Less NuYwk ,So your going back to Iran and its paradise when?


Less NuYwk ,So your going back to Iran and its paradise when?
by Sahameddin Ghiassi

Less NuYwk September 9, 2011 So your going back to Iran and its paradise when?

This sentence is the sympathy of American who born here or are longer here to the new American citizen? This sentence shows exactly how cruel or indifferent the system in the world is? After the revolution in Iran, about five millions Iranian have to come out of their country. They have to lose their family, their work, their country and their friends and come to different countries in the west or east or what so ever in which they were not well come. Some of them have a lot of money and some of them were super intelligent and they could stay on their feet fast. But the problems continue with the Middle Class people who came here with little capital and they were also not super intelligent. They were in Iran, universities professor, medical doctors, general or officers, engineers or had M.A. or M.S., B.S. or B.A., or less than this. They were useful personalities in their countries, but here they were not well coming guests.  Their knowledge and experience were not so useful or not in a great need for the new home land. So they start to work any type of work, the Iranian general was driving taxi, the Iranian professor was working in  seven eleven, the Iranian engineer was selling dulls, the Iranian colonels were physical workers, some of them also find a way to make money by misusing other Iranian, friends or family. The system in Iran and USA is different, for example in Iran there is an inflation with 20% and in the USA may be 1% , the Iranian banks do not give so easily money to the people, but American banks almost force people to take loans or mortgage. If you want to buy a house in Iran, you should have all your money cash or if you want to buy a car, you have to have cash money, and you should pay it cash. But in the USA it is different.


If you could get loan from Iranian banks and pay 15% interest you still gain 5%, because the inflation covers your payment for interest. But in the US if you pay even 7% interest you pay real interest to the bank. In the time that you have a lot of loans and you have your own business, the people and system think you are rich and robe you. The insurance companies in the US are not like in Europe, I remember in Iran, in the time that the German spend money for anything, their insurance companies paid them sometimes even more than enough back to them, but in the US the insurance companies do not like to pay, they just send a lot of papers to the people and in the time you need them, they cancel their policy or they say go and get attorney and sue us. With other words, they are collecting money companies or robbers. But if you say that the American; so called real Americans who born here or who are here for a long time, they say go back to your country, with other words here is the same dictatorship as in other country. Ghadafi people kill you if you are not with him, and here they destroy your economic position that you kill yourself?  A lot of Iranians kill themselves here, and nobody asked why? A lot of my students who had even PhD killed themselves and the system stays indifferent.


Over 200 Iranian Bahais are killed in Iran, just because they were born in a Bahai family. The system in Iran expects that the children of Bahai father and mother be Moslem? 10 young women and girls who were even under 18 have been hanged in Shiraz, just because they were Bahai. They accepted the death and killed the rope and put it around their neck and the world was quit for this action. A German women said me in the time that Hitler were killing the Jew in the gas chambers, some men put the children and women under their feet to be upper and live few minuet more as the gas is heavy and is more next or close to ground than the ceiling. The same happened to the people who were persecuted in Iran, they misused each other and or the people who trusted them and wanted to help them. I helped my Moslem friend and my reward was he announced me to the government that my mother is Bahai, so I lost my job and came to trouble and had to come out of the country. I trusted my Bahai family; they did the same to me. The Bahai administrative system is also not better than the rest of the other administrative system, they some how ignored me.


If you are indifferent or cruel, you are safe, but if you try to help the people, you will be in trouble. Why? I think because they system which running the whole world will that the people be indifferent or cruel, so they can do what ever they want. Now everybody knows that in the third world the people are misused and the West and East because of their business have supported the dictators there, to have more benefits.  The people in Middle East living on the see of oil but sleep hunger, because the dictators want everything just for themselves. They robe the people and they do not have water, education, work, welfare and… the west and east or the so called super powers are quite and make business with the dictators and make huge money. The people like Ghadafi who are real idiots were supported by West or East. Saddam in Iraq did the same thing, had billions of dollars in his account, had 12 places and spend a lot of money for himself and his family? The huge companies that made weapons are happy with them, if there is not hate and war to whom should they sell their weapons, billions dollars of weapons are sold in the time that Shia and Sunni in the Middle East were fighting for the God?


The young people are brain washed against each other and even against West or East?  Some of people, who came here in the USA, have the same problems. My friend Nasser told me that his house was four times robbed and the police did not do a serious action. The only thing the police said sell your house and or as you see on the top go back to Iran.  Or the people gave checks and the checks cannot be cashed, now you have to pay attorneys to go after the checks, if you have no money any more to pay the attorneys ab front, you should forget the money you are robbed and if you claim the problem the answer is go back to the paradise Iran. Even if the County makes mistake and you lose a lot of money the answer is the same. Go back to Iran as soon as possible.  


But the best way is to write all these fact that the Iranian in Iran should know that Europe and or USA is not countries that they think, here exists a lot of problems and the people generally is not like the Middle Eastern people friend to the foreigners. They do not like them, they do not kill them as the Afghans or Iraqi do with bombs or suicide attacks, but they destroy their lives in a clever ways that they kill themselves.


All the religions and all the school of the society way of life can be useless if the so called clever people misuse them. If you have money you are respected, but if you do not the churches say go to other church if you need help. In the time that the leader of communists capitalists and the leader of religions live in a nice life, the people who belong to one of them are suffering. They love the people be killed for their philosophy and so they can say they have right, because the people are willing to be killed for their religions or for their philosophy?  Our countries do not want us, because we belong to minorities or even belong half to the minorities, in the case with a Moslem father and Bahai mother. We are not well come in the Middle Eastern countries and in the so called progressive countries asked us why you do not go back to yours country.  Where should we go that we are well come and can have the same right?  


The people say if you cut the way for a cat, he will fight even with a lion for his life if he cannot flee. That is the route of terrorists, if the people have no way to survive, and if they do not kill themselves they will start to kill other people whom they think they have fault.  To stop all these problems in the world and to rescue the humanity we should work for the unity of mankind and love so we can make the whole world a pleasant place for living. If we can remove the unjust from our society a big goal is reached. The people should not be so indifferent and or cruel and as long as they have no problem, they do not care and they close their eyes.  The people who robe should know that is not fair as they use the system which is indifferent or cruel. The dictators should see the lives of other dictators and should stop their false action. The business people who for money destroy the lives of other people should think that later they or their children also could be involved with unjust and hate.


O people of the world, you are all the leaves of one tree and the leaves of one flower, do not see to each other as strangers or foreigners,  the unity of mankind is coming and we should live in love and peace. The leader of societies, countries and religions should think the same those positions they have is not for ever and the people can force them to leave. And the people cannot also stay for ever indifferent and their artificial hate they love between religions, nationalities and races will one day disappears as they will be more knowledgeable. The huge companies that sell billions of dollars weapons, narcotic or insurance should also know that one day their emperor will die. They cannot make money for the fear of the people or for the artificial hate the planted between middle and poor class people, they cannot brain wash young people against each other for ever. They cannot fool the people to be against each other way of lives. They can fool some people for sometimes, but they cannot fool all people for ever. They can force the people be indifferent and selfish for a time and not for ever. They can bring hate between father and sons or give rifle to brothers to kill each other for a while as they did in Afghanistan, but they cannot do it for ever, one day the eyes of people will be open and see that we all are the creature of one God and we should live with each other with love and unity and respect each other way of thinking, different religions and different philosophy.  The complexes of sex and hate for different religions cannot also continue for ever. Soon or late the young people will understand that hate is not a way of life, but tolerate and love.      




Soheil Kebria 2:13am Sep 14 ‫وقتي با اين همه گناه رسيدم اون دنيا خودم شروع کردم به رفتن سمتِ جهنم که يه فرشته بهم گفت کجا؟!!
گفتم: هان؟!!
گفت: ايراني هستي ديگه؟!!
گفتم : آره !
گفت: بيا برو تو بهشت!
... گفتم: من ميدونم گناه کارمُ اول بايد برم جهنم!
گفت: پس فکر کردي تو اين مدت کجا بودي؟



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