تو بمیری و جون عمت

by Nur-i-Azal

Recently in a conversation with one of the resident contingency of the Bahai Internet Agency I stated in Persian "to bemiri" and literally translated the expression "jun-e-ammat" into English as "your auntie's life." Since it now appears that this person has virtually no connection with on the ground Iranian culture and colloqial on the ground expressionisms, in a fit of utter stupidity they have misunderstood the expressions as being death threats and so accusing me of threatening their family's lives. It boggles the mind how a genuine Iranian could actually misunderstand these. But it makes perfect sense how a non-Iranian or an ethnic Persian with no solid connections to Iran could. QED.


more from Nur-i-Azal


by Nur-i-Azal on

That's the tried and true method of cultists generally, and you Haifan Bahais particularly. Resisting you cultists and not backing down, and generally throwing your sh*t back in your faces in no holds barred fashion with the Truth, is not the same method. 



Slander and Vilification?

by Gavazn on

But that's YOUR method, isn't it? It's funny how whenever you are in a corner your last resort is to print a silly list. Or getting your new "Mummy" to come and throw abuse and curse one of those that cirticised you and hurt your enormous ego.

By the way, I am not a Bahai, but that does not matter to you, truth is not what you care about Mr Sunshine "NUR". IC wouldn't be the same without your comedy.


BAHAI Tactics & Techniques

by Nur-i-Azal on


"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i
Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize,
Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile,
Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball,
Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far
as possible they hold back from responding

2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given
issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will
try to divert to secondary
totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues

4. The exposer is then painted as someone
with an axe to grind,
deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and
insanity to the exposer,
shoot the messenger

6. Then,
the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue
exposed while supporting
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais


Juan Cole, University of
Michigan, June 12, 1998:

"Let me ask you why in the world you think
that I would risk my professional reputation by publicly stating
falsehoods? ...The very technique of the more glaze-eyed among these
people is to unbearably bully a Baha'i whom they don't like, use
unjustified threats of declaring him or her a CB [Covenant Breaker
(heretic)] to silence the individual, and if the person will not be
silenced, then to depend upon the gullibility of the Baha'is in refusing
to listen to any victim's story because, of course, the Baha'i
institutions are infallible and divinely guided and could never do
anything wrong. It is a perfect racket. Of course, this technique of
making liberals go away has been enormously successful, and ex-Baha'i
liberals have no credibility with the remaining Baha'is nor do most of
them have any energy to continue to make a case, either to the Baha'is
or the outside world, for the incredible abuses that go on inside this
organization ostensibly committed to tolerance!"


Juan Cole, February 23, 1999:

is nothing to be puzzled by. Right wing Baha'is only like to hear
the sound of their own voices (which are the only voices they will
admit to being "Baha'i" at all). Obviously, the world is so constructed
that they cannot in fact only hear their own voices. They are
forced to hear other

voices that differ from theirs. This most disturbs them when the
voices come from enrolled Baha'is or when the voices speak of the Baha'i
faith. The way they sometimes deal with the enrolled Baha'is is to
summon them to a heresy inquiry and threaten them with being
shunned if they do not fall silent. With non-Baha'is or with
ex-Baha'is, they deal with their speech about the faith by
backbiting, slandering and libelling the speaker. You will note
that since I've been on this list I have been accused of long-term
heresy, of "claiming authority," of out and out lying
(though that was retracted, twice), of
misrepresentation, of 'playing fast and loose with the facts,' and
even of being 'delusional.' I have been accused of all these
falsehoods by *Baha'is*, by prominent Baha'is. I have been
backbitten by them. This shows that all the talk about the
danger a sharp tongue can do, all the talk
about the need for harmony, for returning poison with honey, for a
sin-covering eye, is just *talk* among right wing Baha'is.
No one
fights dirtier than they when they discover a voice they cannot
silence and cannot refute.


TACTICS according to Henry Tad



How To Keep Calm During a Discussion :))))

by Gavazn on

Step 1:

Breathe. I know. Simple, right? I mean, we all do it, all the time. But think about it. You're standing face to face with your oponent. He just pushed your last button, your temper and patience have reached their very limits, and you're about to give him a shouting piece of your mind. Stop.


Don't. Say. Anything.

Take a deep breath through your nose, and count 'One'. Exhale. Take another. 'Two'. Take five of these slow, deep, counting breaths. If it helps keep them slow, feel free to add 'one-thousand' to the end of each count, or whatever works for you.

Step 2:

Speak as if there were a small, sleeping baby in the room next to you. You've breathed, you're (slightly) more relaxed, and you've opened your mouth to speak. Now's the time to really break out that imagination of yours and pretend that there's a sleeping baby in the room that you really don't want to wake up. This should keep your voice at a calm, soft range, and, as a bonus, your fighting partner will cool her jets because he won't feel threatened or challenged!

Step 3:

Put your hands in your pockets. It sounds a little strange, but it works. A lot of the energy that comes out when we have fights is conjured up by moving our hands around, pointing fingers, sometimes even raising fists. Putting your hands in your pockets and keeping them there prevents excess energy from going to where it's doing more harm than good.

Step 4:

Speak slowly. This last step might prove a little difficult. When we're angry, we have a tendency to spew out profanities or speeches that really don't get us anywhere. Remember what your parents used to say about thinking before you speak? Exactly. Talking fast in an argument, even though we often do it without realizing it, can lead to saying something you might regret later.

Keep your voice at a pace you would use if you were talking to the person normally; you can even take it a bit slower, if you want to. Talking slower can also cause you to breathe more, which can take us back to Step One, and can essentially calm us down.



by Nur-i-Azal on

Doroogh baabaat migeh o jadd o abaadet. Sakhsiyat-e-shomaa-haa az sar to paa az afaaq taa anfos faqat yek paarcheh doroughe va hame'ham fahmeedan! Haalaa hay az taraf-e-hayyat-e-interneteetoonam shakhsiyat-haa-ye goon a goono avaz konid fekr konid kessi nafahmid! Koor khoondid! Maa fameedeem dastetoon'am ru shodeh!!

Haalaa baa kamaale poroo'ee meeporsee be man che marboot, folan folan shodeh, hamintor keh fozoolee'haa-ye bee-jaah o bee-hayaa o bee-sharm o naabarmoot shomaa-haa daa'im mikonid az zendegi-haa-ye shakhsee'e mardom, mesle jomhooree-e-eslaamee,  vaghti keh een modaakhele'haa-ye shomaa kaamelan mojrem aameez ast az har nazar, hamintoram be man marboote to kee hastee, shakhseeyat-e-vaa'ghe'eet kee'e va saakene kojaa'ee. Haalaa berid baaz ham naneh man gharibam baazee'haatoono dar beeyaareed taa joon az maa tahtetoon dar beeyaad! Baazam koor khoondeed!! Dastetoon ru'st taa aakhar!





by Gavazn on

Kheyli dooroogh migi. Aslan be toh cheh kee hastam? Hatah agar Irooni naboodam, keh chi? Meeyay dombalam?

Khoshet omad az moozik? I Luuuuuuuuuuurv AC/DC!!! 

Here's another one which is appropriate for an embarssing moment, like you experienced when Shepesh caught you out! That was hilarious  :)))))))))))

Caught by the Fuzz



by Nur-i-Azal on

Let's say I've done a little snooping around finding out who you are in real life, and it is confirmed that behind your handle you're not actually an Iranian at all. So what are you doing here?



Truth is you were ...

by Gavazn on

Caught With Your Pants Down



by Nur-i-Azal on

Someone kindly explain the meaning of these expressions to the clown bearing the handle Shepesh.