Why We Migrate

by pacific7575
As an immigrant I always wanted to find answers to questions like:

Why people migrate? What causes migration? Why people migrated in the past? What are the causes of migration in the modern age? What are the impacts of migration? who controls it? who benefits? what should we do to improve our situations as immigrants? Who are our real allies?

So I put together a 15 minute piece using stills and short clips to share my experiences with everyone. Hope others share their experiences with me. Here is Part 1.

Links to part 1 and 2 of WHY WE MIGRATE. The language is Farsi but it has English subtitles.



Reverse Migration

by pacific7575 on

Thank you for your comments. Yes, reverse migration actually benefited many countries like China and India but there is always more loss through migration than gain through reverse migration. So in the end source countries lose a big portion of their talent for a little gain.


Besides that, a significant percentage of immigrants end up in menial jobs way below their skill level. Working at these dead end jobs not only would not improve their professional abilities but they also forget what they already know. So after a few years they are left with nothing to contribute to the economy of their native lands.


Although we can always name many people who managed to succeed within the current system but  the system has not benefited the majority. In fact, it is smartly designed to abuse majority of immigrants in the advantage of a few institutions in the Global North. And the little gain South gets through reverse migration is trivial.


Thank you again for paying attention to these videos.


Taking advantage of it

by Rahgozar on

Thank you for posting the interesting videos.

I think it is possible to take advantage of the existing structure as some migrants from the Far East have done. They have taken their western professional and social experience back to their native lands and have seeded rapid progress there.