Bahaism and the British (pt.2)


Bahaism and the British (pt.2)
by NUR

See original facsimile, here.


[This Document is the Property of His Britannic Majesty’s Government]


Printed for the Cabinet


Secret Foreign Countries Report

No. 56

16th November 1921



Abdul Baha and his Adherents. – On 13th November Mr Bridgeman telegraphed [No. 631] as follows: - The representative of Abdul Baha has asked me to facilitate remittances from the Bahais in Persia to Abdul Baha at Haifa, for the maintenance of the latter and his suite. His adherents wish to remit at once 4,000l. and to send yearly remittances amounting to about 50,000 tomans. The Imperial Bank of Persia refuses to place drafts to anyone, and the Bahais cannot remit money unless we afford facilities. As your Lordship knows, the Bahais are very numerous and are every day increasing in Persia. To refuse them facilities requested for the accomplishment of what to them is a sacred duty would offend an influential and well disposed section of the people. In view of the religious aspect of the question I cannot mention the matter to Persian Government. Please instruct whether and how the operation should be facilitated.


See Sourcewatch article, Baha’i Faith.


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more from NUR


by NUR on

Start HERE (Sourcewatch): //




SECTS OF BAHAIS: A Taxonomy of Baha'i Sects, //


Documentary film by independent Israeli film maker Naama Pyritz:


Recent court victory by the Orthodox Baha'is, and the suit brought by the Haifan Bahai organization against them:

Judge's decision

**Appellate hearing (Feb 2009)***

BAHAI Tactics & Techniques - CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc....  CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer,
i.e. shoot the messenger
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed while supporting the bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais



See Susan Stiles Maneck,
WISDOM AND DISSIMULATION IN THE BAHA’I WRITINGS: The Use and meaning of Hikmat in the Baha’i Writings

"In many cases hikmat calls for the apparent suspension of a Bahá'í principle in order to ensure the protection of the Faith."



"We don't want to be like those people who want to see God with their own eyes, or hear His melody with their own ears, because we have been given the gift of being able to see through the eyes of the House of Justice and listen through the ears of the House of Justice." - Bahai Counselor Rebeque Murphy

To hear this section of her talk go to:


BAHAI NOTIONS of FREEDOM of CONSCIENCE according to EX-UHJ member DOUGLAS MARTIN --  Monday, September 23, 2001



"We have inherited a dangerous delusion from Christianity that our
individual conscience is supreme. This is not a Baha'i belief. In the
end, in the context of both our role in the community and our role in
the  greater world, we must be prepared to sacrifice our personal
convictions or opinions. The belief that individual conscience is
supreme is equivalent to "taking partners with God" which is abhorrent to the Teachings of the Faith

NOTE especially, S.G. Wilson,
BAHAISM AND RELIGIOUS ASSASSINATION The Muslim World vol. 4, issue 4, 1914
BAHAISM AND RELIGIOUS DECEPTION The Muslim World, Volume 5, Issue 2, 1914-1915.


features of Bahai Stalinism)


Ma'idih-i-Asmani, vol. 4, page 355

Translation by Wahid Azal (Jan. 7, 2009)
Chapter 11

The Critics of the Cause of God (munkirin-i-amru'llah)

The Ancient Beauty in the Tablet of Habib from Maragha, which begins with "H B hear the call of God from the direction of the throne by the protective signs/verses (bi-ayati muhayyimin)..etc." they [i.e. Husayn 'Ali Nuri] enunciate the command (mi-farmayand) [i.e. state],


By God, the Truth, whomsoever criticizes it [i.e. Baha'ism], [which is] possessed of the manifest, the brilliant, the high and the perspicuous excellence, it behoveth him to ask his mother [yanbaghi lahu bi-an yas'al min ummihi] about his origins [or 'state', i.e.'hal', meaning he should inquire his mother about his legitimate conception – trans.], for he shall return to the nethermost hell [asfal al-jahim]"…

In Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 322 the following is quoted by 'Abbas Effendi from a prayer by his father, cf. THE BAHA'I FAITH AND ISLAM (ed.) Heshmat Moayyad (The Association for Baha'i Studies: Ottawa, 1990), p.23

O God! Whomsoever violates My Covenant, O God, humiliate him. Verily whosoever violates My Covenant, erase and efface him.

See as well,



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Crocodile tears By Wahid Azal!

by ABC (not verified) on

رقیبان ازلیِ بهائیت، نخستین مروجان نظریه‌ توطئه

-Made in Azalis/Bayani/Nur/Hazini

اما این اتهام از کجا سرچشمه می ‌گیرد؟ ریشه‌ اتهام ارتباط بهائیان با خارجی‌ها چندگانه است.

در دوره ‌اولیه‌ دیانت بهائی، شاخه‌ های مذهبی همسایه‌ آن مانند "ازلی‌ها" تیر این اتهام را به سوی بهائیت روانه کردند.

آن ‌گونه که خانم مانگول بیات در کتاب "نخستین انقلاب ایران؛ تشیع و انقلاب مشروطیت 1909-1905"
(Iran's First Revolution: Shi'ism and the Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1909)

آورده است، ازلی ‌ها که در جنبش مشروطیت فعال بودند و از نظر مذهبی رقیب بهائیان به شمار می ‌رفتند، کوشیدند تا با جا انداختن برچسب "ارتباط با خارجی" حقانیت و اصالت دین بهائیت را به پرسش بگیرند.

ازلی‌ها پیروان میرزا یحیی نوری، ملقب به صبح ازل، جانشین محمد علی باب، بنیادگذار آیین بابی، بودند و در آغاز به ضرورت جهاد و براندازی مسلحانه‌حکومت قاجاریه باور داشتند.

میرزا حسین‌علی بهاء (بعدها بهاء الله)، برادر پدری میرزا یحیی نوری بود. پس از مدتی میان دو برادر بر سر جانشینی پدر اختلاف و دشمنی عمیق افتاد. بابیان به دو شاخه‌ ازلی‌ ها و بهائی‌ ها تقسیم شدند. گروه‌ ازلی‌ها دیری نپایید و فروپاشید، اما بهائیان تا به امروز در سراسر جهان روی به گسترش و فزونی نهادند.

از سوی دیگر، بر پایه‌ آنچه در کتاب "بریتانیا و انقلاب مشروطیت ایران 1911-1906؛ سیاست خارجی، امپریالیسم و مخالفت"
(Britain and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1906-1911; Foreign Policy, Imperialism and Dissent(
، نوشته‌منصور بنکداریان آمده است، ارتداد شماری از یهودیان به آیین بابی و بهائی و نیز گرویدن شماری از انگلیسی‌ها به بهائیت، بدگمانی‌ها در باره‌رابطه‌بابی‌ ها و بهائی ‌ها به "بیگانگان" را افزود.

گفتنی است که از آغاز پیدایش بهائیت، شمار فراوانی از روحانیان شیعه و پیروان ادیان دیگر مانند زردتشتی به این دین گرویده ‌اند.

مهدی خلجی

پژوهشگر مسايل اسلامی، واشنگتن


NUR - you should stay away from deductive reasoning !





So what?! The Baha'is were circumventing the Iranian gov!

by NUR on

So what?!

This proves direct British-Baha'i collusion, for one, and especially in circumventing the rights and prerogatives of the Iranian government of the day to control the flow and exchange of money, exchange and currency of its citizens through its borders. In other words, what happened here is a clear case of economic espionage between you and the British government against the national sovereignty of Iran. That's what!

As for secret files regarding Subh-i-Azal and his days under British rule, your Turk-i-Istanboli pseudo-Antellectual Necati Alkan threatened me with this material five years ago and I'm still waiting to see a leaf of it. If you have it, bring it out, let's take a look. But make it prima facie documentation like this kind of cabinet documentation from the British government I'm laying out...That is, after you answer my questions put to you on Habib Sabet and the challenge to you to point out a single factual error in the Sourcewatch Baha'i Faith article.


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So What ? Where Is The Conspiracy?

by faryarm on

So what?

Bahais could not send money to Akka, where the family of Baha'u'llah had been sent into exile?

what was so terrible about Bahais wanting to send money to Akka?

So what if they found a way to overcome the barriers?

and if the British wanted to help because somehow they thought they  could take advantage of Bahais, what has that got to with the Bahais, who never in any way became involved in a single political intrigue.

Abdul Baha was wise enough to protect the Bahais from that kind of slander and that is well documented.

Nima, your  desperate wild goose chase to find anything resembling "evidence" is pathetic and  laughable..

Can you please uncover the secret files about Subhi Azal and his days under British rule in Cyprus, where he died and was buried as a muslim holy man. without even one of his followers.

what a waste..