My beloved China friend.


My beloved China friend.
by Sahameddin Ghiassi

 My beloved China friend My name is Sohrab and I do not like to write my last name, as I do not like the people blame on me; why I did so many mistakes in my life. I was persecuted in Iran and should go out of country, I helped one of my best friends in Iran and he was a Moslem on the papers, but he did not really believed in Islam, and he showed himself a very nice person. He was in a very hardship situation and I helped him a lot. I gave him a huge amount of loan that I got for him from my German friends, but he did not give back the loan and asked me to go the legal way. After I tried a legal way, he tried to destroy me life. He misused the situation in Iran and from one side the high inflation rate was in his side and everyday the money that he got from me loses its value.

He also misused my mother’s religion situation as she was a Bahai and the Bahais were in a hardship situation and two hundred of them were executed, just because they were Bahai and a lot of them were in jail. With his advertisement against me I lost my job as a college teacher and was also persecuted for being half Bahai or having a Bahai mother. My wife was very upset for all these happening and they thought I have the fault as I trusted my Moslem friend. They blamed on me, as I did a huge mistake. He sent an official letter to the university that I am Bahai and my plan is to guide the Moslem innocent children to the Bahai faith and as you know that will be a criminal case in Iran and you can have a huge penalty for this. In reality I was not Bahai, because my Moslem father never allowed me to have even a Bahai friend or be in the Bahai gathering. My mother took me sometime secrete to the Bahai meeting.

  Now every day my wife make a theater at home that all of these happening to me was my own fault, if I did not trust my friend, I would not lose my money and my job. Mr. Morteza Musavi Tirabadi and his son Mohammad or Zia were very nice to me and my family and I thought they are something like brothers to me. I like them very much as they showed a lot of interest concerning me. But now the good close friends change to enemies who are willing to destroy my life to keep my money. If I was indifferent as my wife told me, I would have none of these problems. I sent some money to my Bahai family in the USA to buy a house for me. They thought the same that the government of Iran will kill me, because my mother is Bahai and I have a fight with my Moslem influential powerful friend and he can take care of me to be killed or be in jail or prison for ever. He paid a lot of bribe or gifts to the hungry employees and they were all in his side. Any way the money that he should give me back in few days, gave through the ministry of Just in Iran after eight years and you can imagine with the inflation of 30% a year I lost my capital. My family friend could not even imagine that I can come to the USA and get even work permit and resident permission.

They told me that you cannot stay here at all. Now they saw I am not killed in Iran and I could even come to the USA and get even simple work to survive, they told me if I go close to their house which was bought by my money, they will call the American Police and they will take me to the jail.  They wrote even to the court of Law in America that I am a Moslem like a terrorist Moslem and can be also dangerous. I was persecuted in Iran as a Bahai and my own Bahai family advertises me as a terrorist Moslem. With other words one time in Iran I was persecuted as a Bahai and the people took me wealth, and   one time I should be persecuted as a terrorist Moslem in the USA so my Bahai family can take advantage of the situation.  Any way I tried so hard and brought my wife and four children also here. It was a hard work, but with a lot of energy and love I did it. I was happy that after some year of separation I have my whole family with me. But the situation was not so as I dreamed, my wife got a pen love medical doctor pen friend and every day wrote to him five or four pages and had no time for me. She also was upset because my family did not give me the whole money I sent to them and blamed on me. They did not cooperate with me at all and she with the help of her parent destroy the good portion of my wealth which was not take by Mr. Musavi. As I trusted them and I gave them all my gold silvers and carpets and other valuable materials like a collection of gold watches and a collection of guns. 

 She with the help of her Bahai parent took all of these and let the cheap furniture for me and they could not also sell the house which was in my name. After she saw that I do not have the same salary as in Iran and she took also my wealth she wanted divorce. She said she will just go away for one year and after that we will be friend again. But she took the rest of what ever I had in the USA and let me on the street again.  In this time that I had no place to live and lived in my different friends, houses I met a lady professor from China which changed my life for a long time. I said my life to her and she was so impressed by my life that she said she will be my best close friend and she was really a good friend of mine. You can imagine in the time that you lose all you have so you get a nice friend who can fill all the wholes in your life. She was a good sister, a good friend and makes me so happy for a long time. She does not believe me that I love her very much and she was very hard and skeptic to open herself completely to me. But we have a very nice time. With other words we cannot keep all luck that we have, and we lose them by the time. We do not love to lose them, but there is no other choice, and we lose them.  We lose our father, mother, families and later wife, children and also friends and relatives. We lose our wealth; we lose our health, our hairs, our money our jobs and so on. But we love to keep them.   But in the time that I was with her was my best time. I remember all minutes I spent with her. She was so lovely that make for me almost a new life. I lost all my family in Iran, I came to America for a better life. The Iranian told me the American do not like foreign as friend, in Iran I had a lot of American good friends, but here they were different, and they do not show any interest to be friend. They say American will sex or business and if you cannot give these two things to them and if they see they have no benefit, they will have no interest about you. Actually the Iranian do the same thing, they show a lot of interest about you , but if they see that you cannot be useful for them , they let you go. My cousin showed a lot of interest about me and he and his wife were very nice and friendly with me. But all of these friendships were, because they wanted to take my money and they planed, that I should trust them and give them a full authority so they can gather all my rent and keep for themselves. They were Bahai and I thought they respect the honesty that the Bahai preach. Now I have a very beautiful friend, may be a real friend from China. My loving and beautiful sweetheart from China was a very nice person.  Sohrab told me that he gets acquainted with a very lovely woman, she is a professor for mechanic and she is employed by the university to teach at the MS level of the American engineering students.

She is a very beautiful, charming and friendly professor from China. She has PhD degree from China in mechanical engineering and she was a professor for the MS students over there. She is very nice and has also a vast knowledge in her field. She was very intelligent and very gorgeous; she learned only the English language from the books, but she could speak it after she was few days here. First I took her hands in my hand that we were riding to the market. She was keeping my hand so lovely in her hand, that I forget the entire problem I had. Her beautiful eyes were looking at me with such a big huge interest that I forget even my existence and were solved in her beauty. She spoke so sweet the English that I could listen to her for ever. She make some mistake like for kitchen she said chicken and after I explained for her she laughed so beautifully and friendly that I enjoy to teach her more.  First time I saw her in Wal Mart and she was trying to buy something. I helped her to buy and she was so thankful as if I did a huge work for her. We spend the whole night with each other and she spoke about her country and her family.  She said that her father and her mother both of them are doctor medicine and all her brothers and sisters are also university instructors or professors. After having so many troubles with my family and my Iranian government and after so many persecution and difficulties, she was a huge hope for me.

I was persecuted because my mother was Bahai and my best friend whom I helped with a lot of money reported to the university and I lost my job.  After that my other Moslem friends and Bahai family misused my situation and every body of these tried to robe me as far as they could. First they were nice to me as they know I lost my job, but later they changed their attitude and they got my trust and took my belonging or money and told me I can go to the government and try to get my right. She give me a nice time that I could forgive and forget all these difficulties. We were in the market and I was helping her to buy some clothes, that my friend called me and told me that the tenant of my house destroyed the house by water by putting too much paper in the vase of toilet.  The water came out of the vase and destroyed the wooden floor. She saw that I am so upset she kissed my face and said if she can help me.  She came with me and helped me to dry the house and the crazy tenant left the house and went to other place as he knows many be I will get very mad for his stupid action. This beautiful professor worked with me the whole night to dry the house.   In the morning we called the insurance company and they send equipment to dry the house completely and later they helped us to repair the house. I had a boarding school which was a huge mistake of mine, because to rent rooms is very bad business, the people do not pay and you have to pay their costs. The use too much utilities and destroy and damage the house and because they think they pay rent, they are allowed to damage the whole house.  But she was always beside me and helped me spiritually and with her hands and thinking to solve the problems. We had students gathering and she was always a good help and she washed and cleaned the whole house in the time that the students left the house.  She sleeps in my bed and allowed me to lie beside her and kissed me like a nice sister and she gave me so much sister love that I forget I have no one in the USA.

  She said it is hard for her to love me as a brother, because she did not grow with me and we saw each other in the time that we were over thirty years old. But she tried any how to be my sister and a good friend. I loved her so much that my best time was the time I was with her. I wish I could have a sister or friend or even a wife like her.  She said if she saw me before she would marry me, but now she wanted to be just friend or like a sister to me. She said that our love is like a teenager love or children love, pure and nice. Like two children under eleven who love each other very much and she said she had that type of feeling that she is very young and about thirteen years old. She kissed me always but like a teenager and just with a deep love. We went to different cities of USA together and she was always in the same room of the hotel with me and she sleep in my arm the whole night and in the morning she said good morning to me. We were like brother and sister, but the people did not believe it. She said she does not care what the people think, she love me. I love her, too. But I wish to marry her and have children from that very intelligent beautiful woman, but she does not want to marry me.  It is very hard to have a friend so close and she does not want to marry you.

She wanted to go back to China. I would go with her everywhere even to hell, but she thought that I have a nice job here and a lot of building and boarding school and I will not leave them behind for her. But I would do it. The big problem was that she did not trust me so deep and she could not understand that I love her very deep and very much. She thought my love is an emotion for a certain time and with the time I will forget it. With all her intelligent she could not feel how deep I love her and I was willing to give everything I have to get her, but she could not comprehend the huge love I had for her. My love was so deep that even she will not have love with sex with me; it was fine. I was so alone and so damaged by the hard life that I had that she was like an angel in my life. She with her beautiful china eye was so deep in my heart and mind that she could not even imagine. I know that she cannot feel my love, and I had no other choice as she did not believe my deepest love to her. I was close to fourty and she was also very close to fourty years old.

I wish to marry her and have a lot of intelligent beautiful girls and boys from her, but she refused to be my wife or even my girl friend. I do not know what stopped her not to be my wife. I think she could not feel my deep love as we were different in her mind. I do not know how she thinks and feels, but I love her so deep that I would do everything for her. She let me to kiss her and to touch her, but not more only like a teenager pair, and she told me also that in the time she is with me, she thinks she is very young like a thirteen years old girl.  I wish I could know more about their culture and would like know why she cannot feel or understand my deep love for her. She was filled me all my mind or heart with love and she could not maybe believe it, how deep I love her. In the time that I was with her or speak with her, I was solved in her. I loved her so much and she did not care so much. We were three years with each other and one day she said she got the ticket and will fly in few days to China.  She was like a puzzle for me.

 I asked her that she should come to my house for this few days, but she said she prefer to be in her apartment. She said she will come back again and I hoped she will come back soon and we can marry and I will have a nice wife. She cried very hard as she should leave me, and she said she will write to me and contact me. She called me three times, I wrote every day to her and she answered me only some times and later only few time. She did forget me and my huge love. She did not write to me any more and let me alone with my huge love. She asked me that I should try to forget her. But how can I forget my love. It is many years passed form our first seeing at the university, I still send her some emails, but she never answers my email any more. I do not know why with her high intelligent and with her high IQ she cannot feel or understand that I really love her very very much and the life without her is for me useless. She did not give her address in China to me, so maybe she knew if I have her address I will try to see her again. She wanted to go in the dust and disappear for ever. And she thinks I can forget my love and her.  She is in a great and very big mistake I love her for ever, even if I cannot get her. But who knows may be one day she knows how deep I loved her and she will come back to me. May be at that time I am over ninety years old… but I will wait even if it take a time for fifty more years.

I have to prove her that I love her very much and very deeply and I hope one day this lady from China will comprehend this huge love of mine. The love with the China woman is very painful but in the time we were together it was very nice. Her body, her eyes and her speaking and walking and laughing and moving is in my mind for ever. The time that we walked together and eat together is always in front of me. In the time that I went to Europe for study my mother brought me to the air port and told me. You are going so far, but my spirit is coming with you. You take my heart with you. Later my mother told me, in the time that she was going back home, she had no spirit at all and she could no think or walk properly. She said with my departure all her minds and thinking was stopped; now I think if I did know that it is so hard for her to be without me, I would not go away at all. Now I have the same feeling as she left me she took also my heart and my mind with herself.  I was here but without any love and spirit.   My wife married me, because I had good salary and in the time I lost my job I lost her, too. But she loved me or at least she showed me that she loved me. But what has happened that she left me and did not write to me. I do not understand; may be you do understand this type of love. Is the problem of nationalities or culture? I hope one day she will know and understand how deep I was involved with her love and it is still like a big dream for me and I can see her in front of me always. I can even speak with her and can listen to her words.


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Your Chinese Love

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Dear Saham Ghiassi,

I read with a lot of interest (and with compassion) your memories of the love to your chinese girl. Everything sounded so familiar to me, since I had a similar experience (if one can ever compare to loves with each other) with the a very emotional relation to a iranian girl who I was to supervise for her MSc project. After a dramatic summer we spent together not only for the 9 hours in the lab, she returned to her parents (who live in Sweden), and I try to keep the relation alive, at least on a level of friendship. I very well understand therefore, that one can fall in despair, if you are far away and wait for answers to an e-mail full of passionate words.

It is hard to advise how to manage this. It may help a bid to write a finctional dialogue with her.

wish you all the best and of course I mostly wished that your chinese girl comes back to you and recognise how extraordinary your love has been that she will never been loved again in life so unconditional and wunderful as by you.


Sahameddin Ghiassi

New mode

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

This picture is the new mode in Asia. May be it is not so good for other countries?