collapse of the US financial system


by Sadaia_qesa




Download the MP3 files; A Financial analysis of full and complete financial meltdown ahead.



Part 1 (7,8 MB)

Part 2 (5,3 MB)



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Financial Collapse Edges Closer by By Martin

16/07/08 "Asia Times" -- -- The financial crisis in the United States and worldwide entered a new phase this week, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two huge US home-loan institutions, began what appears to be a "death spiral" similar to that which claimed Bear Stearns four months ago. Fannie and Freddie are unique institutions and will almost certainly be bailed out by the long-suffering taxpayer. However, for the first time, the specter has been raised of a general financial meltdown, such as the US managed to avoid in 1933 but Sweden succumbed to in 1991. (Read me) >>>


"Something Big is Happening" By Rep. Ron Paul, M.D.

16/07/08 "ICH" -- - Madam Speaker, I have, for the past 35 years, expressed my grave concern for the future of America . The course we have taken over the past century has threatened our liberties, security and prosperity. In spite of these long-held concerns, I have days--growing more frequent all the time--when I'm convinced the time is now upon us that some Big Events are about to occur. These fast-approaching events will not go unnoticed. They will affect all of us. They will not be limited to just some areas of our country. The world economy and political system will share in the chaos about to be unleashed. (Read More) >>>






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