Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer
by Paykar

Tom sawyer  from the album Moving Pictures, is the 'definitive' Rush song.

Meaningful lyrics is coupled with  tight  rock music ( all three are excellent performers).

Today's Tom Sawyer is  a rebel-hero( always hopeful, yet discontent), He is  independent, and mindful  of government and religion...

The album was releases in 1981, and the video, I believe, is from exit stage left.


Partial lyrics:

A modern-day warrior

Mean mean stride,

Today's Tom Sawyer

Mean mean pride.

Though his mind is not for rent,

Don't put him down as arrogant.

His reserve, a quiet defense,

Riding out the day's events.

The river

And what you say about his company

Is what you say about society.

Catch the mist, catch the myth

Catch the mystery, catch the drift.

No, his mind is not for rent

To any god or government.

Always hopeful, yet discontent,

He knows changes aren't permanent,

But change is.


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