Be careful the peopel even want to stole your password, that happened to me. Scames

Be careful the peopel even want to stole your password, that happened to me. Scames
by Sahameddin Ghiassi

Am very sorry if i didn't inform you about my urgent travel to Nigeria for a school seminar, am presently in Lagos city, I am stranded here, i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel where I lodged. I will like you to assist me urgently with the sum of $2,500 to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home.I don't even have money to feed myself which means i have been starving over here. I will appreciate whatever amount you can afford to assist me with for me to feed myself and sort myself back home.

Kindly look for any Western union money transfer outlet or online and send me the money with this information’s below please.

Sahameddin Ghiassi

Address: Airport Hotel Suite #6
zip code 23401
City Lagos
Country Nigeria

Amount sent?

Please email me the Western union transfer details as soon as you send the money, beside my creditcards are not working here to get my money out. i promise you in God's name that i will pay you back as soon as i return back to Orlando probably tomorrow,Waiting to read from you soon anything you could send me for now would be acceptable.


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Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear friends

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

علی جون عده ای پاسورد مرا دزدیده اندو بنام من برای آشنایانم نامه ایمیل میفرستند که من در آفریقا هستم و پولهایم را گم کرده و احتیاج به پول دارم و گرسنه میباشم ولی اینها دروغ داست و میخواهند از این راه دزدی بکنند.  مواظب باش که این ایمیل تقلبی است و از جانب من نیست  ضمنا هنوز عکس ها نرسیده است.  قربانت سهام الدین غیاثی

Sahameddin Ghiassi

The information may be useful

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

I got every days hundred of scames that they want my password for my email. Now they found it by themselve and send this email in my contacts names to get some money. I put it here for your information. I am not in Africa and I did not lose my wallet and I did not ask for sending money by Western Union.