Some Arabs eat soosmar. So what?


Some Arabs eat soosmar. So what?
by oktaby

Chinese eat cats, French eat frogs and ant, and Phillipinos eat a species of cockroach... Iranians eat kaleh pache

In my experience few mistake Persians for Arabs. When they do, it is only a reflection of their ignorance. In a related blog (which is not my topic) RG made a good point about Iranian Arabs and how disrespecting Arabs in general fuels separatism. It also fuels fire of divide and conquer.

I am a card carrying anti-religion party member who specializes in anti-islam at the post post-doc level but lets not confuse Arabs and Islam. Arab identity has been intertwined with Islam but that only goes so far. Remember they can understand the bul#$%^ in Quran so at least they have an idea. The problem is religion and global concentration of power and wealth, not Arabs. At least not all of them. It is the pseudo nation oil rich whores of this planet like SA, Kuwait & UAE who are of same cloth and color as the rapist republic, but a bit smarter. remember most of the rapist republic's Aa$$holes can't speak Arabic, including ayatoilets. They barely speak their mother tongue (I won't get into the profession of their mothers right now). Syrians, Lebanese, North Africans are quite different and are proud of the empire that devoured them too and on the world scene are doing as well if not better than Iranians.

Bigotry is bigotry is bigotry. Against race, color, creed or anything else. Unfortunately, a large numebr of Iranians, including majority of West residing variety are as ignorant as the Arabs they diss, if not more so. They barely know their own culture, history and heritage. Inside Iran we have masses of asses. Why else the rapist republic could get away with what it does. Many Arabs do not have an islamic government  or system as F@#$%$ up and brutal as ours. The current Arab uprising is despite islam and their Arab rulers.

I had to put my head down and try to explain this Anti-Arab sense to a very dear Lebanese friends from whom I have never seen anything but civility and kindness. I cannot say as much about most Iranians who will not raise a finger to save their own brethren from the most brutal system on the face of this planet. Those raping us right now and plundering Iran are IRANIANS even if they are mercenaries and khaen going all the way back to Afshin and Salman Farsi. The richest of Iranians today floating between continents and pissing green are IRANIANS who quite happily drink Iranian blood. Most of West residing Iranians floating back and forth in unison with those inside and investing bidirectionally have bloody hands but nevr personally killed anyone.They do not see the correlation. Those praising Amir Arjomand have no clue what time it is.

If you want to differentiate yourself as an Iranian, stand proud on what we can truely be proud of; not our blood and color but on our heritage and ideals; and practice a bit of critical thinking. Goftar, raftar and pendare Neek. get yourself straight first. The wold is f#$%#$ up enough, don't screw it up more than it is with biggotry, hatred, false information and hate mythology.


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pre final

by oktaby on

Bavafa, darius & MG, thx

Faramarz, I thought he was in charge of quality control but mollas do not follow standard TQM procedures

MM, I chose this picture mainly because it is funny. It also shows the ignorance we are contending with and accuse others of. The ambience is particulary appealing and a perfect setting for 'holiness'

Most odd sounding foods seem to end up tasting like chicken. I have had snake and frogs and they both tasted like chicken. Our taste is fooled by seasoning? or maybe our mind plays games to get us over the hump of quiziness. Kind of like Tavana's mind playing games with him, telling him he actually has a clue.


Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on



by MM on

if soosmaar=lizard, then I have had it too and it (alligator) tastes like chicken, with a slight fishy aroma.


Anahid, Blackened Alligatot is Yummy

by Faramarz on

Blackened alligator or deep fried rattlesnake are both tasty and generally available in the South. Check them out.

Mash Ghasem

Very nice blog, thank you

by Mash Ghasem on

At some level all of this discrimination and prejudice against others is basically motivated by a great sense of insecurity and lack of self-worth. Thanks again for a great reminder, damet garm.

Talking about the strange things some people (still) eat. Just saw this one, check it out. Warning: It's kinda of disgusting!

سر بريدن ۱۵۰۰۰ سگ برای تدارک غذای يک فستيوال!! +تصاوير




by oktaby on

You must be a molla zadeh. your comment stinks of maghlateh.



Tavana: DO you think you are

by vildemose on

Tavan: DO you think you are any different than Oktaby?? You subscribe to an inherently racist  religion where exceptionalism (infidel vs non-infidels) and the tactic of divide and conquer (dar-al-harb vs dar-al-islam) are its two major pillars; ummah vs the rest of humanity.

Any belief system which considers itself "exceptional" automatically becomes racist and dangerous because it implies that it needs never to change - that it, by its very fact, exceptional and excludes and does not consider  'others' as equal  who are not part of the "exceptional" ummah way of thinking.

Anahid Hojjati

seriously Faramarz, have you eaten Soosmar?

by Anahid Hojjati on



Please Correct

by Tavana on

"Billions" is missing after "1.3" on the comment below. Please correct. Thnx.


Soosmar Tastes Just Like Chicken!

by Faramarz on

We are all equal, but not necessarily alike. It is the way we are wired plus the culture and history and many other factors.


Nice Picture. The Mola is window-shopping!



نمی دونم چرا


نمی دونم چرا این عکس را برگزیدید، ولی این عکس به عنوان "نماز جمعه در قزوین" به من ایمیل شده بود.
در باره بقیه نظرات شما، وقت حمله ملخ ها در خوزستان (؟1960) من خوراک ملخ یادمه خوردم.  و البته در بعضی از نقاط جنوب شاهراه-70 در آمریکا، اگه بجنبه، جاش تو ماهی تابه است.  و حالا در کالیفورنیا، سوسک توی لالی پاپ میگذارند....یام یام. آمریکایی ها میگن: سووووو وات.


So What With the Blogger's BS?

by Tavana on

In my experience few mistake Persians for Arabs. When they do, it is only a reflection of their ignorance. Pointing straight to the blogger's racist attitude: Here it comes: It also fuels fire of divide and conquer. Speaks for itself. "specializes in anti-islam" i.e. That is what the blog all about. Not soomar. Not Iranian & Not Arabs, of course. The shown pic. is bothering her/him the most they can understand the bul#$%^ in Quran so at least they have an idea. An absolute ignorant statement but no surprises with the blogger's intent. the bul#$%^ in Quran Go tell this to 1.3 deceived?? Muslims in the world whores of this planet like SA, Kuwait & UAE who are of same cloth A whore is a whore whether American, Arab, Israeli, or Persian............................ Time is too precious to spend with more of the same highlighted BS.



I had soosmar whilst visiting New Orleans...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

OK, it lived in a swamp instead of desert before being consumed by me. It was deep fried, nicely seasoned, and extremely tasty, all washed down with a big, ice cold glass of local brew. I Highly recommend it. While I am at it,  I am also guilty of eating fish's head on a couple of occasions whilst visiting the ancestoral village back home. Very tasty the way my grand mother cooked it!

But you are spot on Dear Oktaby. Why some of our compatriots act like a bunch of red necks when it comes to racial and ethnic identity is as baffling to me as embarassing. Loving our country and it's people is in no way mutually exclusive with respecting people of other nationalities and ethnicities...  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


We Always Need To Blame Someone Else

by darius on


 If you want to differentiate yourself as an Iranian, stand proud on what we can truely be proud of; not our blood and color but on our heritage and ideals; and practice a bit of critical thinking. Goftar, raftar and pendare Neek. get yourself straight first. The wold is f#$%#$ up enough, don't screw it up more than it is with biggotry, hatred, false information and hate mythology.


Very well said. 



Love love love this blog

by Bavafa on

I read it three times, it sounded like a good music to my ear.

Many thanks for writing and putting it so eloquently

'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 
