Bill Hicks talks about mushrooms and tripping

by Nur-i-Azal

Bill Hicks, of blessed memory, speaks about the psychedelic experience, pointing out the ironies and hypocrisy religious and conservative establishments project in their contradictory behavior towards it.


more from Nur-i-Azal

That's because you probably deserve it

by Nur-i-Azal on

It is also a common tactic and mentality of you Haifan Bahais to hold everyone in the world at fault while completely oblivious, or otherwise dismissive, of your own gigantic faults and completely blameworthy ethical misbehavior. It is part of the rampant culture of cognitive dissonance that goes with the general territory of your cult. You get this amongst Scientologists and Islamists as well.




"Dale Husband, the Honorable Skeptic "

by sag koochooloo on

I do not mind the abuse hurled at me Nuri, let me tell you I get much worse on a daily basis at work with people much angrier than you!

This Dale chap. He has demonstrated his morals by supporting you and your type of comments here on IC. And yet another individual eager to award titles to himself and inflate his ego. Well, at least you are in similar company! Good luck to the pair of you.



You are projecting and outright lying!

by Nur-i-Azal on

Once again, Dale Husband's independent assessment of you which you had deleted on another thread when I posted it (and now I see you are even having Dale's posts over there deleted as well):




by profile.">Dale_Husband on

Dismissing me because I am bitter (because I was the victim of a
religious scam; who wouldn't be after recovering from it and regaining
his ability to think independently?) and suspicious of a complete
stranger who says one thing ("I am an atheist") and does things that
only Baha'is would do just shows why you should never be trusted by
objective viewers. Even slamming me for making personal attacks (I
shouldn't answer directly your idiotic posts; then why did you make them
in the first place?) instead of directly dealing with what I said in
the blog above and all the other blogs linked to it only shows
your desparation to deflect people's attention from the damning evidence
against the claims of the Haifa based Baha'i cult.

Peacefulness and harmony are wonderful things we should all have, but
not at the expense of truth, justice and logical consistency. Any cult
can appear to have peace and harmony among its members.......until the
cult begins to destroy people's spiritual and intellectual lives. And
when fraud is respected because it is religious,  we might as well have
no religion. 

Dale Husband, the Honorable Skeptic


Nuri jan

by sag koochooloo on

You are in denial. Look I am sorry bahais labelled you an Apostate, but your behaviour has not been great. I can see you are angry, but it does not justify you going round being dishonest about innocent people who have done you no harm and wishing death on a group of people. I have tried to be as open to you as possible and did not need to tell you about my family, but I did. But you keep fighting and resisting. There is nothing more people can do when you are being defensive all the time. I am one person that actually cared about you, I know you will push this away too, but I did try. I genuinely wish you peace and happiness. I do not want to have a long drawn argument with you, so I'll leave you on that note.


Nope. You haven't addressed a thing.

by Nur-i-Azal on

You have ranted with meaningless drivel using the verbatim language ("bankrupt nature") and argumentation of Bahai cultists. I addressed the paper posted by your sidekick Gavazn with actual content and argument. Ad hominem by you is not argument or addressing anything.

And those lists are not posted for your benefit whatsoever.



Every point addressed but your back against the wall

by sag koochooloo on

Those lists are getting tired dear.


Bahai Tactics and Techniques

by Nur-i-Azal on

No point addressed so Bahai Internet Agency hack resort to attack.


BAHAI Tactics & Techniques

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i
Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize,
Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile,
Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball,
Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far
as possible they hold back from responding

2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given
issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will
try to divert to secondary
totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues

4. The exposer is then painted as someone
with an axe to grind,
deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and
insanity to the exposer,
shoot the messenger

6. Then,
the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue
exposed while supporting
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais


Juan Cole, University of
Michigan, June 12, 1998:

"Let me ask you why in the world you think
that I would risk my professional reputation by publicly stating
falsehoods? ...The very technique of the more glaze-eyed among these
people is to unbearably bully a Baha'i whom they don't like, use
unjustified threats of declaring him or her a CB [Covenant Breaker
(heretic)] to silence the individual, and if the person will not be
silenced, then to depend upon the gullibility of the Baha'is in refusing
to listen to any victim's story because, of course, the Baha'i
institutions are infallible and divinely guided and could never do
anything wrong. It is a perfect racket. Of course, this technique of
making liberals go away has been enormously successful, and ex-Baha'i
liberals have no credibility with the remaining Baha'is nor do most of
them have any energy to continue to make a case, either to the Baha'is
or the outside world, for the incredible abuses that go on inside this
organization ostensibly committed to tolerance!"


Juan Cole, February 23, 1999:

is nothing to be puzzled by. Right wing Baha'is only like to hear
the sound of their own voices (which are the only voices they will
admit to being "Baha'i" at all). Obviously, the world is so constructed
that they cannot in fact only hear their own voices. They are
forced to hear other

voices that differ from theirs. This most disturbs them when the
voices come from enrolled Baha'is or when the voices speak of the Baha'i
faith. The way they sometimes deal with the enrolled Baha'is is to
summon them to a heresy inquiry and threaten them with being
shunned if they do not fall silent. With non-Baha'is or with
ex-Baha'is, they deal with their speech about the faith by
backbiting, slandering and libelling the speaker. You will note
that since I've been on this list I have been accused of long-term
heresy, of "claiming authority," of out and out lying
(though that was retracted, twice), of
misrepresentation, of 'playing fast and loose with the facts,' and
even of being 'delusional.' I have been accused of all these
falsehoods by *Baha'is*, by prominent Baha'is. I have been
backbitten by them. This shows that all the talk about the
danger a sharp tongue can do, all the talk
about the need for harmony, for returning poison with honey, for a
sin-covering eye, is just *talk* among right wing Baha'is.
No one
fights dirtier than they when they discover a voice they cannot
silence and cannot refute.


TACTICS according to Henry Tad



Manipulation and bankrupt nature

by sag koochooloo on

"it is common tactic of you Bahai cultists to impute insanity and mental instability to those who criticize you and whose arguments you cannot address or refute. "

Or is it that you label anyone who criticizes you a Bahai? The first time I saw your offensive blogs under different IDs I thought you were an angry teenager and I felt sympathy towards you, thinking I could help. But I realised your problems are more serious than that, as you are an adult. First of all I am not a Bahai as I keep telling you. So this name-calling is simply a tactic by you to justify to an audience on IC that it is only Bahais that find your bigotry, racism and lies offensive. I do not think that  bigotry, racism and lies are worthwhile "arguments that you cannot address or refute".

"Pray tell, if I am crazy, why do you keep responding to all my posts here on IC? Wouldn't that make you crazy instead to be persisting with a crazy person"

I do not respond to every post you make, but most of the posts you do make are misrepresentations of Bahais, or insulting images of their prophet. So perhaps that has something to do with it. As I told you, before my father was a bahai and my family and some friends have been murdered by the Islamist regime. I do not like seeing them being misrepresented by closet Islamists like you. Especially at a critical time in our country when change for the better can happen but innocent Bahais are on still on capital trials. Your continuous lies and propaganda are suspect at such a time. You spam their blogs with your nonsense and insults and expect people who know about Bahais to stay silent? If respecting Human Rights of bahais and other minorities (including Jews , Dervishes, Kurds ,etc) makes me "crazy" so be it. I have defended other minorities too against things such as Holocaust denial. Those people post IRI propaganda in the News section every day.

Now about your condonement of various forms of hallucinogens and your denials of truth - yet provides more proof of your bankrupt nature. Let me tell you that no responsible person or parent wants to see their child being encouraged to take such drugs by the likes of you, and have them sugar-coated as "spiritual". This is yet another thing I find offensive about you and the material you post here. Things like these are actually illegal in many countries for a reason. And people like myself, who have worked with families of youth who take such drugs, do not find your manipulation of truth entertaining.

I hope this answers your questions.



Flawed scientific case study

by Nur-i-Azal on

I am told this case study has been addressed and roundly refuted by Jonathon Ott. It also uses one single sample while stating on pg.459

"At the admission in the hospital, the somatic investigations...were normal. The urinary drug screen was negative...The mental state examination did not find any thought or behavioral disorganization, sensorial or psychic hallucinations, but social phobia tendencies and a depressed mood. Neuropsychological assessments did not show any disturbances in frontal functions...

Don't know what you know about scientific method, but nowhere has the author made any direct connection between the single sample given and the conclusion that the symptoms are causally linked to the use of psilocybin mushrooms -- and that this would be the case in all samples. It  also states that the sample is a "chronic cannabis user." It doesn't answer the question as to whether such cannabis used regularly is hydroponically grown or naturally. Causal links between the kind of state the paper describes and hydroponically grown cannabis have been established, but not with mushrooms by themselves.

Earlier it also suggests that the sample's personal life is topsy turvy separate from any use of the psilocybin, "A psychiatric history of social anxiety was reported" (p.458). Nowhere has the connection been made between the sample's history of social anxiety and mushrooms, nor has the sample's general medical history and use of any medications been reported: i.e. medications whose after effects could very well have led to the problem, but not the mushrooms eo ipse.

This paper, its method, reasoning and conclusion is completely flawed, and besides it only uses one single sample to draw a conclusion (bad science all around!) while ignoring some very important factors besides the mushrooms (like the kind of cannabis the sample is regularly using and the sample's lifestyle and mental state in general separate from the mushrooms), this conclusion being, "psilocybin consumption induced flashback in a chronic cannabis smoker" and "psychotomimetic symptoms would be triggered would be produced by indolamine hallucinogens...through an excessive activation of the of the serotoninergic receptors" (p.459, final paragraph). Excessive activation of the serotoninergic receptors is just as well triggered by a range of both prescription and over the counter anti-depressants that the medical establishment regularly prescribes. There has been tomes of documented case studies on the kind of long term damage and neorological impairment these prescriptions are responsible for. Plus such studies utilize more than a single sample to argue a general function that might apply to more than one person.

Sagkoochooloo: it is common tactic of you Bahai cultists to impute insanity and mental instability to those who criticize you and whose arguments you cannot address or refute. Pray tell, if I am crazy, why do you keep responding to all my posts here on IC? Wouldn't that make you crazy instead to be persisting with a crazy person? After interaction with you for quite some time here, it stands to reason that you yourself are a nickle short of dime and then some. QED.




by sag koochooloo on

"your RUHI Institute type brainwashing is far more insidious and damaging longterm to a human being than any mushroom can ever be!"

Honestly, you need help. What the hell has this got to do with bahais? I am against people who endorse any form of drug and make light of them. And I do read scientific data and work with researchers. just because you want to justify taking this sh*t does not mean you have to lie, as you do with other things. You are a disgrace.

The only way to avoid the dangers that come along with mushroom use is to not consume them. Each of the risks associated mushrooms can affect individuals even after the substance is just taken once. Risks include HPPD, bad trips, frightening hallucinations, depression, fatigue, paranoia and flashbacks.


it is organic

by Nur-i-Azal on

There is no such thing as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder where mushrooms are concerned, especially mushrooms picked from the soil where they grew from because it is organic and not synthetic. These are empty and meaningless terms that conservative, hype-ridden and consensus reality morons such as you and your Bahai cult (and similar) use in order to scare people away from having a genuine spiritual experience that is their God-given birth right!

And try reading real scientific data by genuine researchers who have spent a lifetime looking into this material rather than nonsense written for ratings and hype by newspapers.

And your RUHI Institute type brainwashing is far more insidious and damaging longterm to a human being than any mushroom can ever be! A mushroom will set individuals free from the hell that is the small minded consensus reality stupidity that is your Bahaism and similar!




What inspiration!

by sag koochooloo on

Wonder if he addresses or mentions Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, which can last for years after individuals have stopped using mushrooms.The next time you read in the paper about a teenager locking himself in a cupboard naked and petrified, ask yourself what an enlightening experience hallucinogens bring about. Better yet, go to hospitals, where you’ll see youth on hallucinogens licking their own urine off the floor. Enlightening!