People Are Seeing Two Different Avatars On My Blogs and Posts

rosie is roxy is roshan
by rosie is roxy is roshan

Okay if you can read this text I will try to explain it clearly. Two days ago I tried to upload an avatar of a bright sun and it didn't upload so I left the old one of me. Yesterday someone wrote me onsite that the new avatar was too bright and I should change it. I said there is no new avatar and Anonymous Fish also said there is no new avatar in reply to him. So I wrote a blog called Do I Have A New Avatar? (below) // I used the image of the sun as the image inside the blog as a joke because it ireally is blinding when it's big and asked what avatar do you see, a blinding sun or dazzling me? The people who answered commented on the sun but they did not do it in a way that seemed to acknowledge that there was a problem of two different avatars. American Wife was the only one who did this. So I wrote MPD offsite and asked him what he saw. He said he saw an avatar of the sun and he did not see any text in the body of the blog. He also said that recently Natalia uploaded a new avatar and for several days he could see it but she couldn't. Could you please tell me whether you see the sun or the photo of me here and whether you have been able to read this text? Also American Wife (and Captain Ayhab) complained a couple of days ago that the site is running very slowly. It is for me. Is it running slowly for you? Thanks.


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rosie is roxy is roshan

By clicking F5, the refresh button, as suggested, I was able to

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

see the very bright avatar. Although the majority of people here liked that avatar, I changed it to a less bright one based on one person's complaint, under the assumption that if that avatar hurt his eyes other people would feel the same way. I can see the new avatar too

I still need to figure out how to delete those cached files from my server as well as how to refresh all the ic files but it's a good beginning I'm learning as I go along. I am very happy with the latest avatar. It says what I want to say without being upsetting to anyone

Thanks a million. r.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Now I see a different avatar

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

The background is dark brown, or black, and in about the center there is a Sun, white in the center, yellow in its parameter, and orange halo and spikes around it.


"temporary Internet files"

by Anonymous (not verified) on

Rosie jan,
You have caching problem with your pc, in another word buildup of data in the "temporary Internet files" is slowing down the processor. The more internet surfing/online video watching the more cache being used and the slower the system will get.

The solution is to locate and delete the temporary Internet files on your pc, then use refresh button(F5). I do this in daily basis for my pc at work/home before shut down. How to delete "temporary Internet files" depends on the browser. I use IE6 and deletion is as follow:

Tools > Internet Options > General >Temporary Internet Files > Delete Files

You are very good in searching Google, so look for your browser type, and instruction on deleting "temporary Internet files". ;)


Sudan Blog

by S Holmes the violinist (not verified) on

I just followed the clues you left me o fair Rosie when I emerged from my pharmaceutical induced stupor.

Sounds like Sudan is in a dire predicement indeed. Not having devoted any time to study the situation- I dont really feel qualified to pass a a judgemt- but the prima facia evidence points to some nefarious villians being in control, having guns and a ruthless (but probably badly trained) army and subjecting the innocent people to a great deal of tyranny, murder and meyhem.

What is to be done about it though Lady Rosie? A war crime tribunal perhaps??


It's probably a caching issue...

by admin on

Many browsers (most) cache images. That is, they download the image from the website once, and next time don't bother downloading the image again just use the old one on the local computer. This makes page loading faster.

The browsers are sometimes fooled if the image has the same exact name and size (which these avatars do). They think they already have the picture and they use the local copy. Browser caches expire periodically themselves. You can force expire most of them, but hitting "refresh" button on our browser and if that doesn't work, deleting browser cache. Some browsers reset this cache when they are exited.

Most people will see the right image within a day or two.

rosie is roxy is roshan

El bizarro, smiley-joon. I INTENTIONALLY left a gap

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

between the avatar and the text because I put the large sun photo there as a joke, since Hairy had told me take it away take it away it's blinding...but I found the glare from the image SO blinding that I couldn't even READ the text unless I left a lot of space AND bolded it..


being able to see the text and NOT being able to see the link to the vid..hmmm...curiouser and curiouser said alice..i'll tell foaad to read up the thread, this is EXACTLY what i wanted, clear documentation of exactly what different people have been are a gem, a true gem, i mean that..and not a semi-precious one, either :o).

thx a million


Multiple Personality Disorder

Further clarification

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

On your original blog about your avatar, there is gap in between your blog photo and the beginning of your blog. Also the computer that I used at the time to read your blog puts a gap wherever there is a video clip, and the lyrics of the song I could not see. So what I saw in your blog was blog photo, gap, text, gap, text, gap. And, in the comment section I saw your new Sun avatar.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Aboslutely. Clear as a bell. And as an aside, AFish, pls.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

take a look at my recent feed called "Oh, so now it's MISSIONS, is it", a cursory glance at the article will do, it is my COMMENT that I think you'll find of "interest"...

thx. r.

anonymous fish

this is like.... too bizarre!

by anonymous fish on

the avatar i see next to your comment to MPD is the old one of maria callas... off the shoulder black gown (as seen impersonating rosie t...:-)

it is also the avatar i see at the top of the page under the text "people are seeing..."

yesterday i saw the dazzling you (bright sun) as the avatar UNDER the text but the old avatar (callas) as the avatar next to your comments.

is that making sense?

rosie is roxy is roshan

MPD so did I misunderstand you the first time and you were

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

telling me that you saw MY PHOTO but couldn't see the text? i thought you'd said you saw the sun avatar and couldn't see the text.

Right now as you seem to understand I AM still seeing my photo. I honestly can't understand why the particular functionings of any comptuter (or in this case computers...mine, AFish's and Natalia's) would have any bearing on what they actually see, meaning seeing something completely different from what others see, as opposed to say, not being able to see anything at all, as in your case yesterday with the text--this happens to me on occasion with Stuff for no discernible reason...   Perhaps Foaad would know...I'm waiting to hear from him.

And actually to tell you the truth I'm waiting to hear from some others as well. ANY others.  No further commentary  necessary.

Multiple Personality Disorder

A couple of things:

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

My DSL at home hasn’t been working for a while. I read your first blog about your avatar somewhere else, somewhere that has a lot of restrictions on viewing materials on Internet. Maybe that‘s why I couldn’t see everything that was posted in your blog. Also, I don’t know how long it took for Natalia to see her new avatar while I was able to see it already.

I'm using another computer now and I can see everything.  Your avatar is as clear as the Sun in the sky. 

rosie is roxy is roshan

Thanks Souri. Fish, Is that a JOKE?

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

At first I thought it is but now I'm not so sure. This situation is so bizarre that anything is possible. In either case it isn't true for me.

The site does not appear to be running slowly for me anymore.





by Souri on

I see the blinding sun as your avatar.

I can read all the text in all your blogs.

The site is not running slower than before for me, but I had this problem two weeks ago and talked to Foaad about it. 


The case of oscillating Avatars

by S. Homes the violinist (not verified) on

Elementary My Dear Watson!

If you log in you see one Avatar and if you are logged out your are blinded by another.

I suspect the nefarious hands of Professor Moriarty.