اصراف كاران لوس انجلسي


اصراف كاران لوس انجلسي
by Red Wine

چيزي كه اصلن در بين ايرونيهاي اينجا عوض نشده ,  مهموني رفتن و مهموني دادن هست.كه البته همه شما دوستان خبر داريد كه اغلب اينجور مهمونيها به باب طبع برگزاركننده نيست !

اغراق نميكنم اگر بگم كه توي ان چند روز كه در لوس انجلس بودم,   چقدر چشم رو هم چشمي ديدم و چقدر رفتارهاي منفي و نا متناسب.

از همه بد تر ,  انجاي كار هست كه مهموني با شام يا ناهار همراه باشد ,  تمام شرط و شروط داستان عوض ميشود.

چيزي كه واقعن من رو ميرنجونه ,  اصراف كاري هست كه هموطنان ما در اين مهمونيها مرتكب ميشن.

خدا شاهده كه در طي چند هفته اي كه در كاليفرنيا به سر بردم  ,  هر جا رفتم ,  بالاي پنج يا شش نوع غذا ديدم اون هم به مقدار زياد و به حد وفور . از چلو خورشت بگير تا غذاهاي فرنگي ... انواع اردور ها و دسر ها .

ميدونم كه ما ايرونيا دست و دلبازيم ,  مهربونيم همه از طايفه حاتم طائي تشريف داريم ولي اين مرام نيست كه اينجوري كسي غذا رو حروم و حرص كنه و به فكر هموطن گرسنش در فلان محله لوس انجلس نباشه.

اين رو به حالت درد دل ميگم نه به حالت شكوه و شكايت .

به نظر من خوبي كردن به مذهب و خدا كاري نداره. ادم بايد بدونه كه با هر دستي چيزي رو بدي ,  با همون دست تحويل ميگري.پس چه بهتر كه توي اين مهمونيها اگر غذا زياد مياد,  دور نريزيم. حواسمون به اونهايي باشه كه واسه بيست دلار چه زحمتي بايد بكشند در روز . اگه به ديگرون فكر كنيم و به حالشون برسيم ,  يادمون باشه كه در بد دنيائي زندگي ميكنيم. دل شاد كردن ديگران يكي از بهترين كارهائيست كه ما نبايد از اون غافل بشيم.ما ايروني هستيم...ما مهمون نوازيم... ما دل رحم و با وجدان هستيم. اول  كشورمون .دوم هموطنمون.سوم خودمون.

شب خوش.



more from Red Wine

Dear RedWine

by IRANdokht on

There are a few families I have heard of who are not doing so well and people do help them out and they are making the ends meet otherwise they would have not been living here anymore... as for the very underprivileged, so far I have seen three different iranians asking for money in LA and the valley. One older lady in Ventura blvd who hangs out outside the restaurants at night, a man who walks in westwood and asks for handouts (he looks homeless and drunk) and a very decent looking young man who asked me to help him pay for his dentist! The restaurants and the businesses around usually give these folks free food and help them out. Every iranian I see is also happy to help that lady (I have seen her a few times so far and she receives $10-$100 from most everyone she approaches)

None of these folks would have been happy with the leftovers of your party my dear sir.

As far as I have seen, even in Iran, people do make a lot of different dishes for the parties and take pride for the "colorful table" they set. At the end of the night, the food that is not taken by the close relatives and friends gets put in the fridge for later use.

I have never seen anyone throw away the extras, except for the restaurants, but even there we get the doggy bag, whether it's for our dog or tomorrow's lunch at work.  

Actually it sounds to me like you're running out of material to use for picking on us and complaining about. Why not accept that there is a big persian community somewhere who's not doing so bad and they're nice to visit on your vacations?

negh zadaneh ziad ham khoobiat nadareh ;-)


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

اينا رو نيگا !!! از شهر خودتون خبر ندارين... حتمن با پولدارا همش ميپريد.هان ؟!

مطمئن باشيد كه ايروني فقير وجود داره  حتا در شهر فرشتگان.


leave people alone dude!!!

by Shiraz (not verified) on

boro baba leave people alone, let them enjoy. By the way I really like to find out about the poor Iranians in LA, I would not say there is none, but it is rare dude!!!


Very True

by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on

what you say about poor Iranians and the fact that no one seems to care. On a trip to LA a couple of years ago, I saw an older Iranian woman, who looked like, and was dressed like, my grandmother (complete with the "roosari") begging for money on Westwood! I was shocked. Doesn't this woman have family? How did she get here? If she came here on a green card, didn't someone have to sign an affidavit of support for her? Why can't she go back to Iran and live a more dignified life? Does she have family left in Iran?

I walked up to her and asked her. She really didn't want to talk about it...perhaps she was embarrassed...she said that her kids had thrown her out of the house...that's all that she was willing to say...and I didn't insist. I gave her some money...but I wish I had done more...I felt really bad..

Some will probably think that she may have been a con artist.....she didn't look the part though...but may be I am naive...


hazratee, what poor Iranians?

by Q on

you realize how much money it takes to physically bring yourself and your family over to Southern California? Probably less than 0.1% of all Iranians can afford it. If you're here, you ain't poor.

Are you kidding? Every third Iranian person in LA claims to be Persian royalty. And you can't get away with this kind of "khali bandi" unless you have the money to prove it.

Even if some Iranians fall on bad times, they would never admit it! would probably go into major credit card debt, and show off even more, just to make sure no one notices. I've seen it done so many times. Your general observations of Tehrangeles are very correct.

However, the "doggy bag" concept is one Western invention that has found a cozy home in Iranian restaurants, in spite of being a "paeen shahri" thing to do back in Iran.


To think about poor Iranians in LA

by hazratee on

How often these parties have leftovers to be sent to poor Iranians? 



by chesteh khor (not verified) on

we eat leftovers for weeks and sometimes months, nothing gets thrown away, are you kidding?

bajenaghe naghi

redwine jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

you are so right in that we do a lot of hayfo mayl in order to show off ke maa mitoonim. this shows how shallow some of us really are. 

ebi amirhosseini

Redwine Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

این مشکل مختص به هموطنان مقیم لوس آنجلس نیست متاسفانه این اصراف کاری به هر دلیل در ایران هم بوده وهنوز هم وجود دارد و این عادت بد رو اکثر ما ایرانیان با خود به هر جا که مهاجرت کرده ایم به ارمغان اورده ایم.