his destructive, inflationary and fox like -did u mention 'cunning?-policies. And that is why last night He sat by Agaha next to Larijani. He well knows, if Agah Ali withdraws his support, he will have to run away to Sauadi where he can be with the other pargmatics.
To be pragmatic, one, first, needs to be truswothy. Corruption is not the same as pargmatissim.All rafsanjani did during his 16 years(Khatamie is smaller version of Raf) of rein was to let his gang rob Iran.
On the matter of Iranian women, How many women from Iranian background are living in USé hOW many of them are peeling off their clothes for Àmerican businessmen``É
Your ID, ISK, is confusing to me.
ram jams
Never degrade a spear
by mahmoudg on Sun Jul 11, 2010 03:21 PM PDTIt is worth more in value than placing a Quran on its tip.
No Fear,
by Mola Nasredeen on Sun Jul 11, 2010 03:11 PM PDTGood analysis of the ruling clerical class. It seems to me your finger is on the Velayat Faghih's pulse meaning you understand the regime of Iran and Iranian peoples' reform movement.
By writing the following: "
"Three decades ago, the majority of Iranians who dreamed about a moral utopia, followed a revolutionary cleric with extensive political credentials. This utopia never materialised. Different political groups ( Marxists, secular, nationalists, democrats ) started to ask difficult questions from the clergies who could not provide the correct answers. Regardless of who was asking or demanding, the clergies followed two approaches to address the issues;
1- All demands and questions were cross checked by Quran and the sharia laws and they argued only through religion our problems would be solved.
2- Based on the same Sharia Laws, they pushed aside ( eliminated ) many who were demanding and asking difficult questions. As a direct result of such policies, the clergies lost the unconditional support ( from all social classes) they had enjoyed at the early stages of revolution. The only group still loyal ( by hope or fear ) to the ruling clergy class were the muslim population ( Practicing Muslims ). This last group or segment of our society still had hopes for the utopia promised by our religious leaders."
You've given a perspective of the reform movement in Iran that had already started more than a 100 years ago. Some (many among the readers of iranian dotcom) were expecting a quick downfall of the Islamic Republic regime of Iran due to the massive demonstrations on the streets of Iran hence their bitter reactions and anger to what has followed since.
No fear: I am afraid not credible,
by Bavafa on Sun Jul 11, 2010 03:10 PM PDTAlthough I admit I am not nearly as familiar with AN cabinet and their qualification, there is little doubt with the overall control and involvement of clergy and religious entities in the day to day running of the nation.
AN's open support for Mesbah Yazdi as one of the most conservative clergy currently fighting for the feature of Iran can only show his total support for the role of religion and by that extension, the clergy, not only in the direction but also running and controlling the nation.
The guessing game continue :)
by Souri on Sun Jul 11, 2010 03:02 PM PDTComrade has a great sense of humor, the one of "minoo66" and "akhtar khanom" or "mirza ghashamsam"...
I like his sense of humor, but taking him for an ex-Toudehy would be a huge mistake ( even if it is made by you, benross)
LOL :)
"Please people...."
by comrade on Sun Jul 11, 2010 02:42 PM PDTWith JJ's strict rules... I don't think so
Please people....
by No Fear on Sun Jul 11, 2010 02:35 PM PDTAnyone have anything to say about the topic?
by benross on Sun Jul 11, 2010 02:32 PM PDTI don't think you are a Toudehy either
The guessing game in itself is intriguing! This is my take:
He is an ex ex ex ex Toodé'ee, and as I said, once Toodé'ee, always Toodé'ee. But he is kind off rusty. His take on baazaar was a bit improvised and odd :-)
"Daijaan comrade"
by comrade on Sun Jul 11, 2010 02:29 PM PDTThank you for the discreet, and subtle correction of my erroneous usage of "on the record".
ISK; I did not read the body of this blog, given it's "poster"..
by fooladi on Sun Jul 11, 2010 02:03 PM PDTand was about to pass it, then saw your comment and read it... and found it very informative. You seem to have studied the topic well. You should consider taking this comment to your own blog, where it can be discussed and understood by wider audience. Lots of poeople, including myself tend to ignore comments posted by this particular blogger.
I dont share the idea expressed by some that "islam is exposed in Iran for what it is". Far from it, I think that islam, and shia islam is still the strongest force within Iranian masses. I personally believe in masses and believe their collective will is what makes the history. To that end, it is critical for all of us to understand the dynamics within islam from a historical perspective. That is precisely what you have done.
BTW you are the living proof that i am not put off by the "user ID" of the poster :)
comrade jaan!
by marhoum Kharmagas on Sun Jul 11, 2010 02:12 PM PDTEasy, don't be so paranoid Daijaan comrade! Yes, because of your signature I asked you a question. I didn't know you would loose sleep over it!
Enjoy part 1 of Daijaan Napelon:
BTW "on the record"/for the record, I voted for Karroubi, although I regret it! .... and under no circumstances I vote for Ahmadenejad although I wish him success if he does not capitulate!
"because of his signature"
by comrade on Sun Jul 11, 2010 01:46 PM PDTای بابا، پیش خودم گفتم این جوون موونا سرشون به فینال فوتبال گرمه،
بهتره از خلوتی این گردشگاه استفاده کنم...نگو که کارم داره به کهریزک
I have nothing against him either
by marhoum Kharmagas on Sun Jul 11, 2010 01:38 PM PDTI don't have anything against him either, I asked him a question because of his signature.
BTW, Souri "jaan" chetori? Hope you are doing well.
by I Voted Ahmadinejad on Sun Jul 11, 2010 01:28 PM PDTI like to have fun too, and that is why I voted for Ahmadinejad. Have u heard Moshaie's name?Rafsanjani, Janati, Khatami, Yazdi, Karobi......dont like him a bit.
ram jams
by Souri on Sun Jul 11, 2010 01:26 PM PDTI don't think you are a Toudehy either. I don't even believe that you are an ex-leftist.
Don't understand why you do this..........
But I have nothing against you