Rad Lanjani
by Rad Lanjani

Does President Barack Obama likes to move out of the White House and then he moves into another House? Green House? Brown House? or Black House?
Do not get confused; President Obama stays in his White House in Washington DC. But there is a replicate of White House in Atlanta which is for sale:
1. Tough sell at White House of Atlanta >>>
2. Hard Times Find Replica of White House for Sale >>>
3. Quote by Fred Milani about the White House of Atlanta >>>


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Ladan Farhangi

Good Luck!

by Ladan Farhangi on

I wish Fred good luck!

Ladan Farhangi

Bill Clinton's Room!

by Ladan Farhangi on

I liked this quote: "A lot of people who come here, they want to stay in this room ... Bill Clinton charged $50,000 a night"!