, watch this source!

rosie is roxy is roshan
by rosie is roxy is roshan

From our central intelligence agency. a tribute to ALL of us, not only our rising star. we are all iraniandotcom's children..just..shooting our kingdomdotcum.

May the source be with you.


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It means Stalinism with God...

by NUR on

Let me answer that. First, I love your handle, Theosophia, and should mention as an aside that I have coined a neologism behind a political theory I am developing called Theophanocracy

Now to your question: when the Haifan Bahais speak of the spiritual conquest of the planet they are speaking of imposing their Amway Cult with Prayer, or Stalinism with God, notion of the Baha'i Covenant everywhere and upon everyone. It means that you cannot disagree with the all-male Universal House of Justice based in Haifa, Zionistan, and that spirituality is defined as total, unquestioned and immediate obedience and subservience to this Covenant and its trickle down administrative bodies, i.e. NSAs, Regional Councils and LSAs, all termed the World Order of Baha'u'llah or the Baha'i Administrative Order. There really is no Spirit or Divinity in this picture here. It is about giving away your spirit and conscience over to a totalitarian bureaucracy in the name of God. It also means that all other religions and groups will henceforth play either second fiddle to the UHJ organziation or be completely done away with. In short, you are looking at a totally Orwellian picture.

That said, if the spiritualization of the planet is what these people were truly about, I'd be all for it -- and in fact, I am (see my 19 Commandments). Alas, that is not what they, the UHJ organization, are about.

Rosie, is that you in that picture? If so, wow! But let me ask you this: Elsewhere you told me that you find Baha'u'llah fascinating. How do you as a woman feel about the fact that no woman may serve on this Universal House of Justice yet the Baha'i scriptures claim equality of the sexes? Don't you see this as a serious contradiction? 


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site?]

rosie is roxy is roshan

i don't watch sex in the city..i've only seen it once..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

i'm surprised you have..well maybe you only saw it once too..i always suspected you might have eidetic memory..anyway i don't remember which one samantha is...but i do remember samantha from bewitched, bothered and bewildered.



by Q on

is there's a reason you sound like Samantha from Sex and the City?


rosie rosie

by Theosophia (not verified) on

Its all good babe.

rosie is roxy is roshan

"spiritual conquest of the planet" defined here

by rosie is roxy is roshan on


Can you tell us what

by Theosophia (not verified) on

Can you tell us what "Spiritual Conquest of the Planet" means?

Does it mean the spiritualization of the planet, or its people?
How do Bahais define Spirituality?


"Spiritual Conquest of the Planet"

by sophia on


 "The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet" - document laying out the timeline of the spread of the faith according to messages released by the Universal House of Justice.

Material released by a Baha'i publisher officially connected with the Ruhi Institute:


"The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet 
SUPPLEMENT.Systematic Unfoldment of the Divine Plan. Unfoldment of 
the Bahá’í Faith. .Our Response to Plans"



"Palabra Publications is an organizationdedicated to the production 
and dissemination of teaching, deepening, andtraining institute 
course materials at low costs. These materials strive toaddress the 
spiritual education needs of diverse peoples with a variety ofbooks, 
such as those described below."


Training Institute Materials

At the request of the Ruhi Institute, PalabraPublications is helping 
to make its materials available worldwide in English,Spanish, French, 
Persian and Arabic. Several other organizations are alsoauthorized to 
distribute the materials in these five languages. You can findout 
more by clicking here.

This publisher also distributes numerous other UHJmaterials, 
Messages from the Universal House of Justice

Turning Point 
Selected Messages of the UniversalHouse of Justice 
and Supplementary Material 

Beginning with the Four Year Plan in 1996, theUniversal House of 
Justice set a new course in the teaching work forindividuals, 
communities, and institutions. “The next four years,” the SupremeBody 
wrote, “will represent an extraordinary period in the history of our
Faith, a turning point of epochal magnitude.” So potent were the 
implicationsof that Plan, that its single aim of advancing the 
process of entry by troopswas carried forward into a series of plans, 
to span twenty-five years untilthe end the first century of the 
Formative Age in 2021. This book containsselected messages from the 
Universal House of Justice and other documents thatguided the 
learning process of the Bahá’í world over the course of a decade,from 
1996-2006, resulting in profound changes in consciousness and 
systematicaction. By the end of this period, the House of Justice 
concluded, “Theelements required for a concerted effort to infuse the 
diverse regions of theworld with the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh’s 
Revelation have crystallized into aframework for action that now 
needs only to be exploited.”

The book is divided into three parts. Part I includesforty messages 
from the Universal House of Justice, from December 26, 1995 toRidván 
2006. Part II involves an exploration of particular themes, such as
“Learning in Action,” “Learning to Maintain Focus,” and “Learning to
Administer Growth,” that includes copious extracts from messages 
written onbehalf of the Universal House of Justice to individuals and 
NationalAssemblies. Part III contains a number of supporting 
documents from thisperiod which were approved by the House of Justice 
or prepared by theInternational Teaching Centre, such as “Training 
Institutes” and “BuildingMomentum.” This volume serves as a 
significant resource, tracing the evolutionof thought over this 
important period and outlining the essential conceptsthat guide 
current activities for expansion and consolidation in clusters
worldwide. Through continued study and reflection on these and other
materials, Bahá’ís will gain a clearer vision of the “methodological 
patternof functioning” and the culture of learning that has come to 
characterize theefforts of Bahá’í individuals, institutions, and 


The Five Year Plan, 2006-2011, 2nd edition 
Messagesof the Universal House of Justice

This compilation contains letters of the UniversalHouse of Justice 
initiating the Five Year Plan 2006-2011. At this time theBahá’ís of 
the world enter the midpoint of that series of Plans, beginning in
1996 and continuing for a quarter century until the year 2021, which 
allfocus on a single aim—advancing the process of entry by troops. 
Thecompilation includes the Ridván 2006 letter, the Ridván 2005 
letter and threeletters from December 2005: the letter dated 27 
December 2005, to theConference of the Continental Boards of 
Counsellors; the letter dated 28December 2005, to all National 
Spiritual Assemblies; and the letter dated 31December 2005, to the 
Bahá’ís of the World. 


The Five Year Plan, 2001-2006 
Messages from theUniversal House of Justice

This compilation contains the letters of the UniversalHouse of 
Justice that trace the efforts of the Bahá’í world after the FourYear 
Plan, through the Twelve Month Plan, and into the Five Year Plan. It
also includes an appendix offering the document, “Building Momentum,”
prepared by the International Teaching Centre in April 2003 to assess 
theprogress of the Plan’s first two years.