Campaign Iran on How to Solve a Rodent Problem

rosie is roxy is roshan
by rosie is roxy is roshan

Actually believe it or not I wasn't even looking for anything on Iran, I was websearching Hiroshima, and it led me to this article from last year against attackimg Iran linked to a website called campaigniran. They have a mission statement against attacks and sanctions, and they have an e-mail address if you want to be active with them but I haven't quite figured out what they actually do. But serendipitously, although their articles don't come out very regularly, the one on the homepage happened to be from today and it has the funniest cartoon about Mahmood and Barack and a special friend. So I posted it as a feed but I figured since it's also an introduction to an organization's website that it also qualifies as a blog. So here it is:.



And well, while I'm at it, I may as well post the article on Hiroshima too. It's John Pilger's argument from last year against attacking Iran and it goes into nuclear history with focus on Hiroshima. It's very very disturbing. All the lies and Japan was going to surrender anyway, how Truman called it an "experiment", how the NYT claimed there was no it was all really about a display of power, I guess like nuclear power politics..and..well...that part's not so funny.  //



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programmer craig


by programmer craig on

I am one of the (few apparrently) Americans who thinks the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were war crimes, and I've said so in the past when its come up on blogs. But Pilger is not a good source! He makes a lot of dubious assertions there, such as this one:

The National Archives in Washington contain US government documents
that chart Japanese peace overtures as early as 1943. None was pursued.
A cable sent on May 5, 1945 by the German ambassador in Tokyo and
intercepted by the US dispels any doubt that the Japanese were
desperate to sue for peace, including “capitulation even if the terms
were hard” 

US policy towards both Germany and Japan were that nothing but unconditional surrender would be accepted. This was no secret. Considereing enterring negotiations for peace is not unconditional surrender.

The article raises some good points, but I personally would have rather if you put forward your own argument, even if you used some of Pilger's data.