Shamans of the Amazon

Shamans of the Amazon
by NUR

First 8 minutes from Shamans of the Amazon:

Visual animated adaptation of an Ayahuasca vision-journey from the movie Renegade/Bluberry:


more from NUR

And what are you hungry for?

by NUR on


You Haifan Baha'is deserve all the attack you get, and I'm here to put you fascists out of business and ensure you never get the power you lust for.

Wahid Azal


poor Nur is out of business

by Anonymous.123 (not verified) on

poor Nur is out of business unless he attacks Bahais
I think he is hungry and thirsty for attention.


Both are great films

by NUR on

Shaman's of the Amazon is the definitive Ayahuasca documentary so far. Blueberry/Renegade - although an occult Western - offers the most vivid portrayal of an entheogenic experience, such as Ayahuasca, ever put on film.

Wahid Azal