John McCain, Jeffrey Goldberg Join Ranks of Iran Realists


by richards1052

Cross posted at Tikun Olam

The ranks of the Iran realists are swelling every day and recruits come from the unlikeliest of places. Recently, Matt Duss noted that John McCain, the Iran uber-hawk during the presidential campaign, has resigned himself to an Iranian bomb. Newsweek interviewed McCain:

Many leaders in President Obama’s position would love the opportunity to be Churchill and order up a dramatic strike that would set the Iranian program back and send a message of resolve. But even the most hawkish of American politicians do not believe such military action would work at an acceptable cost. In a conversation last week with John McCain, I asked whether we would have to live with a nuclear Iran. Without hesitation McCain replied: “Very likely.

I like Matt’s wrap up to this post:

…It’s encouraging that one of America’s leading hawks has come around to the idea that dealing with Iran boldly and bravely does not necessitate making war against it.

Now for those of you who like the idea of a pro-Israel media “star” joining our side, how does the name Jeffrey Goldberg strike you? Yes, Jeff’s come over to the realist side on this one. Frankly, given his past and usual cluelessness on so many issues related to Israel and the Middle East, I didn’t expect this of him. But give him credit. A broken clock is right twice a day and so is he (on this issue).

Actually I shouldn’t be so churlish because we need allies wherever we can find them. So welcome Jeff Goldberg:

I’m against a strike first because because…American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will suffer because of an Israeli strike. A nuclear Iran is not in the long-term best interests of the United States, of course, but we have short-term interests[that] conflict with what some see as Israel’s interest. Second, I’ve moved to the belief that the Iranian government is not so much a messianic apocalyptic cult, as Netanyahu described it to me, but an oppressive military regime…Its real agenda, it seems, is self-preservation, and people interested in staying alive, as individuals or as a collective, don’t launch nuclear-armed missiles at a nuclear state with a second-strike capability. The Iranians understand that Israel could obliterate Persian civilization…My impression, to date, is that…Iranian leaders would rather stay alive, and th[ey] have a great deal of sway over the nuclear program.

…So far at least, no one has convinced me that an armed attack on Iran’s facilities by Israel would a) work, and b) make the world a safer place and c) protect the Jewish people from a second Holocaust.

I recently wrote a post about an article Reuven Pedatzur wrote in Haaretz which outlined Anthony Cordesman’s masterful analysis of a possible Israeli strike against Iran. Matt Duss links to a new Wall Street Journal op ed Cordesman published on his views about this subject.


more from richards1052

Now we are talking!

by benross on

Now we are talking!


Then it appears Jews and Iranians have something in common...

by richards1052 on

The concept of respect for others' opinion and trying to understand the
other guy's point of view is kind of alien to us Iranians

Jews are no different.  Many make it a pt. to spew terrible abuse at me via my blog comment threads.


Richard Silverstein



Mr. Silverstein

by capt_ayhab on

I do follow you blogs often and I find them to be comprehensive and informative .

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and best wishes.




AEI's Michael Rubin believes

by vildemose on

AEI's Michael Rubin believes an Israeli strike won't be able to stop the regime's nuclear program and "an Israeli strike might buy time, but it would not buy enough time. The Islamic Republic would arise from any attack with greater lethality than before".


140 countries now have the

by vildemose on

140 countries now have the basic technical capacity to produce nuclear weapons. Over 40 countries have the materials and knowhow to build nuclear weapons quickly, a capacity that is referred to as “rapid break-out”. These countries include Japan, North Korea, Iran, South Korea and Australia...The next countries in line to acquire the same capability are UAE, Jordan, and SA.


Yeah be warned

by Cost-of-Progress on

There are also a lot of closet IRI apologists masquerading as intellectuals on these boards. Also be careful how you state your opinion or you may be attacked.

The concept of respect for others' opinion and trying to understand the other guy's point of view is kind of alien to us Iranians.....




I am a big fan. I've been an avid reader of your blog for months now. Great to see you here!

Be warned though, this site mostly consists of people from outside Iran. We have our very own resident Iranian (?) Zionists.


Thanks so much for your good wishes

by richards1052 on

To the other commenter who doesn't know who I am or represent.  I am an American Jewish blogger who writes about the Israeli Arab conflict.  I also advocate a pragmatic approach to the Iran crisis that involves neither threats nor force.


Richard Silverstein





I think this post election turmoil has changed the perceptions of many which is very good. Even Michaeil Rubin is now second guessing hawkish policies. 

ex programmer craig

We? Our?

by ex programmer craig on

Actually I shouldn’t be so churlish because we need allies wherever we can find them.

Who is "we"? Who are you?

Now for those of you who like the idea of a pro-Israel media “star”
joining our side, how does the name Jeffrey Goldberg strike you?

Our side = which side? 

On this one, I can take a guess because there's some context... you reference a "pro-Israel" figure joining your side, so your side is presumably "anti-Israel"?

Does that also explain who "we" are?

In future I'd prefer if ypou spoke for yourself. Makes things clearer when people don't presume to speak for some imaginary group.


Joe Leiberman must have been whispering in McCain's ears, lately

by Ostaad on

Otherwise I don't think McCain is capable of understanding the reality by himself. Goldberg, on the other hand is not as clueless as McCain at all. Some of his articles in the Atlantic have been pointing to the direction that has has started "getting it" lately.

I wish the best of luck for Tikun Olam and JStree.