Letter of UHJ to Habib Sabet circa 1967

Letter of UHJ to Habib Sabet circa 1967
by NUR


Universal House of Justice
Bahai World Centre
Haifa Israel

13 November 1967
10 Shahr Al Qodrat 124

To National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's of Iran

In reference to your correspondence dated 09 Shahr Al Qodrat (12 Nov 1967) as per our communication with Mr Sabet, the Assembly's distinguished representative, this body agrees with the suggestion for presenting His Royal Majesty with a gift.

It is expected that we will be advised of its outcome by your Assembly.

With loving Baha'i greetings,
Department of the Secretariat,
Universal House of Justice


more from NUR

NUR- It is now clear that you are ashamed to answer these Qs


1) How many people in your group?

2) Are you a clergyman in this group?

3) How often do you meet?

4) Where do most of these people live?

5) Is this group growing in numbers or dwindling? How do you know?  Any references you can site?

6) What are the goals of this group?

7) How does this group organize itself or does it have a community?

8) Is this group recognized by any organization or civil or international body?

9) Is this group persecuted in Iran or elsewhere? If so, can you reference any evidence to support this claim?

10) What would be considered an achievement for this group?

11) Could you tell us some of the principles of your Faith?

and finally...

12) Why don't you answer these basic questions? 

Even if you don't have a reference to cite, it would good to at least tell us the basis for the answers.



Your answer same as before...

by NUR on

None of your business.

Now answer a few of mine,

1) Who are you and what is your real name?

2)  What creed or organization do you belong to?

3) What position do you occupy?

4) Are you now or have you ever worked on behalf of the Baha'i Internet Agency headed by Matthew Weinberg at the Baha'i World Center in Haifa, occupied Palestine?

 5) Why do you see the need in hiding behind a pseudonym and masking your identity?

6) What are your goals to that end?

7) What is your primary motivation in ascertaining logistical information about my group?

8) Are you a sayanim and work for Mossad?

9) Is your organization attempting to manufacture consent through fictitious and exagerrated narratives about persecution in Iran?

10) What would you consider your motivation to that end?

11) Is your organization attempting to foment international discord and lobby for a pre-emptive military strike on Iran?

12) What is your position on the current policy of President Obama in wishing engagement with Iran?

13) Do you believe that Baha'ism should replace the national religion in Iran, and is your organization attempting to replace the mullah's theocracy with a Baha'i theocracy? 

Don't get frustrated. Just answer the questions. Looking in the mirror of your organizational duplicity and Stalinism can't be that bad. Or can it?

See Sourcewatch entry, Baha'i Faith.


NUR - Just come out of the closet and answer these questions.


1) How many people in your group?

2) Are you a clergyman in this group?

3) How often do you meet?

4) Where do most of these people live?

5) Is this group growing in numbers or dwindling? How do you know?  Any references you can site?

6) What are the goals of this group?

7) How does this group organize itself or does it have a community?

8) Is this group recognized by any organization or civil or international body?

9) Is this group persecuted in Iran or elsewhere? If so, can you reference any evidence to support this claim?

10) What would be considered an achievement for this group?

11) Could you tell us some of the principles of your Faith?

and finally...

12) Why don't you answer these basic questions? 

Even if you don't have a reference to cite, it would good to at least tell us the basis for the answers.



None of your business

by NUR on

Your answer 



NUR - Just answer these questions ...


1) How many people in your group?

2) Are you a clergyman in this group?

3) How often do you meet?

4) Where do most of these people live?

5) Is this group growing in numbers or dwindling?

6) What are the goals of this group?

7) How does this group organize itself or does it have a community?

8) Is this group recognized by any organization or civil or international body?

9) Is this group persecuted in Iran or elsewhere? If so, can you reference any evidence to support this claim?

10) What would be considered an achievement for this group?

11) Could you tell us some of the principles of your Faith?

Don't get frustrated, just answer these questions.  Looking in the mirror can't be that bad.  (or is it?)




by NUR on


Sourcewatch entry Baha'i Faith 


Documentary film,
Baha'is In My Backyard


Also see,
Recent court victory by the Orthodox Baha'is (OBF = Orthodox Baha'i Faith), and the suit brought by the Haifan Bahaim organization against them:
//www.truebahai.com/court/139-opinion.pdf (judge's actual
decision) Note particularly,

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques - CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc....  CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer,
i.e. shoot the messenger
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais


Also see S.G. Wilson,
BAHAISM AND RELIGIOUS ASSASSINATION The Muslim World vol. 4, issue 4, 1914
BAHAISM AND RELIGIOUS DECEPTION The Muslim World, Volume 5, Issue 2, 1914-1915.



Another masterful comment...

by Anonymous111 (not verified) on

God, I wish I could use bold text like you....what a skill...




by Happy Nur (not verified) on

I can tell that you have a miserable life and I understand why. I really really mean it and I am so sorry for you. I think you are a very smart person but not a wise one. You left the nur and joined the darkness. That was your own decision and did it to yourself. I really can not see any spirituality in you. All I see hate and darkness in your soul. People sometimes make terrible mistakes they get a second chance in life to correct themselves but decide not to use it. Even their best friend advise them to reconsider like in your case (if you know what I mean) but, because of too much hate decide not to. Now you are left alone in the dark have no one left to listen to you. All you do every day sitting behind your laptop searching and searching and searching for some negative things to find about the Baha'is and post it here. You no longer see any positives. In fact any positive you see bothers you and you try your best to make it negative. What a miserable life you have I am sorry for you and I am more sorry for your Baha'i family and relatives. Go ahead and call me what you want call me close minded ignorant. It doesn't matter; all I can tell you is that I see more truth in the Baha'i Faith than in any other. All I care is to help bring peace on earth and this is the way I think it can be achieved because I have seen that all other ways had end up in failure. Open you heart and be nice to your old friends. Present your issues in a way so other can join and discuss them in a friendly environment.

Thank you and God bless you


I have a better epithet for you...

by NUR on

Village idiot! 

 And in the serial murderer and genocide department, no one's got anything on either rightwing  WASPs or Zionists. By comparison Shi'ite Muslims - and all other peoples on this terra firma, for that matter - are the consummate manifestations of peace and brotherhood!



Well, since it's two of them....

by Anonymous111 (not verified) on

then sorry, I'll take it all back...I guess you're right...I just didn't think of it that way....

I don't know what you're tearing yourself apart for. I agreed with your logic...and better yet, I expanded it to other religions. In fact, since Shia mullahs in Iran have executed tens of thousands of Iranians for the past thirty years, then I guess it will follow that all Shias are serial murderers a thousand times over...

But, then again, what would I know, I'm just a taghiyeh performing Zionist Nazi (isn't that an oxymoron?). Now, you picked those names. Can I choose a couple of names for myself, too? Here we go: I am a Bahai Zionist Nazi Maoist, Socialist, Falangist, Communist, Wahabi, Shinto doing taghiyeh and presenting myself as a devout Muslim. Would that work for you?

PS, as I said before, your use of bold text is exemplary. Bravo!!!!


And before we forget...

by NUR on


Recently the small Italian Baha’i community was shocked to learn that one of its most prominent, long-serving and active members, the former General Secretary of the NSA: Franco Ceccherini, had been ousted from the NSA and formally charged for embezzlement and fraud in the amount of 360,000 Euros.

Ceccherini allegedly stole the money over the lengthy period of time that he served at the highest levels of the Baha’i community in Italy. It appears that he embezzled funds from 1992 until 2006 by fraudulently producing invoices, letters and documents and then pocketing the funds he received for them. Throughout the more than 14 years that Ceccherini served in the institutions, he alternated between high level positions: sometimes he served as the General Secretary of the NSA of Italy, while other times he served as the Head of the Office of the Secretariat - which included several other individuals employed by the NSA. And at times Ceccherini served as both General Secretary and as Head of the Office of the Secretariat.

Through the uninterrupted access granted to him by these positions, Ceccherini was able to allegedly perpetrate this scheme for almost 15 years. It is still a mystery how the Treasurer could not detect such a large and prolonged fraud. Nor is it known what, if any, control measures were circumvented by Ceccherini. As it stands now, neither the Treasurer, any of the other NSA members nor any employees of the NSA have been charged.

The scheme began to unravelled when the Italian equivalent of the IRS contacted the NSA of Italy and filed a charge of tax evasion against it. Through the ensuing audit and investigations it came to light that all these years Ceccherini had been pocketing the funds that should have been going to the INPS and the INAIL (state pension and worker’s compensation/insurance plans).


Bahai Zambies

by Reza41 (not verified) on

Dear Sophia,
my view on dissident of Dr.Azal pretty much is same as yours , they are Baha'i zombies(brain washed by Mossad ) , and their zombie attack are very noticeable and unique .and if we could look them up their IP-es, they are all located in -9 floor in Carmel(Haifa) secret buildings .

peace Reza

p.s Mahi,I hited right on button, didn't I?


The gutless Husayn 'Ali Nari hiding in the Russian embassy

by NUR on

You must have Subh-i-Azal confused with your own gutless, British manufactured 'profit'. Azal didn't hide in women's skirts. It was Husayn 'Ali Nari who was hiding in  the Russian embassy pleading for his life like a scared little tramp after the attempt on Nasiruddin Shah failed, which he (not 'Azim Turshizi) actually organized. Subh-i-Azal was already on his way to Baghdad at this point.

Also Sophia and I are two different people, but thanks for giving me credibility again by tooting the Baha'i AO line that all your enemies are embodied in myself. Unlike you people we don't need to wheel out Paul Hammond to iranian.com pretending he is someone else!



…After the martyrdom of the believers [following the botched assassination attempt on Násiruddín Sháh], his eminence the Mírzá [Husayn ‘Alí] was called forth from the Russian embassy, and they [the government] said [to the Russians] that due to the fact that he is a reprobate towards the government, he should not be given shelter. Because of the incessant pleas of Mírzá Majíd [his brother who was working there] to the Russian consul, he [the consul] obtained assurances from the government that unlike the others, he [Husayn ‘Alí] would not be put to death, thereby [Husayn ‘Alí] was then delivered to the government and imprisoned.

My translation, vaqá’i-i-rástín-i-takúr-i-núr (A True Account of Takúr in Núr), p. 15.




Spurious argumentation by Bahais pretending: CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

by NUR on

First of all, there are two Baha'is arrested, not one. Second, this isn't the first instance of a Baha'i being arrested in the US and booked for massive economic corruption. In case you people have forgotten, there is the celebrated case of Parviz Berjis who committed massive fraud by milking the California insurance industry to the tune of  several million dollars. He was booked along with Baha'i attorney Fariba Rahimi, Baha'i medical office administrator Katayoun Jahangani, Fereydoun Razy, Mahmoud Rahimian and Masood Yazarlou - all Baha'is. That gives us eight people. These are cases publicized in the US. There are others as well. But in none of these cases did your Baha'i administration sanction or reprimand these people. In the Berjis case there are lingering rumours that the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States directly benefitted from Berjis' fraud. Even though they had solid leads, including a confession by Berjis himself, the state prosecutors of the Berjis case were out-manouvered by the attorneys for the US NSA and so were forced to drop the investigation of the NSA as it applied to the specific indictment of Parviz Berjis and his associates.

Then we have the most recent case publicized in Asr-i-Iran - whose news story  the webmaster of this site deleted - of three Baha'is in the Emirates milking mom and dad investors in Iran to the tune of almost 400 million US dollars, monies which they were using to fund their hokey MidEastYouth and Muslim Defense of Baha'i Rights tax-threshold, money laundering fronts. 112 million US dollars of this was laundered into the US itself.

 Clearly and indisputably, the record of criminal Baha'i economic corruption directly linked to their leadership and administration is indisputable.

So as to your point about Shi'ites vs Baha'is - which is a straw man fallacy and a red herring, given the evidence here - you need to come up with better counter-examples, since the record is straightforward! But one thing I will say is this: trusting in Haifan Baha'is in business ventures is like trusting a convicted pedophile with your own infant child.

And indubitably you are a dissimulating Baha'i, since you are following this script below to the letter and the dot:

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer,
i.e. shoot the messenger
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais




Nur and sophia that is sooooooooo obvious

by Pathfinder (not verified) on

Hey NUR? Is this a new trick now? Now you are undercover wearing a skirt and put on some lipsticks, wearing a wig (like azal did to protect himself) and calling yourself sophia? Where is this sophia all of a sudden came from? Seems like she join the Iraninan.com last night just to come here and support you on this blog. I understand that you have lack of supporters but how low could you get? You can fool us some of the time but you can't fool us all of the time.


Let's Test Your Logic

by Anonymous111 (not verified) on

One Bahai Arrested in US = All Bahais Are Thieves!!!!

Does that Mean that everytime a Shia is arrested in the U.S., all Shias, including Khameni himself are thieves?!!!!!!!! OK, I'll go with that theory. Considering how many Shia Iranians have been arrested in the US before, every Shia on this planet must be a thief many time over!!!!

BTW, why do you write under two different user names, Covenant and Nur? is that what they tell you to do in Tehran?!!!!

Again, I am not a Bahai and frankly don't care about that religion, mainly because it's an offshoot of the filth that is Islam and Shiaism----which, in turn, originated from the filths that were Judaism and Christianity....

But, in your book, I am a Zionist Bahai doing taghiyeh....

that's cool..


fishy fish

by sophia on

I'm going to call you on this one, Fish. I've been watching the posts and responses of various groups and individuals surrounding this issue for a while now. I think you sound conspicuously like one Paul Hammond, a so-called 'neutral' non-bahai observer who makes regular posts to the newsgroup Talk.Religion.Baha'i. If you're not this person, you sound like you are following a Baha'i response script TO THE LETTER. Nur is not prosthelytizing here. Support for Babi narrative as a significant Persian narrative is not

a hate crime. The issues that Nur is raising have as much to do with social and economic truth and justice, and the validity of certain historical 'facts' as they do with religion. If Nur is supporting a fringe group, and this is a fringe issue, why are you posting here? You're claiming you're not even a Baha'i! If you weren't a Baha'i, I can't see any good reason for you attempting to paint Nur as some kind of hate monger. If you want hate crimes, there is documented history of hate crimes against Bayani's. Oh, and by the way, I really don't think you know what MOZDOUR means. Why didn't you respond to the news item on the FBI arrests? Classic Paul Hammond. 

Fish Here

Stop Hating Folks!

by Fish Here on

Expose away as much as you like.

From where I stand, knowing little about Bahais and caring even less to know, your exposing them would be just like any other agitated group exposing another and how it seems to a third party--pathetic.

If you think for a minute that exposing Bahais will win you any followers or anyone would then say:  "Yuck, Bahais, I won't join them, but Oh Yesssss, here's Nur's Azalis, now there's a great faith to join!" you couldn't be more wrong.

I have seen kindness from Bahais and I never even knew that there was such a thing as Azalis!  If this is it, and Nur is the ultimate authority and leader of Azalis, I doubt anyone would want to follow such an angry and bitter man.

Look here, I made a point he doesn't appreciate and he calls me a "MOZDUR."  Name calling is the most childish way of arguing a point and this from a supposed leader? 

I shall take my leave now, as I was merely questioning the tone and tactics of Nur.  I cannot feel moved enough to examine the content of his messages, sorry.  I O.D.'ed on religions a long time ago and I leave it to the zealots who think it is their responsibility to convert the willing and to eliminate the unwilling by calling them a bahai or a mozdur.

As far as I'm concerned, an akhound is an akhound no matter what religion he preaches. The words might be different but the tactics are the same.   


what is you problem, Fish?

by sophia on

It's really weird Fish. You responses sound EXACTLY like the responses of other Baha'is here. Oooooo, ooooo,so hateful, so hateful! Moreover, your gloating response tends to suggest something about you and your allegiances. More importantly however, is the issue of what Nur is attempting to expose. If he'd posted a blog about Bernie Madoff here, what would you say? Would you call Nur hateful then? Would you argue that we need to treat financial and moral criminals with kid gloves? It's utterly ridiculous! Angry? If these accusations are true, which there is a good chance they are, how on earth do you want someone to react? Maybe by having some conflict-free 'fireside' chat about the issue? It makes no difference how personally wonderful your Baha'i friends are, if the organization and certain of its associates are corrupt, then they deserve nothing but exactly the kind of exposure Nur is giving. It's not about about every rank and file Baha'i being a criminal. And I will re-iterate the comments I have made before about responses to Nur's posts as they continue to apply in almost every post they have made:   

I find the various responses to Nur's posts very interesting. What I find most disturbing about the nature of the responses from people here who I assume are supporters of the Baha'is is the way they all make almost exactly the same types of comments about Nur's posts. They call them aliar, they call them crazy, in need of mental help. They say that their posts are angry, motivated by bitterness. Such responses all sound so pre-programmed,almost like they are coming out of the mouths of brainwashed people. And it also sounds so much like the ways in which totalitarian regimes around theworld attack their critics, paint them as unbalanced lunatics, as someonewith an axe to grind who is looking to upset some kind of illusory 'state harmony', even in face of quite solid evidence to the contrary. For those who know anything about this, such techniques are the classic instruments ofgovernments to quash dissidents and turn genuine critics into paraiahs. In the context of the Baha'is, it also seems that anyone who stands against the Haifan Baha'i organization somehow supports the Mullahs, rather than being able to have perfectly reasonable reasons to dislike their ideology, and believe thatthere has been a great deal of censorship, propaganda and whitewashing ofhistory undertaken in order to hide certain uncomfortable truths about thefaith's past. And what better way to justify that than to say it has been donein such a way because the world will not understand why it is necessary untilsome time into the future! Perfect! It seems so symptomatic of the response of many Baha'is that they are so utterly locked into their own completely totalitarian, homogenising (no matter what the teachings say about this), and power driven mindset that they can only produce responses to genuine historical evidence by dismissing it as the lies of an agitator.



may be and may be

by Passer By (not verified) on

Royal majesty did something good for the Baha'is for a change and stop the fanatic islamo fascist mobs helped by fascist azalies to attack the Baha'is again and again and destroy their properties and burn their houses just like they did in early 1950s. I don't blame the Baha'is for kicking you out. Every organizations have rules and regulations if you don't follow you are out so don't be so mad and stop posting garbage. I was a child and old enough to remember when Muslim mobs coming out of mosques attacked all the Baha'i houses in my hometown including my next door neighbor they took everything valuable, broke doors and windows and then set the house in fire. Fortunately my neighbor knew they are coming they left the town and came back few days later when the government settled things down and brought some orders. I have no religion but I love Baha’is and I am serious to join them when I decide to stop my bad habits. But definitely wont consider to become a hate monger azaly like you. Shame on you.


پروژه پرونده سازی علیه بهاییان در دوران پهلوی

A. (not verified)

پروژه پرونده سازی علیه بهاییان در دوران پهلوی

در دی ماه سال 1328 در ابرقو خانواده ای را قتل عام نمودند. دادگستری شهر یزد با پرونده سازی علیه بهاییان چنین وانمود کرد که این واقعه اسفناک را بهاییان به وجود آورده اند. در اثر این اتهام واهی و دروغ ، تبعات ناگوار بسیاری بر جامعه بهایی یزد و اسفندآباد ابرقو وارد آمد که بررسی و نوشتن جزئیات آن واقعه ، زمان زیادی را طلب می کند. پیش از این در باره این ماجرا مطلب مختصری نوشته و اشاره ای گذرا به مندرجات و استدلالات متن کیفرخواست دادستان یزد ( محمد جلالی ) نموده ام. در این جا می خواهم نگاهی کلی تر به این ماجرا بیندازم و خصوصا در باره "سادگی پرونده سازی" علیه بهاییان در دوران پهلوی بنگارم و نشان دهم ، اتفاقی که در دادگستری های یزد و طهران در ماجرای ابرقو علیه بهاییان رخ داد ، چندان تازه و عجیب نبود. واقعه ابرقو و انتساب آن به جامعه بهایی را می توان پروژه تجربه شده ای دانست که مخالفان آیین بهایی از دوره رضاشاه پهلوی با موفقیت آن را دامن زده و تجربه نموده بودند.

26/12/1387 اتفاقا سر نخ این پروژه از خلال متن کیفرخواست دادستان یزد به دست می آید:

" این اولین دفعه نیست كه محفل بهائی یزد دستور ترور و آدم كشی داده ، بلكه در چند سال قبل در خود شهرستان یزد شخص بی گناهی را به نام محمد فخار به جرم این كه به سران بهائی لعن كرده و ناسزا گفته ، نصف شب درب خانه او رفته و به عنوان این كه در سر كوچه كسی با تو كار دارد ، او را فریب داده و وقتی كه مشارالیه از خانه بیرون آمده ، او را به زور به محل دیگر برده و برای این كه نتواند استمداد كند ، به وسیله دستمال درب دهان او را گرفته و سپس او را خفه كرده و جنازه او را در هیزم های نزدیك كوره آجرپزی انداخته و جسد او را آتش زده بودند ".

داستان محمد فخار چه بود؟
ماجرا از این قرار بود که سلطان نیک آیین که ریاست محفل یزد را بر عهده داشت و از وضع مادی بسیار خوبی نیز برخوردار بود و همچنین در میان سیاسیون و رؤسای ادارت شهر یزد قدرت و نفوذ داشت ، در سال 1316 یک تن از بانوان بهایی را به این بهانه که آب حمام را نجس می کند ، از حمام عمومی اخراج نمودند! نیک آیین برای راحتی بهاییان ، به ساختن حمام دوش اقدام نمود. محل حمام در مقابل مسجد جامع یزد قرار داشت و مخالفان آیین بهایی از این موضوع که شخصی بهایی و بانفوذ ، مشغول ساختن حمام دوش است ، ناراحت بودند. از قضا محمد فخار که کوره پزخانه داشت و برای حمام مزبور آجر می آورد ، به واسطه اختلافاتی که با کارگران خشت مال خود پیدا نمود ، به قتل رسید و جسد او را در باغی در میان هیزم ها ریخته و سوزاندند. پاسبانی به طور اتفاقی آتش را دید و از ترس سرایت آن به باغات و خرمن های اطراف ، وارد معرکه شد و دید دو تن از کارگران کوره پز خانه در کنار باغ ایستاده اند. به آنها دستور داد که بروند صاحب باغ را خبر کنند تا بیایند و در خاموش کردن آتش کمک نمایند. در همین حین پاسبان مزبور جسد فخار را در میان هیزم های سوخته یافت و ماجرا از حالت عادی خارج شد. از طرف دیگر زن محمد فخار که از شوهرش بی خبر مانده بود ، این جسد را از روی دکمه های لباسش شناسایی کرد. با این


Fish Here = Baha'i doing Taqiyya: CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

by NUR on

It is quite telling that the blog exposing the financial skullduddgery of the Haifan Bahai cult got deleted. This says everything about this site because it's not the first time it has happened either. Chill yourself, MOZDUR! Neither you or the webmaster of this site are invulnerable to being exposed yourselves for financial corruptions associated with this site and the Haifan Baha'is. Especially in light of,

FBI agents raided the office of the university's Innovative Nuclear
Space Power and Propulsion Institute, which was founded by professor Samim Anghaie, an Iranian-born director of the institute and a professor of radiological engineering.

According to court documents, Anghaie and his family members set up a company called New Era Technology, which was known as NETECH. His wife, Sousan Anghaie, was the president of the company.

Court documents allege that NETECH submitted fraudulent proposals to NASA for proposed research contracts. As a result, NETECH received several NASA contracts. NETCH is also accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to NASA which represented hours worked by alleged employees.


 "As members of the Baha'i faith, Samim and Sousan Anghaie applied for asylum in the U.S. on the basis of Iran's persecution of members of the religion, according to immigration documents. He is currently listed as a resident alien."

 It appears that the government of Iran isn't the only government after these people to nail them for corruption and criminal financial theft.

 Haifan Bahaism = Hate

 Exposing and combatting Haifan Bahaism & its crimes = Love

And unlike a dissimulator like you, I am not hiding behind any alias. Everyone here knows I am Wahid Azal.


Baha'is In My Backyard


Also see,
Recent court victory by the Orthodox Baha'is (OBF = Orthodox Baha'i
Faith), and the suit brought by the Haifan Bahaim organization against them:
//www.truebahai.com/court/139-opinion.pdf (judge's actual
Note particularly,

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques - CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc....  CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer,
i.e. shoot the messenger
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais


Also see S.G. Wilson,
BAHAISM AND RELIGIOUS ASSASSINATION The Muslim World vol. 4, issue 4, 1914
BAHAISM AND RELIGIOUS DECEPTION The Muslim World, Volume 5, Issue 2, 1914-1915.



Fish Here


by Fish Here on

And you spent all that time spewing hate in a blog which got deleted!

Maybe this should make you think before dishing out libelous remarks against real people while hiding behind a fake name and an avatar yourself!

Really Nur, what is your religion which permits you to hate so freely and without shame?

Is there any love in its teachings somewhere, too?  If so, did you learn anything?  If not, why don't you join Kayhan's editorial board?  I hear they are desperate for people who can do "efshaa gari" the way you do, and since bahais seem to be fair game in Iran these days, you could be in for an endless round of good times writing about them.  Make sure you take all your "evidence," too, because they would let you publish them, I'm sure.

And go ahead, accuse me of being a bahai doing taghieh again, but you won't get far insulting me with that nonesense! I'm not a bahai. 

Chill, dude!


Yes, I know...

by NUR on

The point is that even though the evidence is irrefutable regarding their own connections, the Baha'is plead that no such connections existed on their part.  Years ago when I first revealed that such a letter existed, the Baha'is online unanimously claimed it was a lie and that I was making it up. Here is a facsimile of the actual letter the UHJ sent to Sabet. What do they say to this now...


Shazde Asdola Mirza

So what? Mullahs were actually being paid by shah and savak!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)