Open Letter to President Obama

Noshin Hatami
by Noshin Hatami

Dear Mr. President,

I listened to your message of hope, tranquility and happiness that you highlighted through the long and exhausting campaign. And I voted for you. I have also read your books. As an Iranian-American, I strongly believe that with your great skills of communication it is possible to come to some kind of understanding between the American and Iranain people. I would like to see that you not impose sanctions on Iran because it hurts both people. I strongly believe any military attack on Iran would be a disaster for both nations. Those who advise you to attack Iran are the same people who advised George W. Bush to attack Iraq. I hope you will consider this individual opinion.

With all respect,

Noshin Hatami



OK, then make a suggestion

by AK69 on

-  What do you suggest to be done with the islamic regime that is enslaving Iran and Iranians? 


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan