These were not the last words of an islamist, certain of ending in paradise, having sex for eternity with 70 or so virgins post his execution. No, these were the words of an ardent Revolutionary Communist, atheist physician, with no illusions of an after life of any shape or form. These were the words of a man with a loving family, huge prestige after having successfully led a Revolution in Cuba. A man who had everything to live for, yet sacrifcing his life for a cause he so passionately believed in. These are the Words of Ernesto Che Guevara, to his drunk executioner frightened of shooting him, after his wounding and capture by a CIA trained unit of Bolivian army, in an operation allegedly masterminded by the Nazi fugitive klaus barbie (aka the butcher of Lyon), on Oct 9, 1967.
Now what a contrast this level of Revolutionary conviction and courage, to the pathetic death of the "Islamic Revolutionary", with a "Golden Gun" and a "Green Book", Moamar Gaddafi, begging for his life with his capturs after being found hiding in a sewage pipe. How about the other "Islamic Revolutionary" Bin Laden, being found in the luxury of his compound, instead of living in a cave.
Now let us see how our own "Islamist Revolutionaries", Ahmadinezhad and khamenei fare when their time comes, sooner rather than later I dare say by the sign of things....
And here Che's last letter to his children:
To my children,
Dear Hildita, Aleidita, Camilo, Celia, And Ernesto,
If you ever have to read this letter, it will be because I am no longer with you. You practially will not remember me, and the smaller ones will not remember me at all.
Your father has been a man who acted on his believes and has certainly been loyal to his convictions.
Grow up as good revolutionaries. Study hard so that you can master technology, which allows us to master nature. Remember that the revolution is what is important, and each one of us, alone is worth nothing.
Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice against anyone, anywhere in the world. This is the most beautiful quality in a revolutionary.
Until forever, my children. I still hope to see you. A great big kiss and a big hug from
Recently by Roozbeh_Gilani | Comments | Date |
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For Sattar Beheshti | 2 | Nov 06, 2012 |
For a fist full of Dollars, For Syria! | 2 | Oct 07, 2012 |
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Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
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گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
More on Gaddafi the puppet and his masters...
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sat Oct 22, 2011 07:24 PM PDT"He was a crazy combination of Don Corleone and Donald Duck – Tom Friedman's only moment of truth about Saddam Hussein – and we who had to watch his ridiculous march-pasts and his speeches bit our lips and wrote about Libyan tanks and marines and missiles that were supposed to take this nonsense seriously. His frogmen flipped and flapped through Green Square in the heat and we had to take this rubbish at face value and pretend that it was a real threat to Israel; just as Blair tried to persuade us (not unsuccessfully) that Gaddafi's pathetic attempts to create "weapons of mass destruction" had been skewered. This, in a country that couldn't repair a public lavatory."
So he is gone, the colonel who was once beloved of the Foreign Office (after the coup against King Idris), then guarded as a "safe pair of hands", then loathed because he sent weapons to the IRA, then loved, etc, etc. Can you blame the man for thinking he was a good guy?"
"And did he perish so? Shot down while trying to resist? We lived with Ceausescu's death (and that of his wife), so why not Gaddafi's? And Gaddafi's wife is safe. Why shouldn't the dictator die thus? Interesting question. Did our friends in the National Transitional Council decree his demise? Or was this "natural", a death at the hands of his enemies, an honourable end to a bad man? I wonder. How the West must have been relieved that there would be no trials, no endless speeches from the Great Leader, no defence of his regime. No trials mean no accounts of rendition and torture and no cutting of sexual parts."
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Sat Oct 22, 2011 06:03 PM PDT//
How short are memories
by fozolie on Sat Oct 22, 2011 02:12 PM PDTNot long ago before our glorious revolution the mad Colonel was held up as progressive by our Iranian revolutionaries.
Divaneh, one of his favourite people's committees' acts was to force university students watch the hanging of their fellow students for daring to quesiton the colonel's wisdom.
If the experince of past 35 years has taught us anything is that revolutionary change is the worst outcome.
Reading the blog makes me sad that there is something genetically wrong with us Iranians that we fall for cult of personality and martyrs.
Mr. Fozolie
gilani jan, your reasoning
by hamsade ghadimi on Sat Oct 22, 2011 01:16 PM PDTgilani jan, your reasoning that cuban revolution is only hated by the cuban exiles and your list of accomplishments in castro's cuba is very similar to the argument of iri apologists. you forgot to discuss the view of cubans living in cuba, and the maltreatment of dissidents in cuba by thier government which are widely documented. here are a few (among many) links:
human rights watch: //
amnesty international: //
survey of cubans: //
under the pahlavis, there were also many accomplishments. one can argue the same for libya. were those uprisings not home grown?
Roozbeh jaan,
by AMIR1973 on Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:16 PM PDTThank you very much for your response (and welcome back)! You and I may not agree on everything, but in a democracy we have every right to disagree (though I'm sure we agree on the worthlessness, the rottenness, the malignant nature, and the unreformability of the IRI). You give Commies a good name -- and I mean that as a compliment! Ghorbanet.
Testosterone level and revolutionary Zeal
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:14 PM PDTMe the non intellectual thinks that there is a direct relationship between the two. But I have no way of explaining Rosa Luxemburg...
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
From Gaddafi's co operation with Bush
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:08 PM PDTPer Mash Ghassem's link, to Islamist regime's active support of US invasion of Afghanistan and later Iraq are the proof of who the real puppets hiding behind the fake masks of Islamist anti Imperialsim are. Take Note Souri and VPK!
Dear oon yaroo: Missed your comment. Yes, you are very right on the states you mentioned with their rather distorted version of socialism. But the idea of class struggle was not invented by K. Marx. He just explained it within the context of his social and economic theories. So long as there is extreme poverty and extreme wealth, so long as there is exploitation of one human being by others, the conflict between the have and have not, exploited and exploiter will exist. be it in US, Europe, Lybia , Iran or China...
Dear VPK: You have a point on good (Gaddafi) vs bad puppets, but in the end of the day, good or bad, puppets fate is at the hands of the puppet master.
Dear Souri: You do realise that your key witness, Miss Lizzie in the youtube clip, was employed by Press TV, dont you?
Dear mehrabn: what do you thinlk of Che's last note to his Children? Regardless of where we stand politicaly, I think that it is a very moving note, speaking about the man and his humanity and why he will be admired and remembered dacades after his death, when likes of Gaddafi are here today, gone tommorrow....
Rafigh Ghasem: Great comment here as ususal. The same daughter of Che, sent a very similar message to hassan Nassrullah recently, refusing an invitation to visit to his kingdom in Lebanon. Surely Che's final message of "opposing injustice anywhere"has been well received by this daughter.
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
by Mash Ghasem on Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:48 AM PDTWe are always friends, me just don't know when to shut up!
Yes, he made lots of revolution undercover, not too shabby. How about them Cubano cigars, almost makes you go back to smoking tobbaco! Cuba historically, even decades before the revolution has had the highest levels of education, arts and culture throughout Latin world, very influential on Mexican and other Latin cultures as well. They don't call it Tiger for nothing. But the tiger is due for some mighty big changes and no one really knows where it will end up.
Tis internet based, blog based, mode of communication has its own distorive effects, not as bad as Habermas' " Distortive Communication," but almost as bad. Lots of room for lots of "Large Personalities," ego-boosting, hyper.....have a good weekend, outta here.
Oh Mash Ghasem jaan, we are still friends, I am so happy!!
by Mehrban on Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:38 AM PDTI don't know (really) you tell me which one is it?
Ps.Look at how many babies this guy Che made and then went and got himself killed.
Sorry I had posted this comment before you added the link below. I will read it.
by Mash Ghasem on Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:33 AM PDTA weak observation.
The Leftist Male, Parental Irony/Dilemma: I have to change the world, but don't have time for my kids: Marx, Trotsky, Che, Gramsci (though he was mostly in jail),..wonder how women leaders have dealt with tis conundrum? For a recent discussion of the issue in Iranian context:
Border dysfunctionalism? Or a case of, easier said than done?
Puppets for Rent?
by Mash Ghasem on Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:18 AM PDTFrom Jim Dwyer on the late Colonel-NYT 10/21: " ...In fact, documents found in his headquarters appear to show he was enlisted by President Bush to interrogate suspects under a rendition program. The careers of Hosni Mobarak, Sadam Hussain and Colonel Qaddafi provides at least one lesson; when it comes to tyrants, the US rents, but it doesn't buy."
In relation to OWS, my cousine has a little blog, and he says, not me, but him: please see below and snap out of Cold War . This OWS was iniated by AdBuster. In almost a month you have more Occupations across the US than you could keep up with.
The 12th Commendament: Thou shall not reduce. Observe and learn.
One of Che's Daugherts, one of those little girls in that picture, not sure which one (whome by now is a grown woman) went to Iran a few years ago, and there was a good report on how she politely told her hosts that they were a bunch of male-chuvanist douchebags, and she would like to meet with her Iranian sisters and discuss issues of Women's Liberation, and that women's liberation was a great cheivement of the revolution in Cuba. So the program was cut short and she was escorted out. So much for enlightenment!
I apologize in advance
by Mehrban on Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:25 AM PDTI used to make gouache stencils of che when I was a kid and give them to my friends. I really did not know who he was (not really). God knows that I have no idea what moved Che but whatever it was it must have been mighty powerful. But then again I think Gee he left all the people who needed him most ie. his kids!!!
Sorry, I know this comment is way too soft ;).
No Roozbeh
by Souri on Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:56 AM PDTGaddafi was not a puppet! No matter how many times and in how many ways you cut and slice it, this just doesn't go into people's throw :)
BTW: If you live in US now, you must know that used cars have a better market that the new ones! So, why not giving it a try? You must gain something in there :)
Just kidding.
I never died said he,...Takes more than guns to kill a man,...
by Mash Ghasem on Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:59 AM PDT//
What they couldn't kill, went on to organize, went on to organize.
Ghaddafi was
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:37 AM PDTa puppet just not acceptable. Remember some years ago he made a deal with Bush and Blair. Give up his "WMD" in return for being left alone. He kept his side and was a good dog. But Obama had other idea about him.
The problem is that negotiating with America is no guarantee. You may do whatever they ask you. Sell oil; fix the price do anything they say. But they may turn on you anyway. Takes the incentive out of being a good puppet doesn't it!
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:37 AM PDTDear Divaneh: I put Gaddafi in the same basket of fruit nuts who hiding under the chardae of political Islam (different flavours might be, but the same stuff), were used by the west quite succesfully as in case of our own country.
Dear Amir1977: During cubam missile crisis, Kennedy threthened to wipe the whole island of Cuba off the map of the world by Nuke attack, along with Moscow. So Che responded in Kind. In the end of the day, Kroschkov chickened out. Again, this blog is to highlight the lack of conviction of fake "islamist revolutionaries", rather than pushing Che's ideology.
Dear Rea: You remain my favourite anti commi individual on this site!
Dear Souri. Yes, gaddafi was both a puppet, (per my response to Divaneh) and Coward (per my blog). And no, I am not in the business of selling anything here! What do you take me as? a second hand car dealer? :)
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Che not only sacrificed his own life
by Rea on Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:28 AM PDT.... he sacrificed other people' lives as well. By shooting them from behind, at point blank.
As for the lady cited below. She was in Libya with PressTV, otherwise known as an independent and trusted news agency. So the lady is to be equally trusted as far as I'm concerned. T. Meyssan, that vile antisemite, gives it all due legitimacy.
However, to pay respect to the blogger and to my own, long forgotten, revolutionary youth:
cowardly puppets?
by Souri on Sat Oct 22, 2011 09:41 AM PDTWho?
Moamar Gaddafi, sure was not a puppet!
Roozbeh, my comment was to point out to the fact that, Gaddafi was another "hero" of the same kind of "Che" for his nation.
I don't know how you did find that this was backing the gist of your blog? It was not!
Gaddafi was not a coward, he was not a puppet. He was a dictator, like Che was! or he would become if he would have 40 years of time in the position of power.
I don't sell illusion and especially I don't buy it anymore.
Historical analysis according to youtube!
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sat Oct 22, 2011 09:31 AM PDTDear Tavana: You got the point of this blog. Thanks for reading I am sorry you didnt like it though! For the record, by attacking "islamists" I am not attacking "muslims". I am attacking the entire neo-Fascist concept of "political Islam", as a creation of Imperialist west, as tools of prolonging enslavement of muslims, stealing their natural resources, using tin-pot dictators, from Khomeini and Bin-laden to Gaddafi and khamenei/ahmadinezhad, masquaraded as "Islamist Revolutionaris" as a tool to prevent the growth of progressive ideas in muslim countries, preventing Muslims implementing full seoverignity over their countries and nnatural resources.
Dear Souri: I dont understand why you seem a need to disagree with me, whilst your comments only back the point I am making in my blog! Of course Che and Moammar are apple and pairs as much as Che and Navab safavi are! Of course these tin pot "islamist" dictators are placed there by precisely the same people who engineer their Final downfall. Che (like him or hate him) gained power in Cuba through a popular revolution, without the help of any foreign power, using his own and his comrades superb Revolutionary Zeal, organisational and ideological capability, taking adbantage of a truely revolutionary condition in Cuba. So here you have the sheer contrast between cowardly puppets like Moamar, bin-laden and our own ahmadinezhad/khamenei duo on one side and Che on the other side. Precisely my point! As for your youtube clip, what has it got to do with my blog? Where did I say any crimes committed on Lybians by any side is good? where did I say the current rulers of Lybia are angels? why cant you be focused on the blog topic?
Dear HG: I have no doubt that Cuban Revolution is hated by Exiled Cubans in US. I At the same time there is undeniable statistics which show cuba, despite "airtight sanctions" by US, despite having any real natural resources (Unlike Islamist Iran), has made amazing advances and achievements directly as the result of revolution: At the world level, scoring very high in areas where it badly lagged before Revolution: health care, education, literacy rate, child welfare and low infant mortality rate to name a few. As you brought up the hero of Islamic republic, Navab safavi, tell me how does Iran fare in above areas, despite massive oil wealth. Here I rest my case on Navab vs Che! As I said to Souri: apple's and oranges.
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
During Cuban Missile Crisis, Che advocated nuking NYC
by AMIR1973 on Sat Oct 22, 2011 09:19 AM PDTI wonder how Che's admirers in NYC would feel about their idol Che advocating dropping nuclear missiles on their heads (which he did during the Cuban Missile Crisis). It's certainly possible that some of them would be sympathetic to the idea of getting nuked if it would accelerate the glorious Communist revolution....
Don't think she is dead .....
by Souri on Sat Oct 22, 2011 09:18 AM PDTShe is just hiding somewhere, in my opinion.
I even think that she might be contactable online (or else) if we try it hard. I will let you know, if I hear of any further information.
Thanks for the interest.
She dared tell truth against the lies of nato as an independent
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sat Oct 22, 2011 09:13 AM PDTis she dead Or just being squeezed hard like julian assange?
Thanks Roozbeh
by divaneh on Sat Oct 22, 2011 08:44 AM PDTThere is no comparison between Che and these guys. I would however not put Gaddafi and Osama in one basket as the later is against the progress but Gaddafi was not. A few years ago I was discussing the Libya with a Libyan girl who told me Gadaffi was a dictator and she was part of the opposition. I assume all countries have opposition but any man who stays in power for more than 40 years must be a dictator. I reserve judgement on Gadaffi and Libya and wait to see how the country changes although the first signs are very worrying.
Dear HG, many more be drawn!
by Oon Yaroo on Sat Oct 22, 2011 08:33 AM PDTUp until the late 80's, many Iranians thought that the following countries, their leaders, and their systems worked like a charm and smelled like roses....
It's only after the collapse of these communists systems and their bankrupt ideologies where we really saw the true nature of their people, leaders, living standards, and the fact that they had failed as hell and smelled more like crap than roses...!?
Oh my dear amirparvisfs, you want to contact her?
by Souri on Sat Oct 22, 2011 08:15 AM PDTYou want to know what has happened to Lizzie?
Just watch this youtube below:
dear gilani, i vividly
by hamsade ghadimi on Sat Oct 22, 2011 08:12 AM PDTdear gilani, i vividly remember my conversation with a cuban coleague who fled with his middle class family on a boat after the revolution in cuba destined for the u.s. he was comparing fidel to our ruhollah and how they not only ruined both of our countries but how similar they looked. then our conversation turned to che and he got very animated and told me how he despised the person who was the idelological mentor of fidel. he asked me who is the iranian counterpart to che. the only person i could think of was navab safavi.
it's ironic how the figures who are romanticized by some people are hated within the country that hey had made their biggest accomplishments. it's not to say those responsible for executing che were saints or those who had power before fidel were saints but you can draw the paralell with the iranian story (or elsewhere). a very good friend of mine who is an athiest was visiting south africa during the apartheid and was staying in a "colored" neighborhood (slum). once the word got out that he was iranian, many people approached him and told him how khomeini is their hero and they dream of a day that their country makes a transition the way iran did. my friend whose hatred for khomeini and vf is second to none told me that he didn't have the heart to give them a lecture about khomeini and the iran experience.
forget about conspiracy theorists and ask any cuban that you know what they feel about fidel and che. those are the most relevant opinions that you need to hear. can you imagine the lofty words navab safavi said (or was attributed to him post-mortem) when he was executed?
Souri The video at 8.20 was right on, at 9.00 was sad & real
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sat Oct 22, 2011 07:54 AM PDTUsing the media to tug on peoples liberal heart strings, I would add democracy b.s. to that, hit the nail on the head.
We still have many people, much fewer than before that do not realize they were just used as patsys in their desires for better to remove the shah by a popular revolt of misinformed people who thought they were removing a dictator, repression and corruption, yet nothing could be further from the truth. We had plenty of communist khars in iran pre 1979 fighting the system out of their own stupidity. If roozbeh hasn't seen the light of day so far, the chances he ever will are close to nil. Due to personal motives he can't see the truth, it might mean people he loved and idolized did nothing but waste their lives, pursuing lies.
Souri how can I contact this reporter?
Souri The media lied from the biggining to the end.
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sat Oct 22, 2011 07:35 AM PDTSouri the clip you put up was information that the main stream media was not free to provide us with.
Libya was truly a new low, as far as empires go, the USA truly crapped on itself. They used the UN to do something that was against the charter of the UN and why it was created. And misinforming people like Roozbeh is easy, their lies are not known with the exception of people that were there. People in general are patsys, as a result of this media. I was trying to educate and inform VPK on the motive of the empire in keeping countries of North Africa and the middle east backwards and poor and realized how little use it is to even try and give people a sense of the game at play. Most can not think for themselves, roozbeh is one of the many, his entire articles and views show it.
Poisoned Minds
by Tavana on Sat Oct 22, 2011 07:28 AM PDT"Begging for his life with his capturs after being found hiding in a sewage pipe. How about the other "Islamic Revolutionary" Bin Laden, being found in the luxury of his compound, instead of living in a cave."
These statements are exactly what the 'News Providers Intelligence' what to inject into the 'Illusional Minds' of their readers! 'Isalm' has neither prefix, infix, nor postfix to it! The big papa never ever thought one will turn to a 'suicide bomber' on a basis of his/her belief in fighting with injustice!
PS: Thumbs up! Way way up for Souri's remarks!
Things are not as you think , Roozbeh
by Souri on Sat Oct 22, 2011 06:53 AM PDTPity, you are reasoning exactly like a Western (read American) intellectual!
You must dig deeply to find out why all these turblences happened in the Middle East (and the whole world) in a so short time?
Why so many 2-days revolutions (enghelab haye 2 rouzeh) happended since only a year, while attrocities were going in those countries, since the univers exists, and nobody in the West cared about that?
The day I saw Gaddafie's execution, I said: This is not true! Exactly for Saddam's....
You must think deeply and with a little knowledge of the psychology of those race and nations. An Arab megaloman (like Gaddafie or Saddam) would never go hiding in a pipe!!! They just don't do that!
Someone brought them there, someone (read an organization) did this to them!!
All this has been organized very machiavelistic-ly and done by the CIA.
All this is going according to a very well organized plan, since many years...(but I think the CIA, are behind of the term of their plan, for some reason, hence all those precipitation in the area)
Comparing Che with Gaddafi, is like comparing apple and orange, dear. If you dig more in the history and the life of Che, you will discover that he was not an angel, himself. Yes, he was a very courageous militant, but, is that enough? No, not in my eye.
Trying to make a hero of Che, is okay if you like to do so, but keep in mind that Gaddafi, too was a hero for his nation. Look at this report below: