East Iran

East Iran
by Owais Pahlavi

Under the concept of greater Iran we say the Afghanistan and present Pakistan as  a east Iran we want greater Iran like Cyrus the great Iran, no any westeren control government and no any religious control government. Only Iran Iran Iran. We need a strong organisation which unified those territories which are divided by britishers and russian for their own interest. Our nationalism will come true when our Iran become a one and greater Iran like a east Germany and west Germany. Come on seperated iranian come togather and establish the Iran unification strong organisation. 


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Completely delusional.

by Anonymous Everyday (not verified) on

You are completely delusional. As Mark Twaine said, better to let the world think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Next time you come up with one of your amazing ideas do some research first. For you information, people in East and West Germany have always considered themeselves Germans. They never needed anybody to convince them they were German. What percentage of people on your comical map consider themselves Iranian or Persian for that matter?



by MiNeum71 on

We are leaving in a world, in which more countries are being constituted to defend the peaceful environement we've already created, and you want to play Hitler? Are you totally out of control, you damn Nationalist?

Go back to 19th century, you backwarded uneducated Mr. Nobody, you embarrissing piece of nothing.