The mysterious love of a China woman Part two


The mysterious love of a China woman  Part two
by Sahameddin Ghiassi

The mysterious love of a China woman  Part two


The stories that I write all of them are non fiction and I only change the name of the persons. They are similar to each other, because all of us have one problem I general we are born in the third world and the first and second worlds want to destroy us and even they want to destroy the middle class people in their own country.  As you can read in the newspapers every day the lives get more difficult in the world especially for poor and middle class people.  The difficult life guides us to be more and more indifferent or even cruel to survive. One day to take illegal money was very cheap, but now the so called Mr. Engineer asking for a big sum of illegal money in the municipality of Tehran.  In the past if you told the employees of municipality that you are also government employee, they did not expect the bribes, but now they ask even they know you do not have money to pay them. They do not car, because they are in a band of thieves and they are supported from the top. To whom you want to go and ask for help. There is no king’ s inspection office any more or any members of the king had an office and those offices have helped the people.  Now the system is totally based on bribes and all or most of them want money, because their salary is not enough to cover their costs. 


If you do not have any friends to help you or your family is not rich enough to support you, you will have a lot of difficulties. In the Shah’s time, the people went mostly for education in Europe or USA and most of them came back if not all of them. The students’ time was fast and short and they came back and work in their countries. But now we cannot come back so easily. Today I have spoken with one of my friend who had MS in engineering and is selling Toyota cars. He is very superlative of the Islamic regime, but he said he cannot find a work in Iran. He does not like America and he is a Moslem who believes a lot in Islam, but not totally fundamentalist.  The Moslem has different degrees, some do not believe at all but they show so that they are good believers, because they make money. Some are only on the paper Moslem and in reality they do not believe in Islam, they drink and do what ever is against Islam, but they do not show themselves as a Moslem, some are between and some are very real Moslem and total fundamentalists or half fundamentalist.  So we will have similar lives. We are come out of Iran, because we had problem there, at least to find a job. Here the society does not accept us so easily; first we do not have the same capitals and the same knowledge as they do. We are different with different culture and different backgrounds. In Iran the women generally respect the men or cooperate with him even if they do not like it. Here they knew very fast that they can be against anything their husbands say or act. For example in Middle East the husband should support totally the wives and generally marry a virgin wife. But here, the wives are equal to the men and they do not expect so much support from the husbands. So many Middle Eastern families will be destroying here, because the men cannot support the wives. So these divorced men from the wives sides look for another wife. Or their wife had died by accident. They will not have much chance by American normal families. Only the poor American poor families had may be interest about them. So if they see a China woman shows interest about them, they will be attracted and will be in love with them. But the China women came here for learning and they want or must go back to their country. So they cannot be marrying to them. That is what I think, may be there is other reasons.

 As you see our lives is very similar to each other. We are sent out of our country, because we thought differently or we born in a family with different religions. Most of us were not super intelligent and could not get a good job here and we are not accepted totally by the West society.  In the Shah’s time it was different story, if we were not happy here, we could return.  Only the people who were may be very active against the Shah would have some problems. Now as you see the Iranian girls and boys are even closing their own mouths in Greece, because they do not want to go back to Iran. So our lives are similar and very similar to each other now. We are sent out of our courtiers, we are not super intelligent or rich. If we are married our spouses are not happy and if we are no marrying we cannot marry a normal person in our level.  I know a lot of Iranians or Middle Eastern people who have a lot of difficulties. In a party I saw always an Iranian college teacher alone, I thought he is not married. One day he was with a huge ugly and old woman, much older than him and a huge woman. I asked him Zhubin is that your wife. He said yes. Is she very rich, he said no? I did not want to ask any other question. A woman who was ugly, very fat, old and not academic or even rich had a husband from Iran.  Zhubin was at least 25 years younger than her.  Zhubin told me that she had five children from her first husband. Later he said to me that he was alone and had nobody to speak with and she showed interest about him and he married her. Navid was one of my friends who married an American girl, she was at least four hundred kilo. And Navid was also a professor at the university in the medical faculty.  I know also a lot of other nice Iranian girls who married bad American and some of them killed themselves or suicide. The most tragedy was one of these Iranian girls who spring on in front of a moving train. And one of my best students married an American who was thirty years older than her and was married two times.  So as you see they have similar lives, they came out of Iran and married not good people and some of them had to suicide themselves.   Now with this explanation I will try to remember and continue the story of Sasan with his beautiful intelligent China friend.  

She so loving, that I cannot forget any minutes that I was with her. She came to my house and make the best possible food in the world in my kitchen and she arranged everything so nice with her woman’ hand.  She speaks so good and so clear and she learns so fast that as a teacher I enjoy it. She is helping me in any little matter. Without her, I thought the life will be hell for me. If we have a flat tire, she came out of the car and helps me to change the tire and clean the glass and she is so practical and so nice and so helpful. Even in the time that I will fill my tank of gasoline she jumped out of the car with me and helps me to do the work faster, instead of sitting in the car and wait. She is like a friend and is always with me and behind me or next to me.  I do not know if that is a communist education that the women are so friendly and so practice or her family was like that. But sorrowfully she said that she does not believe me that I love her very much.  She cannot feel or understand that I am totally in love with her. What can I do, if she does not let me to kiss her more than she want, I have to stop. I cannot kidnap her and take her with force in some places. She is like a fish and slide from my hand whenever she want. I think she is trying not to be in love with me. She kisses me, but she stopped and goes back and looked at me deeply in my eyes. I try to kiss her again; she let that but again after few minutes she goes back and stop kissing. The love is like a water waves comes and go and does not stay.  She looked with her beautiful eyes in my eyes for a long time, full of love and interest. But is I start to kiss her, after a short time she stopped it. Some times I get crazy, why she does this. Why she will not be totally mine? 


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by yolanda on

Your "good" friend should not have told the university your private info........that is not right!

Please take care!

Sahameddin Ghiassi

I do not know if in this way I can help?

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

I was a beloved instructor at the university in Iran, but because my mother was Bahai and a good friend told this to the university I was sent out. Now I am trying to share my experiences with other people, may be it will help them.



by yolanda on

Thank you for sharing.......I like the last paragragh the most! I am glad that she helps Sasan a lot.....seems to be very sweet!

Thank you!!