Shame on you Manuchehr Mohammadi!

by PPourchista

The very same Amnesty International that helped Manucher was now victimized by my former hero. At the by now infamous February 22 Amnesty International event in Beverly Hills, Manuchehr Mohammadi led a mob of monarchists and mujahedin-e khalq thugs to disrupt the Amnesty event because they didn’t agree with one of the speakers on that panel, Trita Parsi.

Their behavior was a complete embarrassment. For all Iranians.  Manuchehr was egging the audience on, screaming and shouting. You can even see him briefly on the youtube video of the event. 

For a moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was this the same person fighting the Islamic Republic, or was he a person fighting LIKE and perhaps WITH the Islamic Republic?

Whether Manuchehr at some point was an opponent of the regime or not, by now it is clear: Today, he is defeated by the Islamic Republic.  Because he has turned into the Islamic Republic.

He wasn’t strong enough to become a Nelson Mandela – a prisoner who overcame the abuse and realized that worst thing he could do was to echo the behavior and language of his abusers. Manuchehr Mohammdi erased the hard line between abused and the abuser.

I don’t regret the check I sent Amnesty or the support I gave him years ago. His human rights were violated by the akhonds and he like all others deserved help. No human rights violation is ever justified. 

But I am disappointed… no scratch that… I am ashamed that he is using his freedom in Los Angeles to behave just like his abusers behaved in Evin.



to Aghl e Kol!

by Ali (not verified) on

Don't you people ever get tired of exposing "secret plots", uncovering "conspiracies", finding "I.R agents" and discovering "secret codes" in people's statements?!



by Aghl e Kol! (not verified) on


Why doesnt one of you 'Aghl e Kols' ask Trita about his close connections to the Namazi's Atieh foundation in Iran.....

Atieh claims to be a ". . . fully private strategic consulting firm that assists companies to better understand the Iranian market, develop business and stay ahead of competition." People familiar with the oil industry in Iran know what this description is code for. In reality, Atieh is notorious for being a conduit for racketeering, bribery and money laundering, mainly for corrupt Iranian rulers. Atieh's customers include the foreign corporations who wish to do business in Iran and find no choice but to bribe officials. One of their fiascoes involved Norway's Statoil, a customer of Atieh Bahar. Their bribery of Iranian officials through consultants was exposed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice. A number of high officials in the company were fired and the company had to pay tens of millions of dollars in penalties to the US and Norwegian governments for "payments to an Iranian official in 2002 and 2003 in order to induce him to use his influence to obtain the award to Statoil of a contract to develop phases 6, 7 and 8 of the Iranian South Pars gas field."

Yes sir.....Trita and Siamak namazi are best buddies and spent quite alot of time together.

Please do not be fooled by the fact that Trita is Articulate and Manouchehr is a wreck....agar tokhmorgh e daagh dar folan e shomaha ham kardeh boodan, yek meghdar balancetoon ro az dast midadin...!!!

I just feel really sad because most of you have absolutely NO clue and deserve to be in this shit. None of you deserve a better Iran really and the only people who can remedy this catastrophe 'The Islamic Revolution that is!!' are the Iranians who still live there. As for the rest of you::::::USELESS IDIOTS WHO FEEL THE NEED TO COMMENT ON TOPICS THEY HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT....GO AND READ A BOOK AND BETTER YOURSELVES!


Shame on Mohammadi/ Regarding NIAC some of you have no clue

by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on

I agree with many of the posters on this site. For a student who many have helped his release to come to the U.S. and display this type of vile action is simply disgraceful.

However, not much of a surprise, as the U.S. is specificially targeting these type of individuals to use as an opposition force against Iran. Their intention is to infiltrate any lecture or forum organized to discuss the way for peace with Iran and disrupt it. As one other commentator indicated these students suddenly become heros, their egos are boosted, out of the blues they become knowledgeable about foreign policy and get invited to speak at the U.S. Congress or invited to meet President Bush, and finally find their way in some neocon organization, or are provided funds to create their own opposition groups.

Have you not noticed Fakhravar. He was another. Look where he is now!! He lied about his situation in the prison, got on an Iran Air flight to Dubai and flew with Richard Perle directly to California.

The U.S., MEK, and other organizations know who to target, the young gullible Iranian generation.

Final note, many of you criticize NIAC simply because you hate a group which is not an advocate of an invasion, or foreign intervention in Iran. However, none of you know how hard they work on behalf of all of you so called Iranians in protecting thousands of years of Iranian artifacts from being sold at an auction in the U.S. as some kind of phoney reimbursement to a number of Israeli Jews. No the artifacts will not belong to NIAC, they are doing this for all of you Iranians.

What have you done on behalf of your own country, and cultral heritage besides complaining, and bashing one another?


To Naazokbin

by PPourchista on

Why are the groups like Mehr, Marze Por Gohar, PersianPac, MKO, Monarchists envious of Parsi and NIAC? Because Parsi and NIAC are successful, get invited to CNN, are articulate, have numerous successes under their belt in just a few years of activity.

What does Mehr, Marze Por Gohar, PersianPac, MKO, Monarchists have? Nothing.

They can only brag about how they disrupted an AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL event!! What insane people think that one advances human rights in Iran by disrupting and harrasing Amnesty international?

I am so ashamed of these grou, they are such an embarressment. And even if NIAC didnt deserve a lot of credit for the good work they do, the insanity of Persian Pac, Marze Porgohar, Mohammad Parvin and the MKO etc makes NIAC look really good.

In fact, I am not a NIAC member, never attended any of their events. I have signed one or two of their letters though. But after seeing how these other Iranian groups behave, I have to admit that I have really become attracted to NIAC.


can someone post the u tube link so we can see it too?

by u-tubee (not verified) on

cant find it. thanks



by Naazokbin (not verified) on


You wrote:
"To me, it just seems as if people are envious of NIAC and Parsi’s success."

If NIAC represents Iranians' interests in the U.S., why do you think they(Iranians) should be envious of NIAC and Parsi's success?


Dorood Bar Manoochehr !!

by masoudA on

The protest against the ISlamic Republic decieve of the world via it's lobby group NIAC and Trita Taazi was not let by Manoochehr or any Monarchist group - it was staged by several bi-partisan Truely Iranian organizations such as Persian PAc, Marz Por Gohar, Mehr,.......  so get your fact straight.



To Omid - the whole story?

by PPourchista on

What do you mean half the truth? I WAS THERE! I saw how he behaved. It does not matter who was supposed to be on the panel - this type of behavior and justification is exactly what the akhonds do! They say that ends justify the means, and so do you. That is why all these ridiculous opposition groups - particularly the MKO and the monarchists and their front groups - are so useless. Because they ARE NO DIFFERENT from the IRI. I was hoping Mohammadi would be better, but I was mistaken.

As to Trita Parsi, whether you agree with him or not, he is one of the most impressive Iranians in the US. Just see his interviews with CNN and other outlets. And the accusation that NIAC lobbies for Tehran is quite ridiculous. To me, it just seems as if people are envious of NIAC and Parsi’s success. Did you for instance see that they managed to get a pro-bono lawfirm to help Iranian-Americans protect the Persepolis tablets that risk being auctioned off.

When did the so called opposition groups EVER succeed in doing anything constructive in the US for our community?

I wish Mohammadi had come to the US and followed the path of Mandela and stood up against all abuses, instead of coming to the US and act like the very same akhonds that abused him.


Iranins of B.Hills & shameful behavior

by Hasan (not verified) on

I watched the U tube where a mob of Iranian thugs’ behavior made me ashamed of being Iranian.
No wonder why we are where we are. It is about the time these idiots learnt how to behave and grew up. Shamed on them


In my opinion, Manuchehr

by Ali (not verified) on

In my opinion, Manuchehr Mohammadi is just a simple-minded naive "shahrestani" guy who has been manipulated, exploited and abused for years by the so-called "opposition" abroad.

First, they pumped him and made him believe that he is a "hero" of the "student movement" in Iran and promoted him as such in their media for the American and Iranian audiences, then they played him like a puppet and put their own words in his mouth until he and his late brother got into great trouble in Iran (his brother is said to have passed away in I.R prison) and now they are using him as a "martyr" of freedom and democracy and taking him wherever they want to create an emotional impact.

If anyone is to be ashamed, it is the Monarchist and MKO and other "opposition" groups who have been a destructive force and cause of trouble for the genuine democratic movements in Iran.


Please do not judge so fast...

by aaj sr (not verified) on

It takes a long time to get to know a person. Please do not judge or destroy a person with an ambiguous report from here or there. We have seens so many false reports and "character assassination" of so many good people in this and oher sites. I do not know Manouchehr, I never met him but I have read about him here and there but judging a person by seeing a few seconds of a edited video clips is not fair to generalize about his entire idealogy or character.
We Iranian are " Dahan been" without substance and that's very dangerouse precedence for well-being or destruction of an individual.


Tell the truth...

by Omid (not verified) on

Hey PPorchista,
I do not know Manochehr Mohammadi. But, you should
tell the truth, not half the truth, the whole truth.

A so called "human rights" event in which the likes of Trita Parsi (known IRI lobby) are the main players is as good as the IRI claiming respect for human rights. Too late for this kind of bullshit under the disguise of human rights.



by PPourchista on

I wasnt aware of this. yet, I don't care. I supported Mohammadi in teh past because his righst were violated, not because he was my hope fro democracy. No one has a right to violate his righst - which is why i am so dissapointed to see that he know is acting exactly as his abusers were. I got an email from a friend saying that he was for a while with teh National Endowment for Democracy. That's really ad, mindful of the information you provided.


What was that Asghar Geda-----Hussein Hussein Huseein Jaan

by Anonymous2222222 (not verified) on

Who ever has a name as Asghar Geda, should be known to all of us that he is related to the most famous Geda's of All being Ali Geda. So we can all stop listening to him. Regarding Mohammadi, I don't know him or his agenda. Although I know that the Akhond Regime did kill his brother without a doubt. About Trita Parsi, I don't really like him. He acts as though he is the Iranian crusader who can save the Iranians leaving in the USA, even though he is not an American citizen he tries to teach us civic duty. He came to my town in Seattle, and started a branch of his organization. It was a great organization, it only lasted for 2 months and that was it. It was filled by bunch of doctors and Engineers who only talked about their accomplishments. The only way you can bring about change is only through grass root movements inside Iran, like the women movement we see today.


Mohammadi is a Known Anti-Iranian Parasite (among Iranians in Ir

by Asghar Geda (not verified) on

He is no hero. If you asked his colleagues at the university, they would tell you that he was not fighting for Iran or Iranian students. They would tell you he was a stooge of a "certain" foriegn government. I am glad that now in USA we also know those facts. In spite of VoA making a "hero" out of some of these thugs, we know better what their objectives are. He flew on Air Force II with VP Doodool Cheeny to USA from Dubai after he fled Iran.. What did you expcet?