An Expriment: Another Iranian is burning quran

by rottengods

Here is the story...Muslims dogma and clergies were lying all the time that you can't set fire on quran because it's not gonna burn or holy macaroni is gonna come down or blah blah blah is gonna happen, so this guy tried to see what is going to happen if he sets quran on fire? he is main question was, is quran gonna burn? can he set quran on fire? He tried and he shared it with us in his video.


Recently by rottengodsCommentsDate
What should Iranians do with Quran in Ramadan?
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RE: Why don't you set a friggin Mosque on fire for protest?

by Anony_mous_bvcxz (not verified) on

"Why don't you set a friggin Mosque on fire for protest ? Think about response in proportions!!"

That's good idea..but do you advocate to kill innocent everyday people who have no clue of anything but just go to mosque and pray to allah?

Those people are just illiterate and nothing else..but if you say let's fuck with mecca, kabba, karbala and etc..that's good idea..



by Anonym (not verified) on

You people are pathetic!

30 years of Islamist republic, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of deaths, unprecedented Islam inspired violence and oppression against everyone, Islamic laws to cut arms, limbs and eye gouging, all in just the recent history and in our collective memory (forget the previous 1400 years).

After all of this, is this the only protest you can come up with ? Snip a tiny bit of the hate manual (Quran) and light it ? Why don't you set a friggin Mosque on fire for protest ? Think about response in proportions!!


Fire on Quran

by rottengods on

We need some videographers to take shots from different locations in Iran and send to us.

 There are some groups of young people mentioned that are going to burn their household quran and get rid of it. so any helo will be appreciated.

Check our site and contact us from there.
