Looking for Farhad Khabiri

Richard Roberts
by Richard Roberts

 I know this is a long shot but maybe it will lead somewhere.  Farhad Khabiri studied in Boston, Mass in late 70's then moved to L.A.  Brother called Farzad.  Family lived in Tehran.  Anyone have any info about him? We met in London, and Boston, kept in touch for a few years then moved on.  Thinkng it would be good to say hi again.  Richard Roberts


Richard Roberts

Ebi,  Thankyou.  I did

by Richard Roberts on

Ebi,  Thankyou.  I did see that entry but didn't want to accept it. I hoped that it referred to someone else.  However, I found his brother on Facebook who told me the sad news.  Thankyou for your help.


Heeh ! ...

by Souri on

And I don't have the intention of dying so soon, neither!

Thanks for the link. It can be helpful anyway.

ebi amirhosseini

it works...

by ebi amirhosseini on

only if one is dead,then the social security record will show it,hope you don't find yours for another hundered years.


sorry for the bad news

by Souri on

It is very sad.

Dear ebi, can I ask you how you proceed with that link ? I tried to use it for searching some friends, it didn't work. I even tried my own name or the friends that I know actually are there, but each time it gave me negative result. How did you do to get the right answer ?

ebi amirhosseini

Mr Roberts..

by ebi amirhosseini on

I don't know him,but did search him,....if this is he,it is a bad news.


best wishes