مکالمه شخصی

مکالمه شخصی
by Orang Gholikhani

دیشب  به خودم نامه نوشتم

که بیا و یار باش

دیگر غریبه نباش

جواب  بده تا خبری آید

از چشم خشک ما اشکی آید

بگو که تنها نیستی

گریبانگیر این غم فقط تو نیستی

جواب  بده اینجا کسی یار توست

در این کهکشان ستاره إی مال توست

بگو خنده را دوست داری

تا گوش یاری بدست آری

آری دیشب  به خودم نامه نوشتم

که بیوفا ما را به یاد داشته باش

گفتا مرحبا ای یار سفید

که آخر نامه ای رسید


Février 2009


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Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on

Monda , Souri, Ana, Azadeh jan

Thanks to all for your kind words and specialy for quotation it is so true.

For me, my poems are simply feelings which stress me and I need to express them out. somewhere like breathing or a therapy. sometimes there are feelings coming from my life or coming from my observation.

Azadeh says true, at beginning I've been judeged and rejected too and a lot of time ignored. But when you find people who are in the same wave as your poem, it is such a pleasur. You are no more alone.

What is amazing is when you are inspired by something and your poem goes out , each one can own and  interpreted it as he/she feels it.

 If you feel this letter to myself should be my poetry, my answer is may be ! you know I'm a poet and not a psy ;-)

Actually my original inspiration for this one was our lonliness and feeling that we miss support, looking for help, you cry and receive an echo ! even an echo is better than an empty mailbox.

Thanks to all for yourkind  echos. 

Ba sepas



Azadeh Azad

Wonderful poem

by Azadeh Azad on

Thank you, Orang jaan, I really enjoyed reading this wonderful poem.

Dear Ana,

I agree with you that each poem is a letter a poet writes to themselves. Thank you for bringing up Herman Hesse. He is one of my favourite authors. I adore him! What you say about poetry is very true. With your permission, I'd like to write his quotation in its entirety, as it might help those who don't write poetry simply for fear of being judged or rejected:

"In its origin a poem is something completely unequivocal. It is a discharge, a call, a cry, a sigh, a gesture, a reaction by which the living soul seeks to defend itself from or to become aware of an emotion, an experience. In this first spontaneous, most important function no poem can be judged. It speaks first of all simply to the poet himself, it is his cry, his dream, his scream, his smile, his whirling fists. Who would try to judge people's night-time dreams by their aesthetic value, or our movements of hand and head, our expressions and way of walking by their expediency? The babe in arms that puts its thumb or toe in its mouth behaves just as intelligently and properly as the author who gnaws his penholder or the peacock that spreads its fans. No one of them does better than the others, no one is more in the right than the rest."



Anahid Hojjati

Dear Orang, Isn't a

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Orang,

Isn't a poet's poem, in effect a letter to themselves?  I have a writeup about Herman Hesse; famous German writer and sometime poet.  In this writeup, Hess is quoted to have said:"In its origin a poem is something completely unequivocal.  It is a discharge, a call, a cry, a sigh ..."

 So Orang, by letter to yourself, do you mean your poetry?




by Souri on

How come I missed this beautiful poem? I didn't notice it, how come?

This is really amazing, Orang jon. Very nice, both the idea and the poem in itself!! you are a "genie".......


Orang you spoke from my heart again!

by Monda on

I deeply crave for letters... white paper, any color, texture, weight or smell. The dear ones who used to write me have all passed away. And the younger people have variety of excuses for not writing.

I have been writing emails to my daughter, but the other night she announced that my letters are getting too long and she needs to delete some in order to fit school related items on her extended drive! I'm thinking of buying her a nice few-gigabite drive only for my memories...In any case I'll start writing real letters to myself too and maybe will send some to my kid. Her choice if she wants to scan them or keep them in actual form. The tree-hugger that she is, she will face a dilemma I know.

Thank you for your beautiful piece Orang.


Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on

JJ jan and Princess Jan hopfully you and other friends are always here writing me kind words so I dont' need to send mails to myself :-)

Still Thanks.

Ba sepas




by Princess on

Orang jan, you have no idea how timely this is for me... am lost for words.... merci!!

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

How beautiful. Wonderful.