روزی که شاه رفت


روزی که شاه رفت
by Red Wine


در آن سال ،انگاری زمستان با شمیران قهر کرده بود ! اندک برفی اومده بود ولی‌ همه میگفتند که امسال سبزه از گرما به همه جا مانده و سرما ریشه نداره !

مدرسه ما در منظریه بود و از چند روز قبل که چند تا کت شلوری آمدند به مدرسه و معلم جبر و معلم تاریخ را با خودشان بردند آرامش نداشت تا اینکه آن روز صبح که به دبیرستان رفتم،دیدم که آنجا بسته شده است و بچه‌ها آرام آرام به خیابان‌ها میرفتند و سر و صدا‌های غیر عادی را در آن زمان میشنیدم.

در آن سه شنبه هوا از تاریکی‌ کاملا روشن شده بود و خبری از مه صبحگاهی نبود،آقا داود مشغول هرس کردن شمشاد‌های باغ بود و از دیدن من تعجب نکرد ! ... گفت : خانوم و آقا به هیچ جا نرفتند و در عمارت چهل چراغ به رادیو گوش میکنند،... غافل از همه جا،به پیش آنها رفتم .


بابا را اول دیدم که نشسته بود روی مبل به رادیو گوش میداد،مامان لباس بیرون به تن داشت و عصبی بود و طول سالن را قدم زنان طی میکرد،من را که دید لبخندی زد و گفت:حدس میزدم که دبیرستانتان تعطیل باشد،نگران بودم... خوش حالم که در خانه هستی‌ و اینجوری خیالم راحت است !

باز از همه جا بیخبر به کنار بابا رفتم و از تعطیلی‌ مدرسه خوشحال بودم .

رادیو اخباری ضد و نقیض ارائه میکرد ! کم کم تلفن خانه امان ما را بریده بود ! اکثرا با مامان یا بابا چند دقیقه بیشتر صحبت نمی‌کردند و در این حال بودیم تا بابا تلویزیون را روشن کرد ...

تلویزیون به یکبار شاه را نشان میداد که به همراه فرح پهلوی که صورت سرد و بی‌ تفاوتی‌ داشت،آرام آرام به هواپیما نزدیک میشد و اجودان‌های شاه مشغول آخرین چاپلوسی‌های خود بودند.

چند تا از دوست‌های بابا به خانه آمده بودند و حالا همگی‌ به صفحه تلویزیون خیره شده بودند.شازده ها خوشحال بودند و بقیه که موفق نبودند با بحث‌های سیاسی آتشین آنها را دست می‌‌انداختند و بابا نگران بود و از آن طرف به من نگاه میکرد و مامان از آن طرف سالن از شنیدن کلمه انقلاب بیم نداشت !

تلویزیون تا آخرین لحظه هواپیما شاه را نشان میداد ... آقا داود از نیاوران می‌‌آمد و گفت : جلوی کاخ را تا بالای فرهنگ سرا بسته شده است ،آنجا تانک مراقب رفت و آمد است و مغازه‌ها باز نیستند ! چیزی نیست ! اعلا حضرت برای مداوا رفتند و زود بر میگردند ... آقا داود شاهی‌ بود و دلش خوش !


آن روز به ظهر که نزدیک میشد،کم کم بقیه می‌ رفتند و مادر مشغول صحبت با تلفن بود،تبعیدی‌ها از خارج زنگ می‌زدند و از مامان سوال میکردند که آیا برگرداند یا خیر ! میز پر از روزنامه بود و بابا سر خود را با خواندن گرم کرده بود.

بوی کشک و بادمجان همه جا را گرفته بود ... ظاهراً آرامش به خانه ما باز گشته بود... و باز دوباره غافل از اینکه تازه اول راه است و سرنوشت من و فامیل من از آن روز به بد کلی‌ عوض میشود !

مردم آزادی میخواستند و شاه سد راهشان بود ! انقلابی خوبی بود ولی‌ افسوس که به بیراهه رفت ...

حالا که حساب می‌کنم،از آن روز ۱۱،۱۰۳ روز گذشته است و مردم ایران به آزادی دست نیافتند و هنوز در زجر و بد بختی به سر میبرند...


آن سرود آزادی تبدیل به سوگ مرگ شد و آن نوای خوش برابری و برادری به زیر شلاق مذهب جان داد و مادران زیادی راهی‌ بهشت زهرا شدند و هنوز بر تعداد آنها اضافه میشود و پدران در ماتم خون فرزندان ایران شعر میخوانند و سیاهی تمام دلشان را گرفته است .

از آن روز سالها گذشته است و افکار من گیج از تنهایی مردم ایران است .دلم نا خوش و چشمانم هنوز خیس از امید به بازگشت دوباره به وطن و آزادی آن است.

دلم نا خوش و چشمانم هنوز خیس ...


more from Red Wine

I have started on your blog!

by Yana on

And I started with the last, and I liked it very much so I think i will not stop untill I have read everything on your blog :)  Thank you

Red Wine


by Red Wine on


سوری جان بیشتر این مطلب قبلا نوشته شده‌اند،حافظه خوبی دارم یا خیر نمی‌دونم ولی‌ روی مسائل و خاطرات فکر زیاد می‌کنم تا فراموش نکنم.ممنون از صحبت‌های خوبت.

ایران دخت جان،آذرین جان،نازی جان،منوچهر خان،صمصام جان و داریوش خان از نظرات شما خوبان کامل تشکر را دارم،روزتون همیشه خوش و شبتون آرام و پر ستاره.

علی‌ جان انقلاب وقتی‌ بیراهه رفت که جمهوری ما شد اسلامی !!! همه مقصرند در این زمینه ! سپاس گذارم از گفته‌های تو.

کاپیتان جان ممنونم... لطف داری عزیز .

از همه دوستان عزیز ممنون هستم،عزت زیاد .


Ruhi jan gracias por tu atencion y por leer lo que escribi.Que Dios te bendiga :=) .



by Ruhi on

oye chico felicidades por tu capacidad de redaccion.

! que bien has trasaso aquel  día inolvidable!



by Vazirian (not verified) on

Avaznia said: still, after thirty years, beleive that the Shah was the most traitor element to the Iranian identity as a nation.

Where have you been in the past 30 years? Or is this the typical meaning of an ideologue who sticks to his gun no matter what new information is available? You should search for the roots of your hatred somewhere else other than the real world.

Let me see: 50,000 executions (vs. 383 during shah's period according to Baghi); 500,000 dead in a staged war (vs. 0 during shah's period); looting of trillions of $s of oil revenue (vs. no revenue on such scale even existed during shah's period); arrest and rape of uncounted number of people, some for nothing but showing few strands of hair; overt bribery of russia, china, india with unprecedented 25-year sweet gas and oil deals for buying support at UN to no avail; channelling of iranian children wealth to IRI arab brothers ($250M for Lebanon according to Karrubi, $200M to Palestinians according to hamas leader, $3M per day to mullas in iraq according to a CNN report, ...), ...

Shah was a traitor because he provided free education for thousands of iranian children, likes of you, and because "everything" that we see in iran today is from his period, built or planned then, including the nuclear projects, the metro, the airports, the roads, the banking system, the top universities, the car industry, the appliance industries, the modern army, navy, and air force (which IRI still paints anew and calls it its own invention) vs. buying of rusted second hand chinese and russian junks on black market at premium price, ...

With that kind of judgement, next you will be calling Omar and Changiz the most patriotic iranians! You are a real Avaznia, aren't you?

Darius Kadivar

Great Writing Red Wine

by Darius Kadivar on

Beautiful Testimony.

Thanks for sharing ...

To quote a favorite author L.P. Hartley from The Go Between

"The Past is a Foreign Country, People do things differently There ..."




Nazy Kaviani

شراب سرخ عزیز

Nazy Kaviani

چه قشنگ نوشتی. من در خارج از ایران و از داخل تلویزیون در آمریکا شاهد این اتفاقات بودم. آن موقع که از گیجی تغییرات لحظه به لحظه مبهوت بودم، پیش خودم فکر می کردم خوش به حال آنها که در ایرانند و می دانند چه اتفاقاتی دارد می افتد. سالها طول کشید تا بفهمم که هیچکس نمی دانست در ایران چه اتفاقی داشت می افتاد. راست می گویی، ایرانیها از هر مرام و صنف و آیینی بودند، همگی دستخوش روزگاری شدند که باعث شد زندگیشان برای همیشه تغییر کند. سالهایی که آمد پر از نگرانی و دلتنگی و فاصله شد. نسل ما همواره وارث آن نگرانی ها مانده و تازه ملامت آن را هم می کشد. من شاه ایران را بسیار مسئول آن تغییرات می دانم اما هرگز مسئولیت ملت ایران را برای تعیین و تغییر سرنوشت خود نادیده نمی گیرم.

به امید روزهای بهتر،

Manoucher Avaznia

شراب سرخ گرامی؛

Manoucher Avaznia

I still, after thirty years, beleive that the Shah was the most traitor element to the Iranian identity as a nation, however, the day that he left I still had some E'elaammeeyeh at hand to destribute and felt a vacuum in my heart.  I thought what would be the next.  The day that Bakhteeyar's government collapsed, also, I had a whole bunch of E'elammeeyeh's to distribute and as I learned from the radio that everything was fallen to the revolutionaries.  I dropped the E'elaameeyeh's in a garbage can as they were out of date.  Less than three years later, my close friend who was pivotal to those E'elaameeyeh's was executed by the firing squad of the revolutionaries' who used to be his friends.  His grave I paid a tribute a few years later in the village of his birth.

These said, I think most people forget that what brought about suppression of the freedoms that Revolution had brought for us was the Iraqi invasion of Iran and no other factor.  Until then, it was the repressive arms of the deposed Shah and only a few elements of the local insurgencies who had instigated armed-struggle against central government were put to death; and freedoms were more or less respected.

In all revolutions, as it has been observed, there always has been an external invasion or intervention that causes great domestic agitation and ensues domestic repression.  The story is the same as  from French Revolution of 1789, to the Russian Revolution 1917 to the great Iranian Revolution of 1979.  Let's do not under-estimate this external invasion factor, however the counter-revolutionaries' main tendency is to put all the blames on the shoulder of the revolutionaries who have innitially revolted against a gross domestic injustice.


With respect



Azarin Sadegh

I remember...

by Azarin Sadegh on

Lovely piece dear Redwine! Very moving and well-written, as usual! But your piece made me remember my mother.

I remember that day very well, because on that day when I came back home (pretty excited by the events), my mother -- for the first time -- ignored my presence. 

Instead of rushing to greet me, asking me if I was hungry, or to bring me a fruit plate or a hot tea, or telling me about her day, like every other day, she just sat on her usual seat in the kitchen looking out the window, in silence. Even if that day was a gray day, she hadn't turned on the light and the house was dark. I asked her if she knew about Shah, and she just nodded, turning her head away so I couldn't see her crying.

I've seen my Mom crying only twice. And it was the first time. So I will never forget that day. From that day on, an air of bitterness covered my mother's face and her smiles lost their happiness.

I think my mother was the first one telling me that Khomeini was going to bring us misery, and unfortunately, most of us didn't listen to her...after all, she was just a little woman with no education, nothing.

Oh my...I'm sorry! I think I can go on forever talking about my Mom!

Thanks again for sharing your beautiful writing! Azarin


When the Shah Left!

by 1 Hamvatan (not verified) on

When the Shah left Iran, I was in U.K. and right there in the TV was showing moments by moments as the events were folding. I was shocked because it was not suppose to happen like this. I also noticed that the British news media were everywhere, and they had very clear informations such as how many people are there and more strangely, the commentator said "next day, they expect 2 million people to pour in to the street" I said to myself just how would they know such a information?

Then i realized, that earlier prior to the event, many mercenaries from Palestinians had arrived in the street!
and they were the ones who were doing the shooting at the Iranian Air Force! yes, they were hired months before, those who lived in those months can recall the amazing number of Arabs walking in the streets.They were the ones helped Khomeini kill the best soldiers and generals Iran ever Had.

When the Shah left. Iran became orphan. The saddest Day in Iran. Even sadder day was when Khomeini landed.

May Khomeini's spirit burns in hell for ever.



by capt_ayhab on

Very touching and moving recollection. I so feel your pain.

Thanks for eloquent piece.



He was crying

by SamSamIIII on


As he was leaving his land ..like a patriot & unlike the shaikh khomeini who had no emotion upon flight to Iran . Every thing aside ,It,s a simple comparison between an emotional patriot & a state-less shaikh .

& you my friend are a patriot too with your honest emotions .me on the other hand haven,t cried since age 17, they say it,s not healthy & i agree .

hats off to you Redwine - eh gol

Cheers pal!!!





Did you imagine that...

by MRX1 on

Becuase we were/are: Greedy, Backward, lazy, like easy money, not wanting to work hard, like to pass blame to others, beefarhang, vahshi,bedoone masoliat,superstisious, khorafati, mazhabi , not to menetion oghdehi. All that by itself is an explosive mixture. You take that and greedy oil companies who liked nothing but to exploit us, as well as cold war era politics ( sacrifising Iran and Afghanistan to defeat soviets) and you end up with Islamic paradise.


Did you imagine that...

by Vazirian (not verified) on

that leaving of the shah, whoever he was, was leaving of peace and prosperity, that was being followed by exodus of 4 million iranians, execution of some 50,000 iranians by islamists and islam worshippers, blowing up of some 500,000 iranians in a useless war with worshipped arabs, looting of trillions of dollars of iranian wealth for personal and unholy objectives, imprisonment of tens of thousands some for as little crime as showing few strands of hair or rape and execution of minor girls some for insulting an ayatollah who for decades criticized shah of corruption and brutality?

Why did we do this to ourselves that led to nothing but running away for us and desperation, poverty, and oppression for those remained behind; that now we should get back what we had with so much struggle and if a set-up election leads to a temporary relief in daily oppression, we content and joy.

Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, ..., why did we do that to our country? We did NOT have to do that, but we did!

Ali P.

Red Wine Jaan

by Ali P. on

Great writing.

You say: انقلابی خوبی بود ولی‌ افسوس که به بیراهه رفت ...

I am curious to know-without being judgmental- when do you think it turned from a "good Revolution" to "the-wrong-way-going Revolution", in your opinion.


Ali P.

P.S. Those throwing themselves at the feet of the Shah, on that day, were not 'chaaploos', in my opinion. The 'chaaploos' ones had long abandened him, switching sides.

 These were the true devotees.


a dark day in Iran's history

by azadi55 (not verified) on

it was a dark day in Iran's history when that paper came out bearing that headline, but not as bad the day when the title read "khomani Omad" ya "Emam Omad". That was indeed the turning point where Iran started going backwards in time.


Thank you Dear Redwine

by IRANdokht on

What a great piece as usual.  I admire your ability to write with such passion awakening the emotions in me that had been buried for a long time.

You also have a great memory my friend. I only remember how I felt that day...  I can only compare it to the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you reach the highest point of a rollercoaster and everything comes to a silent halt. The anxiety of the unknown future, the knowledge that what was an uphill and slow ride will change abruptly. The fear of the lawlessness that would follow and the hope that there was a brake system I could engage and stop it all.

Unlike many people those days, I was not relieved that Shah was gone. I didn't understand why people wanted to get rid of Shah so bad now that he had given in and wanted to work with people...  and I hated not to know how long the country would be unstable. I was hoping that Dr Bakhtiar would fix everything and take us out of the storm. I was hoping Dr Bakhtiar could find that brake.



You can name that day:

by MRX1 on

Death of Iran day (DID day)

victory for omat (VO day)

O day (just like D day for WWII, O day for Omati day)

Mob rule day (MRD)

Vahshi in control (VIC day)


Thanks for posting

by Souri on

Dear Redwine,

This was a pivotal event which its memory will always remain in our generation's mind.

I can't relate to my feeling on that day, as it was so mix feeling. In one hand, I was happy to see the end of that dark period of complete chaos and in the other hand the reaction of the people on the street left me disappointed. I was feeling like the same people who were dancing happily on the street were the same people who were screaming "Javid Shah" just a year before.....

I had the same feeling when the current Pope was chosen, just a few hours after the last one died. Same people who were crying around Vatican, were applauding and screaming joyfully for the new Pope!!

PS: but I don't have as good memory as you though!! I don't remember what we had for lunch on that day :)