My very Iranian Art

by ramintork

I don't do exhibitions. I like to think of myself as a street artist but one who paints the pages of the internet and this is an alternative approach. These are available on saatchonline: //

You can also read about the work along other things such as poems and short stories at: // 


Recently by ramintorkCommentsDate
Shamloo and T.S. Elliot
Sep 18, 2012
Aug 27, 2012
Buoy – poem
Aug 16, 2012
more from ramintork


by Shemirani on

Yes, you are right i saw the protest poster circulating on facebook around june 2009 they are part of our collective memory good job !


Thanks. Some are very controversial and now historical works

by ramintork on

The ones that have been on CNN and VOA are now part of the popular culture, and they started their life humbly on this very site, and passed under people's noses without anyone realising the significance :)




"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" c'est un chalumeau* lol

by Shemirani on

You are very talented, i like your work ! my favorites are the portrait with words and Dai jan napoleon going delusional...and protest posters


Good idea for gifts, parents should buy this posters to decorate their teenager's room (it will be much better than bieber or gaga pictures LOL) or even El che 's portrait ;)

thanks for sharing its good to know where we can find original posters
