I havw unfeatured this blog because the video in question is no longer on the homepage. Thanks to everyone for your participaton.
(The first part of this blog is about New York Jews in general and the second part is about how that relates to me and this website at this time).
This blog concerns a video with a textual explanation of it that is posted at the top of the home page. It is about how certain monied Jews in New York are pushing for war on Iran. In fact the video is talking about wealthy Jews. They are affiliated with AIPAC and the author interviewed in the video stresses that. This submission has been titled "New York Jews Pushing for War."
The author interviewed is a New York Jew. He has written several anti-war books and books exposing Bush and the Neo-Cons. Although the title "New York Jews Pushing For War" is in quotation marks, I think it is a bad choice because it is right on top of the homepage and many people who "drop by" and just glance over the homepage will see only that, and believe that most New York Jews are warmongers. So it is potentially incendiary and damaging.
Naturally the people who are pushing for war in Iran are also in favor of Israel's actions. I am a New York Jew. I am a non-Zionist and a pacifist and you know where I stand as regards Iran. All of my close Jewish friends are non-Zionists or at least strongly against the Israeli regime and they protest it. One of them has been traveling back and forth between New York and Palestine for years to expose Israel's wrongdoings to the press. My mother is 82 years old and spent much of her time even though her eyesight is failing and has arthritis writng letters to newspapers asking for Bush's impeachment ever since the invasion of Iraq. We are peace-loving people.
Manattan along with Berkeley is in by voters the most progressive district in the country. Many many Jews here are against the actions of the state of Israel, against war period here. We had large anti-war demonstrations immediately following the destruction of the World Trade Center when Bush first discussed the invasion of Afghanistan and the most popular slogan was "Not in My NAme." Many of the activist leaders were Jewish. Yes, we are peace-loving people.
I am also concerned about the title at this point in the website's history because (until the other day) I took myself seriously as a peace activist and I have always tried to bring that to the website, in encouraging Iranians of my generation to arrive at Truth and Reconciliaton between the warriry politcal factions. I had some success and people thanked me for it. I came back to the website when Gaza exploded because of my unusual status here as a (here) well-known non-Zionist and non-Iranian Jew to help make peace because I believe peace in the world begins with individuals and this is as good a place as any to start, actually better because of its vast outreach.
However I did something that was so disgraceful the other day that it was very damaging to the peace of the website, particularly painful to me because I'd had a few conversatons with people here who admitted to me that they had been suspicious of Jews and I'd helped them to understand that this cruel Zionist regime and Israel itself are not representative of the Jewish people or even many Israelis by our nature, although many have become psychologically ill due to the trauma of our recent histo, and I encouraged those people to dialogue with Zionists, to influence voters so that there could be hope.
What happened the other day has completely undermined my credibility on and undone any work I did here toward peace, especially concerning Gaza. I have probably become for those particular people as much a negative representative of the Jewish people as our beloved Zion, because at least Zion isn't a hypocrite. Those people who I had achieved positive dialog with mocked me. And this title could reinforce that perception. I'd planned to blog on all this soon anyway to explain that because of all this it will be necessary for me to leave the website permanently. This isn't like last time which I explained was due to a personal situation, When you are a public figure and you are implicated in a scandal you have to step down.
I am also afraid that due to what I did, there is even a possiblity that subconscously this title might plant even one tiny seed subconsciously in someone's head who never felt that way before that we New York Jews and Jews in general are warmongers. And that is a very dangerous thing because as I said peace begins with individuals and you can't have peace over there where real blood is being shed until you have it here. So for the peace movement to lose even one person is a tragedy.
Please change title, Jahanshah, to: AiPAC PUSHING FOR WAR ON IRAN.
Recently by rosie is roxy is roshan | Comments | Date |
Dangerous People, Dangerous Games | 3 | Aug 19, 2009 |
What Yeggia Once Told Me About Iran | 11 | Aug 16, 2009 |
Sedaa am | 17 | Aug 15, 2009 |
Person | About | Day |
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Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
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گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Well David,
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Tue Feb 10, 2009 09:23 AM PSTComing out of the woodwork...
like termites?
Thanks for the good research woodwork, I mean work.
More NY Jews not pushing for war
by DW Duke on Tue Feb 10, 2009 06:58 AM PST//almasakinnewsagency.wordpress.com/2009/01/09/photo-neturei-karta-protests-zionist-atrocities-in-gaza/
And more, boy they love that song and the guy with the cord don't they:)
And more:
Man oh man, these NY Jews not pushing for war are coming out of the woodwork. :)
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Tue Feb 10, 2009 04:51 AM PST(On this thread I feel I am obligated to address criticisms of my role in the situation scrupulously, including for those who are reading it but not participating. I do not have time to edit down this post, so Camel, if I've talked too much, please read it in installments.)
You talk too much and spread yourself too thin.
I talk a lot. I don't spread myself thin. I have only participated in one single rhread about Iran since I came back here to deal with the Gaza issue. And that one just barely. I am very selective in how I allocate my time on this website.
2. You change sides too quickly and confuse everybody about your alligiances. We don't know which side you are on.
I have never changed "sides" one single time. To say people whitewash Hamas or question IRI's motives in supporting them is not changing sides. To question bias in moderation based on frequent allegations by my political adversaries is not changing sides, it is called democracy.It's more important to protect the fundamentals of democracy than to prove your allegiance to any side. Because otherwise if your side "wins", who cares? All you'll get is Fascism in petticoats.
Interestingly the person whose qualifications for chief moderator I questioned also asked me what side I'm on. It is clear as a bell whose side I'm on in the Palestinian question.
And who is this "we" who doesn't know what side I'm on? I confuse "everyone". Have you taken a poll?
Have a petticoat.
I am getting seriously annoyed with you but because I accept responsibility for what I've done I feel I have an obligaton to answer criticisms of me carefully. Not for you, this is already absurd. For others who are following the thread.
3. You are very controlling and try to have a hand in everything and so it backfires in your face.
Many people don't agree with you or at least see controlling aspects of my personality as beneficial in some way as I am generally respected as a mediator on the political threads and yes, mediator is the exact role that is acknowleded to me as I try to be impartial.
Define "everything".
4. You ganged up with the most hated/ridiculed bloggers against the publisher/editor/moderator for the most bogus reason, namely because their comments were deleted. Do you know how many times my comments have been deleted since I started commenting here?
Darling dearest: Yes and no. I shared certain perspectives with the most hated bloggers on the site. (WAIT FOR QUOTE). I didn't "gang up" on anyone because I never mentioned her name until other people did (and those comments were not deleted by the moderators, so there they were so what was the point in not saying the name by then?) I NEVER accused the publisher of ANYTHING in that blog.
I accept ultimate responsibility for what happened but responsibility is shared by several people (see explanation in my post to Bijan below). Several people share responsibility for what could've been a tiny fire turning into a conflagration.
If you were following that thread at that time and didn't say you've had many posts deleted, you also share responsibility for what happened.
5. Although you state you have compassion for the Gazans and condemn Israel but there's no real feelings and passion in your comments about the massacre of Palestinians.
Read my two blogs Zionazis and An Open Letter to Zion. Click on my blue name, then blogs. Then tell me that again in English, Persian and Esperanto.
Your baseless and illogical assumptions and allegations here at LEAST as bad as anything I wrote on that blog, that didn't even mention anyone's name.
6. It sounds like you had come to save the jews from the Zionists but you ended up joining their group, the group who supports Israel, the ones who bare their behind when the subject of Palestinians/Muslims and Middle Eastern is discussed. And guess what? Iranians are two out of three, Muslim and Middle Eastern.
It sounds to you..you're hearing things. Thank you for informing me about Iranian demographics.
Have a tutu.
7. Your going or coming will not have much effect on the relationship between the jews and the rest of us here.
Ah, the famous poll again! Roper or Galllup?
8. How many Jews, Iranian or non Iranian, condemned the bombardment of Palestinians on this website? How many are against the attack on Iran? two.
Good you're counting. I see you are preparing your next poll.
For the benefit of those reading because I truly feel I no longer need to defend myself against YOU, precisely because I knew I'd be one of the only Jews here AMONG THE REGULAR BLOGGERS to condemn it UNCONDITIONALLY.
These are a few points I thought maybe helpful to you to understand the situation.
I already understood the situation. Your post has only served to help me understand you.
Oh yeah, and Iranian demographics.
Sorry I "talked too much."
Bijan, okay..
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Tue Feb 10, 2009 03:18 AM PSTI never delared myself an anti-Zionist, I declare over and over like a mantra that I am a "NON-Zionist pacifist Ashkenaz (Eastern European) Jew". That's my "schtick" whenever the Israel question comes up here.
There is a difference. I'm not ANTI-Zionist, because if a peacable two-state solution were arrived at, I'd be delighted. It would be MUCH better than the status quo all these decades. Personally I desire a one-state solution. I'm not ANTI-Zionist because I'm not anti my family, refuseniks in prison in Israel for refusing to serve in the Israeli military although they still believe in the state of Israel, and so forth.
I don't see anything wrong with being a "Palestinian lover". We should try to love or at least respect everyone. This is part of the language problem in the conflict. When Zionists say things like this it repulses people. Not to say the other side doesn't use terrible language too, Nazi terminology being far worse. But right now the state of Israel is the most loathed in the world. It is incumbent on them to undo this damage if their case is to be heard.
I have never said categorically that the site is unbiased. I've questioned this issue all along since Gaza exploded. That's WHY I blogged about whether someone who made a certain statement should be a chief moderator. I did have an effect on people's hearts and minds because some people told me I had. Now I think it all backfired because when I wrote that blog I and those who misinformed me that she was a chief moderator shoued extreme subjectivity. If there is bias, I have several ideas where it could come from but I know it's not Jahanshah and if you want me to elaborate on this I will.
ou are hurt, because the title of a blog or a piece on this site included you in the evil hord of Zionists who are pushing for war? You have no argument about who is provoking the war. As long as they name, AIPAC, Zionists, wealthy Jews, or any Jew who believes in security of Israel and don’t insult peace activists and pacifist Jews, you will be OK.
I wasn't HURT by the blog title, I was just CONCERNED about its possible effects. And as I said I wasn't planning on blogging about leaving yet but when I saw that title I had to include myself in the blog. It was because my concern extended to effects on the site members due to the recent events. As I just said above, Yes I DID win some hearts and minds and I think writing that blog undid that.
I have no argument about who is provoking the war in general or specificially in the video post. You are correct. It is because as I recently wrote, I DON'T CARE WHO THREW THE FIRST STONE. I really don't. All I care about is that it HAS TO STOP, and right now it has to be Israel (if you want me to explain why I will) and you will see if Israel STOPS there will be some knocks they'll have to take but in the long run less Israeli lives will be lost because the world community will begin to respect the Israeli case and you will see how fast they apply pressure to those who support Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.
My dear friend, I don’t know you personally, but I really and sincerely respect you, like you and admire you for who you are in your beliefs you portrayed on this site. But, I don’t agree with your spilling your guts out about your family and your upbringing to prove yourself as true peace lover. When it comes to humanity, you are way above many arrogant residents of this site and you don’t have to prove it to anyone.
During the 70's the feminist movement introduced the concept that the political is personal. It is not surprising that it was women who did this. Knowing something about someone's human experiences does more for political understanding than all the syllogisms and statistics combined. Or certainly doesn't do LESS because all this logic rams' head butting here usually goes nowhere anyway. No I'm not trying to prove anything with telling my personal stories. I am trying to find a way to reach people.
As someone who loves peace and believes in the two state solution, I never concede the security of Israel (like that gutless CUNY professor) by promoting (directly or indirectly) the hostility toward Jews. I guess this statement qualifies me as a Zionist. So be it. All I know, I want my land (Iran) be free of hate-filled Islamic government, so I can move back and die there.
The IRI problem will never be resolved unless it is done in tandem iwth the Israel/Palestine one. Due to the reality of WHERE THINGS STAND NOW, Israel will have to be the one to bite the bullet to gain some global respect. Absolute non-violence, not one tearing down of one house will be required. The (for you no doubt) cold reality (IMHO) is that for every rocket Hamas launches Israel should respond with truckloads of food. You will see how soon things change in the new geopolitical situation that we're gradually shifting to. If you want to know the specifics on what I think the geopolitics is shifting to and why it will lead to more peace, Israel, Iran, wherever, I will explain it to you.
There is an activist organizaton all over the US called Food Not Bombs. Whether you are a pacifist or not, strategically food not bombs is the only way.
Btw I agree with you that the IRI currently is a disgusting regime. However due to this shifting geopolitics I believe that will shift. The "IRI apologists" I am friendly with on this site don't apologize for anything. They just don't speak up enough and generally they do it because they are afraid if they do in the cost benefits analysis it will create more havoc for Iran due to promoting war mongering. This is strategic but I don't agree with them and I tell them all the time.
My simple belief: The truth shall set us free.
Your leaving this site on this note will convey a message of submission (IMHO) that is not worthy of you. There are still many, many intelligent, humble, and pleasant people to converse with. You don’t have to respond to every comment. Sometimes silence is the best response. There is a saying in Farsi that says “Javab-e ablahan khamooshist” (silence is the best answer for stupids)
In any case I'll need another break but I will think about it.
by anonymous fish on Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:09 PM PSTsssssshhhh... i'm still here (AW) but don't tell anyone...:-)
as one of the most hated/ridiculed members who sided with rosie against tyranny on iranian.com, it proved more prudent to disquise myself and cloak myself in anonymity. AW was just a leetle bit too "in your face" to the anti-american crowd.
we're glad to see you back... i've missed a intellectual exchange with a respectful adversary. keep it up on rosie t... she simply does not understand how valuable she is. like her, love her, or hate her, she's a part of the fabric of iranian.com.
and you know what happens when you pull a thread... you zionist you!!!! :-0
peace out.
Israeli Spokesman Says We Control Stupid Americans
by king david (not verified) on Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:51 PM PSTSunday, 01 February 2009 01:09
Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated 'You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel."
New York Jews Not Pushing for War
by DW Duke on Mon Feb 09, 2009 09:41 PM PST//video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4982542403965709581&q=satmar+tish+shabbos&pl=true
Yaghoob (aka Bijan) you are a Zionist
by Mola Nasredeen on Mon Feb 09, 2009 08:49 PM PSTOne of the two iranian Zionists on this website. Remember when they were bombing women and children in U.N. compound and you were cheering the Israelis? Well we do remember.
by DW Duke on Mon Feb 09, 2009 08:35 PM PST//www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMfr2CgIPhg
Rosie, you make me sick….
by Bijan A M on Mon Feb 09, 2009 08:23 PM PSTAs much as I respect you and care for your sense of humanity, your peace activist attitude of pure submission to arrogant, self righteous souls, makes me throw up. You naïve soul, think that by declaring yourself anti-Zionist can create sense of justice in members of this know-it-all, “unbiased!!!( what a joke?…)”, Palestinian lover crowd?
You are hurt, because the title of a blog or a piece on this site included you in the evil hord of Zionists who are pushing for war? You have no argument about who is provoking the war. As long as they name, AIPAC, Zionists, wealthy Jews, or any Jew who believes in security of Israel and don’t insult peace activists and pacifist Jews, you will be OK.
My dear friend, I don’t know you personally, but I really and sincerely respect you, like you and admire you for who you are in your beliefs you portrayed on this site. But, I don’t agree with your spilling your guts out about your family and your upbringing to prove yourself as true peace lover. When it comes to humanity, you are way above many arrogant residents of this site and you don’t have to prove it to anyone.
As someone who loves peace and believes in the two state solution, I never concede the security of Israel (like that gutless CUNY professor) by promoting (directly or indirectly) the hostility toward Jews. I guess this statement qualifies me as a Zionist. So be it. All I know, I want my land (Iran) be free of hate-filled Islamic government, so I can move back and die there.
Your leaving this site on this note will convey a message of submission (IMHO) that is not worthy of you. There are still many, many intelligent, humble, and pleasant people to converse with. You don’t have to respond to every comment. Sometimes silence is the best response. There is a saying in Farsi that says “Javab-e ablahan khamooshist” (silence is the best answer for stupids)
It makes me sad to see people like American Wife, Chicago dad, Sadegh and many others who have left the site.
With utmost respect,
Sister Rosie, do you want to hear the truth? can you handle it?
by Mola Nasredeen on Mon Feb 09, 2009 08:18 PM PSTHere it comes:
1. You talk too much and spread yourself too thin.
2. You change sides too quickly and confuse everybody about your alligiances. We don't know which side you are on.
3. You are very controlling and try to have a hand in everything and so it backfires in your face.
4. You ganged up with the most hated/ridiculed bloggers against the publisher/editor/moderator for the most bogus reason, namely because their comments were deleted. Do you know how many times my comments have been deleted since I started commenting here?
5. Although you state you have compassion for the Gazans and condemn Israel but there's no real feelings and passion in your comments about the massacre of Palestinians.
6. It sounds like you had come to save the jews from the Zionists but you ended up joining their group, the group who supports Israel, the ones who bare their behind when the subject of Palestinians/Muslims and Middle Eastern is discussed. And guess what? Iranians are two out of three, Muslim and Middle Eastern.
7. Your going or coming will not have much effect on the relationship between the jews and the rest of us here.
8. How many Jews, Iranian or non Iranian, condemned the bombardment of Palestinians on this website? How many are against the attack on Iran? two.
These are a few points I thought maybe helpful to you to understand the situation.
Magakosh, I agree with you about many points..
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Mon Feb 09, 2009 07:18 PM PSTmost Jews are NOT wealthy and the Monied Men includes MANY non-Jews. And the author should have made that clearer, and I also should've made it clearer in my blog.
Emma Goldman, the great Jewish anarchist at the beginning of the 20th century, when Anarchism still seemed like a viable political philosophy, once said, "If I can't dance, I don't want to be in your Revoluton.
In IRI as it stands, is and Hezbollah and Hamas if they stabilize, the people who cheerlead for them will not be happy campers there. I do not refer to the people who support the humanitarian cause in Gaza or support Hezbollah AGAINST Israeli depredations, I refer to those who whitewash them.
However I reject all violence--and ven surgical strikes. The latter because it is crucial at this juncture in our evolution for all peoples to find their own way. ESPECIALLY the Iranian people, who as a people have strong paranoid and xenophobic tendencies due to their history (not all, but it's in the culture). Many of them might be happy if there were surgical strikes, but mark my words, three weeks, three months later, they would blame it on the Americans every time their nephew sneezed.
The Iranian people must find their own way. They must have AGENCY. It is crucial for them and also to set an example for the world.
If the Reformists don't win this election, the hardliners will lose a great deal of ground due to the shifting geopolitical situation anyway. They came in on the back of the flanking of Iran militarily under Bush. At this point Iran is pretty secure in a balance of power through alliance with Russian and the US need to ally with Iran in the Afghanistan issue. Already the US is talking with Iran about supply routes to the troops in Afghanistan. Already the US has financed on credit a reconstruction program in Gaza THROUGH FATAH which Israel did not want.
Things are sett'ling down and through evolution, faster than you think, there will be a secular parlioamentary democracy in Iran. It is overwhelmingly the will of the people. And it's the lesser of THREE evils, because the third evil, foreign intervention and violence, however minimal, the latter symbolizing dependency on foreigners, is not only immoral but impracticable. It will fail. It will cause a government in which the people have little faith. The only choice is through internal progress and Iwe will see a transformation from within. Keep that hope and instill it in all your friends and relatives in Iran so that they will have the strength, courage and patience to fight peacefully for their future.
That is my belief. Don't worry. Be happy.
Where do you find these bed bugs?
by magasKosh (not verified) on Mon Feb 09, 2009 06:42 PM PSTWho are “The Jews in New York”? Who are “The Money Men”? This is crazy talk and concocted simplistic bogyman explanation for dumb masses, propagated by shock jocks and conspiracy theorist. Reality is a very small percentage of Jews have money, and a very small percentage of money belongs to Jews. The Jews are a constituency with a very diverse wants. Also, the money is a constituency with a very diverse wants. If there is any overlap between the two wants it certainly has more to do with an external common threat than anything else.
IRI is an irrational religious fundamentalist dictatorship and irreconcilable with the western liberal democratic values. Democracy is not about a one day election of a tyrannical dictatorship. IRI government, like that of North Korea can barely provide for its people. At the same time, it has ambitions of exporting its backwards fundamentalist bankrupt culture and revolution worldwide. It is actively exporting terrorism and its culture of martyrdom seeking beyond its boards. It is plundering untold amounts of its people’s resources on developing nuclear weapons technology disguised as nuclear power generation technology, and long range missile technology disguised as satellite delivery technology.
No one is against people of Iran, Lebanon, or Gaza. But, IRI government, Hezbollah, and Hamas are irrational religious fundamentalist governments and are not to be trusted with nuclear weapons of mass destruction and its associated delivery mechanisms.
No one is pushing for war. But if all else fails, and preemptive surgical military action is the only option; then one has to let the generals do what they know how to do. By the way the moral code of conduct for a commander fighting against an asymmetric martyrdom seeking enemy is to achieve his goals, while first minimizing casualties to his soldiers, and then minimizing collateral damage.
No Ashgar I'm talking about something else..
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Mon Feb 09, 2009 03:42 PM PSTthere are two parts to this blog. The second one is about me.
If you don't know about maybe you're better off but you can click on my name and find my last blog called Moderation in Moderation. I don't know if it explains anything or confuses things more.
This is more than a soap opera, I can assure you. But thanks for the comment.
What are you apologizing about?
by Asghar_Massombagi on Mon Feb 09, 2009 03:10 PM PSTI'm just curious, what terrible thing have you done, Rosie, that you are appologizing for? I can't see anything in your post and can't make out anything from the on-going soap opera in these comments? By the way, I think the title of that post is offensive too but when you have a semi user maintained site then you get a lot of crap. There is no such thing as "New York Jews" any more than "LA Iranians." There are people who may answer to the description implied by the tag the way the old Left-wing Jewish New York Intellectual once denoted a certain kind of person but even then it was a gross stereotype. My two cents.
It's quite simple. You know how America was after 9-11?
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Mon Feb 09, 2009 03:09 PM PSTImagine that panic on a regular basis. It's great because it keeps the fear factory business going. Lots of employment (soldiers, journalists, politicians, ambassadors, authors) That's what I imagine Israeli life to be like. I mean, if Americans were being given the Bush/Cheney course of knowledge on how to win against terrists, don't you think they would constantly be talking about war? be paranoid? YES. This isn't about Judaism. This happened to America too. This is a conflict. That means that BOTH of these groups of human beings (all have breasts, koon, heart, head) are attacking each other. Neither is right. Neither is wrong. They just don't listen to each other at all and from what I understand, it's in the favor of the leaders to keep fighting. That's ESPECIALLY true in Israeli politics.
Capt Ayhab is doing a nice job of this in the Eric Alterman video thread.
Can you imagine George W. Bushies constantly coming and going? War and conflict breed politicians. Hacks. all of them. Netanyahooooo is rearing his head again. Hooray for Ben. I'm sure he'll be really successful. BTW he looks very scary. I mean, do you think he practices that mean look?
Ehud Barack on the other hand - he could smile at least. Such a sweet face.
Multiple Emoticon,
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Mon Feb 09, 2009 02:51 PM PSTI only meant to say that's what I would like to see MORE of on the thread: perceptions about Jews and warmongering, appropriateness of the title and my decision to leave.
I know what you mean about catfights but usually the men jump in to spur it on earlier than how long the "catfight" took here, they come as goldfish and they go catfight, catfight! and swim away. Actually there is far more at stake here on this blog than a catfight even though at first blush it does look like one, and most of the regular bloggers know that by now that, that's probably why they didn't yell catfish, I mean catfight.
To Roxane,
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Mon Feb 09, 2009 02:44 PM PSTMaybe I didn’t make it clear before, so I try again; this thread, not the blog, is not about Jahanshah’s choice of the title in question, it is not about Jews in New York, or you leaving (please don’t leave). It’s about CATFIGHTs, and about why men like to watch them, and it’s about documenting how WWIII started. I hope this explains it better.
Just knowing that “Some people will not forget who followed you and cheered you on and what kind of nasty stuff they said” is enough for me to get my nuclear missiles out and get ready.
witch hunt
by khaleh mosheh on Mon Feb 09, 2009 02:35 PM PSTHappy hunting O children of Zion,
by anonymous fish on Mon Feb 09, 2009 02:21 PM PSTnow ain't the truth. the husband and i have our daily routine. the kiss at the door, the "how was your day" and the "what's the latest on iranian.com". we then hash it all out and i get all pissed when he agrees with me but won't say anything...lol. then he makes his daily comment of "i'm not sticking MY neck out to get chopped off". Followed by the "you women" accompanied by shaking of the head. minutes later i get the sheepish request for all the gory details.
Just to say again for any newcomers who didn't see my comment
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Mon Feb 09, 2009 02:16 PM PSTbelow on the thread:
the three topics the blog imainly concerned with are: your impressons of (New York) Jews vis a vis Israel, the question of whether it was a good idea to use that title for the video, and whatever you want to say about my decision to leave and the reasons I gave. I would welcome your thoughts,
Carry on.
"Where are the men? It's like they're all invisibles."
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Mon Feb 09, 2009 02:15 PM PSTMen don’t like to participate in catfights. They just like to stand aside, invisibly, and enjoy the show. This phenomenon, women catfighting and men catfight watching, is what uniquely separates us from animals. But, when the big war starts we’ll jump in, no doubt about it. Look at all the wars in the world, most of them started with a catfight. This catfight between Roxane and IRANdokht is most likely going to lead to Third World War, you watch. We’ll get in when the first shots are fired.
by tsion on Mon Feb 09, 2009 02:11 PM PSTI agree. It's been ugly, for some time now. However I also believe an open wound, ugly as it is, is better than internal bleeding that is constantly covered up. Anyways, thanks for the clarification.
zion... don't take it out of context.
by anonymous fish on Mon Feb 09, 2009 02:06 PM PSTi'm not apologizing for standing up for what i said as i believe it to be true. i'm apologizing on a personal level for letting a wound fester. rosie and sam both have said that she wrote them personal emails telling them to leave. if she did, it's wrong and easy enough to prove. if she didn't, same thing. i'm not calling rosie or sam a liar or disputing one thing they've said. not one bit.
don't think for a minute i'm selling out for the sake of healing. i'm just saying i'm sorry a personal falling out has been so publicly displayed. it's been ugly. and God don't like ugly.
by tsion on Mon Feb 09, 2009 01:55 PM PSTSorry but that was lame. You have nothing to apologize for , why is this "healing" only way anyways? When did she apologize for it to begin? "Healing" is an irrelevant term here. This is about standing up for what is right.
By "apologizing" you are indirectly calling other people like Sam and even Robin here liars, or adding weight to that accusation. You can't have it both ways. Sorry. When it comes to who is saying the truth and who is lying, I for one believe someone like Sam over this lady without a moment of hesitation.
Marge :O))
by Souri on Mon Feb 09, 2009 01:35 PM PST"Where are the men? It's like they're all invisibles"
- Men don't use female public bath....
Neither do I. Though I'm a woman, but I'm used to wash myself at home :D))
isn't the internet just toooo much fun. :-)
by anonymous fish on Mon Feb 09, 2009 01:28 PM PSTsorry about the cupcake. it was NEVER intended to be ugly. i had made a reference one time about the cupcake with blue frosting and it just took off from there. but as a woman, if anyone called me "cupcake", they'd be calling the penile implant surgeon. from now on, you're just "marge". i love this place... i really do.
ID. i'd like to take this opportunity to make a public apology. i said before that my new mantra was 'finesse, not force". if i'm big enough to smart off, i'm big enough to say i'm sorry. we disagree... that's fine and dandy. but i hate having on my conscience the fact that i've prolonged an open wound. i'm into healing now and just like AA, the first step is acknowledgement.
peace out.
it's not like i made something up
by anonymous fish on Mon Feb 09, 2009 01:17 PM PST"samsam and now rosie are saying that ID wrote them and told them to leave iranian.com."
if it's not true, fine. i'm just saying that two people have said it now. if they are wrong, then i'm wrong for believing it. and i would apologize for that. but what would possess them to say such a thing? it's a question that should be asked. that's all.
ID. i told you numerous times in our email exchanges that i was sorry it affected our personal relationship. but i'm not going to deny my opinions just to suit yours. and if we disagree, why can't it be done respectfully? if i insulted you, as i told you in those emails, it was not my intention. by the same token, insults made to me are taken personally as well.
tttthats all folks... :-)
I just heard from Kaveh. You'll be glad to know
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Mon Feb 09, 2009 01:11 PM PSTHe's off saving the stock market and banking treasury system in the United States. Valid reasons. I also miss Arash. Where did he go? Where are the men? It's like they're all invisibles. The testicles are obviously in a lock box.
Fishy/AF - you're welcome. From here on out, I will call you AF. Please can I ask you to stop calling me cupcake? It's not good for several reasons mainly that I hate cupcakes. They are gross. I know that's something Zion would say, but stranger things have happened.
The rest of this is not my business - the stuff regarding Iran Dokht. I think she's a nice person though. I really don't know how I missed all this drama leading up to that blog.
Good day to you all.
hmmm... .
by tsion on Mon Feb 09, 2009 01:05 PM PSTI wonder who are the ones who constantly play the victim here and whine about it. The actual ones, that is. I really wonder. Ironic... .