A Few Terms From Islamists' and Leftists' Dictionary


by Onlyiran

Iran = Place we occupy to use as a laboratory for our ideological experiments.

Palestine = Our home.

Iranians = Laboratory animals for our ideological experiments. Also see expendable.

Palestinians = Our people.

South Lebanon = Our second home.

South Lebanese = People who trained our leaders to occupy Iran.

America = We want to be like them, but we can’t.  So, we bad mouth them. Also see envy.

Imperialist = Anyone who disagrees with us.  Also see “what we want to be, but we can’t”.

Iranian Heritage = No definition available.

Palestinian Heritage = In 1948, imperialist, Zionist, colonialists occupiers occupied Palestinian lands by force.  Ever since, they have been occupying more lands, torturing and murdering our Palestinian brothers and sisters.  They have been building settlements….(please see out forty volume book series on the subject for continuation of definitions).

Iranians Executed by the IRI = Justified and required for liberation of Palestine.

Engaging In a Destructive War Against the “West” from Our Base in Iran = Justified and required for liberation of Palestine. Also see Justified and required for completing the unfinished business of our great revolution of eliminating the “imperialists” and those annoying Iranians.

Ehya Confederation = Our former base in the “West”, and where the leftist part of our coalition came from.  Members still active as propaganda agents.

Revolution = Gravy train.

War (any war) = Gravy train.

Dead bodies of Iranians paraded through the streets as a result of wars that we instigate = Gift that keeps on giving. Need more.

Palestinian Lives and Dignity = Sacred, and must be defended at all costs.

Iranian Lives = Tools to use to defend Palestinian lives and dignity.  Also see expandable. 

Imam Hussein = Gravy train for the past thousand years.

Imam Mehdi = Gravy train for the next thousand years.

Homemade Technology = Made in North Korea.

“Winning” a war = If we can survive, we have won, regardless of whether the laboratory (Iran) has been turned into a parking lot.  Also see Hassan Nasrollah.

Iran’s Wealth = Belongs to Hezbollah and Palestinians. 


more from Onlyiran


by timothyfloyd on



Iranians who will be

by vildemose on

Iranians who will be  Executed by the IRI = justified for Iran's Independence

تایید حکم اعدام دو تن از متهمان وقایع پس از انتخابات




by sag koochooloo on

Thanks for another great blog. How sad that our country has come to this, but thanks for injecting some humour into it. It helps ...


You're right, your addition should be somewhere there!   :-)


Everyone that I haven't thanked before

by Onlyiran on

thank you for your comments.

One thing that all comments seem to share is the sense of sadness at this state of affairs.  I share that sentiment.  It is truly sad that our homeland is being ruled by such anti-Iranian entities. 

Artificial Intelligence

Great Posting

by Artificial Intelligence on

Its sad but so true.


Excellent Dictionary

by cyclicforward on

It has to be written with golden ink. I hope Palestine goes to hell so these guys don't have any more excuse.



دمت گرم فقط ایران گرامی‌


امیدوارم که درد فلسطین دق مرگشون کنه تا از دست این آشغالهیه ایران ستیز راحت بشیم.  از اون طرفش هم امیدوارم که حسادت به این شاه بدبخت فلک زده چشم این کمونیستهایه دروغگو بی‌ وطن رو کور کنه. 


Missing item

by Rea on

Westerners = irrational.



by jamshid on

Great job! Enjoyed the read. So true. So sad.


great posting

by MRX1 on

by onlyiran and even a better response by viledmose. simply great guys.


Don't miss Kher's excelelnt

by vildemose on

Don't miss Kher's excellent blog:


یک مشت خارجی‌، از عراق و لبنان و فلسطین اومدند...اون خمینی بی‌ همه چیز که اصلا فارسی بلد نبود.  چمران و سید احمد و بقیه مافیایهٔ جمهرری اسلامی...تعلیم دیدیهایه یاسر عرفات و جنبش آمل لبنان.  یک مشت چپی بی‌ وطن خود فروخته هم جا کشیشون رو کردند...  

خرابی‌ برامون اورددند.  فرهنگ مرگ برامون اورددند.   جنگ درست کردند.  صدها هزار جوون و بچه را فرستادند رو مین و بهشون قول بهشت دادند.  دها هزار نفر رو اعدام کردند. 

بزور کتک و دشنام و زندان لچک کردند سر زنهای پیشرفتهٔ ایران.  آبرومون رو تو دنیا بردند و کردنمون میکروب رو کرهٔ زمین...تنها دوستامون شدند تروریستهای لبنانی و فلسطینی...

کشور رو چپاول کردند.  بیلیونها دلار سرمایه‌ مردم ایران را فرستادند و میفرستند برایه تروریستهای لبنان و فلسطین.  آثار تاریخیمون رو حراج کردند تو کشورهای خارجی‌.  میخوان تخت جمشید رو زیر آب کنند. شهرهای ساسانی رو زیر آب کردند. ولی‌ خوب امامزاده میسازند...

ارتش بزرگمون رو تیکه پاره کردند بجاش یک مشت بسیجی‌ و پاسدار چاقو کش سر کار گذشتند.  اسلحهایه خوبمون را تاراج کردند بجاش یک مشت آهن قراضه از کره‌ شمالی اوردند و باهاش سر مردم شیره میمالند میگن خودمون درست کردیم...

جوونهامون رو تو




Vildemose & Raoul

by Onlyiran on

Vildemose jaan: Thank you very much.

Raoul: I know.  I'm used to that by now, tough.  You are absolutely right.  The reason why they attack like that is because 1) they have no response, and if I may add, 2) it has worked for them in Iran for the past 31 year.  So they give it a shot in cyberspace too.   


Very well articulated and

by Raoul1955 on

easily 'digestable.' Now get ready for being labeled by the said groups as:
1) 'Racist,' although there is no scientific basis for 'races;'
2) 'Bigoted,' indicating that the leftists do agree with you, but cannot reason, so just use labeling to express their [inherent] lack of reasoning.


Most excellent and clever.

by vildemose on

Most excellent and clever.


Yolanda & Oktaby

by Onlyiran on

Yolanda: Thanks.  Glad you liked it.

Oktaby: That is interesting, isn't it?  In 2006, Hezbollah killed perhaps a total of 6 israeli soldiers.  Israel, in return, destroyed half of South Lebanon, killed almost 1500 Lebanese, mostly civilian, and then Hassan Nasrollah and the IRI claimed victory!!!!!  So, their definition of "winning' that war was Hassan Nasrollah's survival.  I guess that's their standard for "winning" wars waged against Iran as well.  The civilian casualties will be much larger, of course...but who cares?  They will only be Iranians... 



by yolanda on


Thank you for sharing! I like these items:


Palestine = Our home.

Iranians = Laboratory animals for our ideological experiments. Also see expendable.

Palestinians = Our people.

South Lebanon = Our second home.

South Lebanese = People who trained our leaders to occupy Iran.


It sounds like IRI wants to build an Islamic Empire! 



Like the definition of 'winning'

by oktaby on


Maryam Hojjat

Well Said! Shameful Reality

by Maryam Hojjat on

Thanks Onlyiran.