I have a few questions for all those who claim that the IRI should be left alone to “reform” itself. I would like to know the following:
* Please describe the EXACT process of how this reform will take place that will turn a despotic, brutal theocracy into a democracy. Please note that I am asking for the step by step process, not just abstract thoughts and wishful thinking.
* How will a system that crushes the slightest dissent allow the establishment of the social and political infrastructure that will usher in a representative democracy? In other words, how will the IRI allow the election of those who support a democratic system of governance to its system? How will they pass laws that will not be vetoed by the Guardian Council and the Velyat Faghih?
* Howl long will we have to wait for this process to take place? Should we wait until the entire Guardian Council is dead and a new cadre of more progressive Ayatollahs take over this body? What is the estimated time frame for democracy to take hold in Iran? In light of the fact that after three decades, the IRI has gotten even more dictatorial in nature, is a century a close enough estimate for the arrival of democracy in Iran?
Thank you in advance for your responses.
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Sistani quietism and revolt of quietist Ayatollahs against VF!
by Iqbal Latif on Sat Oct 29, 2011 04:37 AM PDTFor any theocratic coup d'état against the Supreme leader President Ahmadinejad seemingly must have high of hopes from Majles-e Khebregan-e Rahbari afterall Mahdavi Kani, bumped off Rafsanjani and was elected in March 2011 with Ahmadinejad hard-line support.
Sistani quietism and revolt of quietist Ayatollahs against the concept of VF is brewing, this will result in the implosion of IRI. Dialectical materialism is working at full speed within the sacrosanct hierarchal structure of Iranian mullahcracy.
Yesterday hardliners are today's moderate, imagine this statement from Rafsanjani the moderate face of the Iran today 'When the shah gave us freedoms, we drove him out of the country. We won't make that mistake ourselves.'
One really doesn't know who is the sheep or who is the wolf; everyone cross dresses in the Majles-e Khebregan-e Rahbari, a deliberative body of 86 Mujtahids that is charged with electing and removing the Supreme Leader of Iran and supervising his activities.
One needs to remember that the election for the fourth assembly 2007 had one particular note that was the victory of pragmatistAyatollah Rafsanjani list, over hard-line candidates associated with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for positions in the 86-member Assembly of Experts. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was re-elected as chairman. In March 2011 Rafsanjani lost his post as head of the powerful Assembly of Experts as a result of intensive lobbying by "hardliners and supporters" of presidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad , replaced by Ayatollah Mohammad-Reza Mahdavi Kani. Rafsanjani withdrew from the election for head to "avoid division." The current chairman of the Assembly Mahdavi Kani, elected in March 2011. Assembly of Experts is elected every 8 years the term formed in 2007, will exceptionally last ten years due to the "election aggregation" plan of Iran, put into place to allow the government to run one simultaneous election for both the Assembly of Experts and Parliament, thereby economizing election costs.
To dislodge the power of the Supreme leader President Ahmadinejad has taken Rafsanjani centrist and "pragmaticconservative "position. He supports a free market position domestically, favouring privatization of state-owned industries, and a moderate position internationally, seeks to avoid conflict with the United States and the West.
The big question is will Rafsanjani support ex-rival and loathed Ahmadinejad? Like Supreme Soviet in 1990, Iranian orthodox system is giving up as the demands of the people cannot be met by intransigence of the sacrosanct antiquated ideological beliefs. From Bazargan to Mousavi and now may be Ahmadinejad have all realised at long last that 'Imam's kite cannot fly' the bread and butter of the world requires both duniya and Ikharat!
There is no EXACT process (wake up!)
by bahmani on Fri Oct 28, 2011 07:04 PM PDTInternal reform begins when cracks appear in the logic of the oppressing ruling heads who slowly start to see and prefer the benefits of pragmatism over the tedium and risk of continued oppression.
Usually when power is concentrated in the hands of a small group as it is in Iran, it takes until that group gets old and the original fever with which they ruled, fails to pass to a lower second new generation of rulers.
This has happened in the Russia when the Brezhnev era passed to the Gorbachev era.
It also happened in China when the Mao era passed to the Deng era and more so again to the Hu era.
With each passing reform happened.
The theory of internal reform, is this, and as it applies to Iran, the theory is that when this ruling era passes on, the next one, will be more pragmatic and put aside the old ways, and adopt a more reformed approach to governance.
The theory is that this happens in a few years when Khamenei dies (MAMHDS May Allah make his departure sooner).
Th EXACT process you seek will depend entirely on this theory playing out, and the next generation in charge making the decision to reform or not.
The likelihood of the next generation taking over, being as hardline as this current one, is low, since there isn't a near gap, but a far gap between replacement Ayatollahs. Part of the liability of putting all your best people on the front lines of the Iran-Iraq war means you have run out of Mollahs too. All that are left are young Mollahs to take over, and as all younger generation who did not suffer what their previous generation did, they are soft, and unlikely to be willing to defend their power with too much force.
Hence the prediction and theory of internal self reform after this generation runs it's ugly course.
To read more bahmani posts visit: //brucebahmani.blogspot.com/
They're not
by Rastin on Fri Oct 28, 2011 03:38 PM PDTWhy would they? Why would they give up the ability to steal $$$ in broad daylight unpunished? The whole "reform"-businesss is nothing but a relief-valve when things get tense. See, now 2 years passed since the introduction of the Green movement and not much has changed, if anything. Same with Khatami, 8 years just flew by.
Parsis Victor
IRI will not reform herself
by MM on Fri Oct 28, 2011 02:55 PM PDTThe IRI elite are too comfortable bagging the "beyt-ol-maal", as they would call it, and silencing the opposition Iranian voices. The IRI needs to be forced to comply or perish, and many of us prefer this changing force to be "made in Iran" and supported by the Iranian Diaspora!
My previous blog on a related issue
by Onlyiran on Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:54 PM PDT