Injustice towards Orthodox Bahá'ís


Orthodox Bahai
by Orthodox Bahai

"While we deplore the abuse and injustices of Iranian authorities towards Bahá'ís in that Nation, we consider that readers should be informed that The National Spiritual Assembly of Bahá'ís of the United States is acting with a similar attitude and plans towards Orthodox Bahá'ís in America as the attitude and plans of Iranian authorities towards Bahá'ís who live in  that Nation.  The National Spiritual Assembly of Bahá'ís of the United States is attempting to use U.S. Courts to force Orthodox Bahá'ís to stop practicing their Faith, stopping them from identifying themselves as Bahá'ís or using the name Bahá'í or the symbols of their Faith. The National Spiritual Assembly failed in its Court Action to deprive Orthodox Bahá'ís of their freedom of religion and now the National Spiritual Assembly filed an appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals of Judge Amy J. St. Eve's decision in favor of the Orthodox Bahá'í Faith. Here is the link which leads to the details of the Court Action:


Evidently the goal/plan of the leadership of the large body of Bahá'ís concerning Orthodox Bahá'ís parallels the goal/plan of Islamic leaders in Iran towards Bahá'ís, namely to eradicate them, and the justification of the leadership of the large body of Bahá'ís  for its actions against  Orthodox Bahá'ís is identical, namely,  that it considers Orthodox Bahá'ís to be apostates (heretical/Covenant-breakers).

The most astonishing fact related to this circumstance is that this article has the title:

"A Duty and Privilege to Investigate Truth" and yet the National Spiritual Assembly of the U.S.A. forbids its members/adherents to communicate with Orthodox Bahá'ís and its NSA counterpart in Canada has sent out official letters banning its adherents from communicating with one who became Orthodox Bahá'í. This is the link to those official letters:


Bahá'ís are persecuted in Iran essentially for providing Muslims in that Nation the opportunity to exercise their "Duty and Privilege to Investigate Truth", and the Islamic clergy in Iran seeks to eradicate the Bahá'í Faith for providing that opportunity, while at the very same time the National Spiritual Assembly of Bahá'ís in America is seeking to use Court action to eradicate the Orthodox Bahá'í Faith for providing the large body of Bahá'ís in America with the opportunity to exercise their "Duty and Privilege to Investigate Truth" which Truth Orthodox Bahá'ís believe that they are holding forth just as Bahá'ís in Iran believe that they are holding forth Truth for Muslims to investigate.




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