Sorta Fairytale


Sorta Fairytale
by Nur-i-Azal



"A Sorta Fairytale"

By Tori Amos

on my way up north
up on the ventura
i pulled back the hood
and i was
talking to you
and i knew then it would be
a life long thing
i didn't know that we
we could break a silver lining

and i'm
so sad
like a good book
i can't put this day back
a sorta
with you
a sorta fairytale
with you

things you
said that day
up on the 101
the girl had come undone
i tried
to downplay it
with a bet about us
you said that-
you'd take it
long as i could
i could not erase it

and i'm so sad
like a
good book
i can't put this day back
a sorta fairytale
with you
sorta fairytale
with you

and i ride along side
and i rode
along side
you then
and i rode along side
till you lost me
in the open road
and i rode along side
till the honey
itself so thin
for me to break your bread
for me to take
your word
i had to steal it

and i'm so sad
like a good
i can't put this day back
a sorta fairytale
with you
sorta fairytale
with you

i could pick back up
whenever i

down new mexico way
something about
the open road
knew that he was
looking for some indian blood and
find a little
in you find a little
in me we may be
on this road but
in this country you know
so we go along and we
we'd fake it
feel better with
oliver stone
till i
smacked him -
seemed right that night and
i don't know what
out there in the
desert cold
these guys think they must
and just get over on us

and i'm so sad
like a good book
can't put this
day back
a sorta fairytale
with you
a sorta
with you

and i was ridin' by
ridin' along side
a while till you lost me
and i was ridin' by
ridin' along till
you lost me
till you lost
me in
the rear
you lost me

way up north i took my day
all in all was a pretty nice
and i put the hood
right back where
you could taste heaven
out the summer breeze
didn't know when we'd be back
and i, i
didn't think
we'd end up like
like this 


more from Nur-i-Azal

Jacques Mabit: Ayahuasca,The Snake and I

by Nur-i-Azal on

The following below is a documentary on Ayahuasca featuring Frenchman Dr. Jacques Mabit, formerly of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders), among other individuals. Mabit is a Western trained medical scientist who left his career to found the Takiwasi Institute in Peru.


Two Part Interview with Jacques Mabit about Shamanism (in Spanish with English subtitles)


It's a good music and good

by benross on

It's a good music and good video regardless.


The world has moved on

by Nur-i-Azal on

To its self-destruction due to it misplaced belief that the jungle shaman in Ecuador is inferior. Fortunately, however, the Ecuadorian jungle shaman is presently having the last laugh at the expense of people like your father and the know-nothing, for-profit criminal industry they represent masquerading as a medical profession. So put it to you this way, your father and his industry in my world represent a complete waste of human life perpetuating an evil cycle of human wastage and fraud.

Good day!




"This one I am now crossposting to TRB"

by Gavazn on

Well you have not wasted Your life, have you? Your comments are so valuable that people will always want to see them again and again! LOL!

My father is someone people will turn to in order to be cured of disease, not the likes of you. And he has earnt respect while you demand it through intimidation. "Your world" is an angry world of chaos, with your behavior you have displayed that you know nothing of the nature of healing. In fact, healing is something You need, not arguing with rational people on a website. The world has moved on from the jungle shaman in Ecuador, but sadly you have not.


I am in my own context

by Nur-i-Azal on

A curandero (traditional healer). Your father, on the other hand, has crammed IMV a lot of useless, impractical information and holds a degree from a university the entire course and axioms of which are based on conjecture and not certitude. With all due respect, in my world, your father's profession and speciality doesn't know it's head from its proverbial asshole because ultimately it knows nothing about the true nature of the human being, the nature of healing itself, let alone the nature of the Spirit. A jungle shaman in Ecuador knows with certitude a thousand fold what your entire father's profession only conjectures. QED

Now kindly go away. We have nothing more to talk about. 


p.s. Also I asked you to go away. Not flag my messages. This one  I am now crossposting to TRB lest the BIA thinks it can continue these charades and get away with it.


Your comment displays ignorance and anger

by Gavazn on

if you have any practical expertise in medicine, which I doubt you do as a self appointed guru, people have to learn many aspects of medicine in order to be QUALIFIED.

Are you qualified in medicine to be calling someone who has worked in medicine for 50 years "not knowing what he is talking about"?

I suggest you learn what discussions are about, it is coming into a forum with an open mind and not being hostile towards people with a different point of view or those that challenge you. Now take that in your pipe and smoke it.



by Nur-i-Azal on

Initiates (i.e. adepts) know each other's inner language across traditions, cultural and linguistic groups. Those who are not initiates/adepts, do not know. Period. Yes, this is a special,  exclusive group. This is not a subjective interpretation. It is demonstrable and unassailbale fact. But unless you are part of the greater initiatic family, whatever Tradition you belong to, you have no way of knowing. 

Your father is an Oncologist, you say. His speciality deals with cancers and tumors not chemistry or neurochemistry. He's not an ethnopharmacologist, medical anthropologist, neurochemist or neurobiologist, etc. As such his opinion on this topic is , at best, pedestrian and so irrelevent because this area is not his specialization. Sorry, he wouldn't know what he is talking about.

Please do not frequent my blogs anymore or continue discussions with me elsewhere. Thanks.




Thanks for remaining civil.

by Gavazn on

Thanks for remaining civil. cheers.



by Nur-i-Azal on



Thanks for your response

by Gavazn on

“The websites you point out don't know anything because they are not adepts. "

Shame that you put down anything that does not agree with your views. Ido not like your methods of reasoning. Well my father is adept, qualified and a professor of Oncology. He tells me that use of these plants and the label of “Spirituality” given to them is fiction. What you are talking about is beliefs and interpretation of meaning across Traditions. It is no different to Witch Doctors.

“the chemical signature of God” as you say is your interpretation. In FACT these things are just chemicals that affect the brain, as alcohol does. It is the labeling of Spirituality that my father does not agree with.

“ Entheogens (the chemicals activated by psychoactive plants) have a long documented history of unleashing human creativity in multiple contexts” – but if you are creative you do not need substances. These are just excuses by people who are into them to use them.  

It does not matter what label you give it – “ hallucinogen” or “entheogen”. It is basically a substance that gives hallucinations.

“cult” or “initiatic order”, whatever you call it is the same. it is some sort of belief system. Sorry NUR but your explanations do not sit well with me, but I respect the freedom to choose your reality and practice your ideologies. I hope you allow the same for others.



by Nur-i-Azal on

An Ayahuasquero is someone who uses Ayahuasca. I believe Tori Amos' husband, her producer, likewise shares her path, yes.

The websites you point out don't know anything because they are not adepts. Spiritual adepts understand each other's language and intentions across Traditions. The intention and meaning of Tori Amos' video here are as plain as day to me.




by Nur-i-Azal on

1. No. The Ayahuasca (or in our case, Haoma) is a sacrament to our Order that is taken only twice a month during ceremony.

2. The pineal gland of the human brain endogenously contains the tryptamine DMT (N-N-Dimethyltryptamine) which is also found in the cellular structure of every living organism. It is, as it were, the chemical signature of God. The pineal gland is the center of the third eye, which is the domain of all visions and spiritual ascension, and really the chemical that fuels the entire human neurochemistry. Neurobiologists have established that the human fetus is said to become conscious at the moment when the pineal gland is formed and activated. This is exactly 49 days after conception. After this period, there is a trigger of this pineal gland, which happens during natural child birth for the baby, and then again at the moment of a human's death -- that is, in a natural human life course. The orally active chemical in Ayahuasca/Haoma is DMT.

3. Entheogens (the chemicals activated by psychoactive plants) have a long documented history of unleashing human creativity in multiple contexts.

Now amongst researchers, especially medical anthropologists and enthnopharmacologists, the term hallucinogen is no longer used. Rather the technical term being used now is entheogen. Finally, these psychoactive plants, or Plant Teachers, are divine sacraments that should not be used frivolously. They must be approached with reverent respect, or not approached at all.

The Fatimiya Sufi Order is not a cult. We are an initiatic Order engaging in the alchemical Great Work. We hold a strict policy of not involving any aspect of the Order's work with people's personal lives nor do we tell people what to do or how to conduct their lives, who they should be with, what they should eat, etc. Yes, we maintain a discipline, but this discipline must be internalized and not compelled otherwise it is useless because our focus is spiritual individuation and palingenesis (alchemical resurrection). We also do not impose nor straitjacket individuals to a single ideology. Initiation functions on a different plane altogether which is where we are at.



Ayahuasca - A Hallucinogenic Tea, Laced with Controversy

by Gavazn on

1. Do you take this as part of a ceremony on special occassions, or as a regular "normal" drink like we take tea 2 or 3 times a day?

2. And why do you think that something that affects the brain scientifically is somehow connected to "spirituality"?

3. And why do you think that people who produce work or output while on such substances should be somehow commended? I know you put out a blog about LSD before which has now disappeard.

Do you think that the great men and women of our times and in the past were on hallucinogenic substances and broths when they made great breakthroughs?

My father is a qualified medicl doctor and I asked him about this subject and he has given me background to it with facts. I would like to ask you these questions, as I know your cult uses such herbs as part of its ideology. 


interesting video

by Gavazn on

Do you think she got the video director and the crew to take Ayahuasquero too? Whoever had the idea for the video or made the video must be taking something unusual or under the influence!

Actually the meaning is not simple, there are websites that discuss the interpretation of the words in this song and what she meant by it. And it means different things to different people.


The meaning of this song is simple

by Nur-i-Azal on

It is about two people being made whole by their love for each other. Note how they are depicted throughout the clip until its very ending when they grow the rest of their limbs and body standing at the beach overlooking the silhouette Dawn. Lots of crafty esoteric/alchemical symbolism in this video. For example, in the beginning we see Woman on the Left and Man on the Right. This is the classic alchemical right-left coordinates and gender specific to them: Luna (moon) = Left = Woman/Sol (sun) = Right = Man.

Note Tori Amos is not your average kind of performer/artist. She is a committed Neo-Pagan and Ayahuasquero, writing much of her music and conceiving the ideas for the video clips accompanying the music by partaking of the  Ayahuasca sacrament. Much of the ideas in Tori Amos' music since the early '90s are the teachings which this Great Plant Teacher dispenses to pretty much all who partake of Her.

Sting is another Ayahuasquero celebrity. 




by Gavazn on

Now we're talking. You told me a few days back you've found happiness recently and are in a good space. This is more like it.

Mind you, I never understood the meaning of this song. Its interpretation. for me it's too sad to listen to, makes me depressed but it's beautiful.