The Five Divine Presences in Sufism

The Five Divine Presences in Sufism
by Nur-i-Azal
In Sufism, [the] universal degrees are called the "Five Divine Presences" (khams al-Hadarat al-ilahiya). In Sufi terminology they are: the "human realm" (nasut), that is, the domain of the corporeal, since man is created out of "earth"; then the "realm of royalty" (malakut), so called because it immediately dominates the corporeal world; next comes "the realm of power" (jabarut) which, macrocosmically, is Heaven and, microcosmically, the created or human intellect, that "supernaturally natural" Paradise which we carry within us. The fourth degree is the "Realm of the Divine" (Lahut), which is Being and which coincides with the uncreated Intellect, the Logos; the final degree -- if provisional use can be made of such a term -- is none other than "Quiddity" or "Aseity" or "Ipseity" (Hahut, from Hua, He [or It]), in other words, the Infinite Self.        Frithjof Schuon FORM AND SUBSTANCE IN THE RELIGIONS, Bloomington,  2002, p. 53.       

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by Nur-i-Azal on

I am my own Path, call it whatever, Sufism, the Bayan, Neo-Ismaili batinism, Ishraqi, Left-Hand Path Traditionalist, Green Leftwing Kabbalist, Hermetic Entheogenic Perennialist, Ayahausquero Shakta, Theophanocrat...



A Garden amongst the flames

My heart is capable of taking on any form

A meadow for gazelles

For the idols sacred ground

A cloister for monks

The pilgrim's Ka'aba

The tablets of the Torah

The scrolls of the Qur'an

My religion is Love

And wherever its caravan turns along the Way

That is my belief, my creed, my faiith

-- Ibn 'Arabi


A question

by TheBeloved on

What that "path" do you follow? Sufism?



by Nur-i-Azal on

This scheme varies from author to author. Many authors, including Ibn 'Arabi and Suhrawardi, would not designate Jabarut as Heaven but rather Malakut. Jabarut would be the Archangelic Realm of the Pure Immaterial Intelligences.