The story of mortgage in America and the honesty in the market?


The story of mortgage in America and the honesty in the market?
by Sahameddin Ghiassi

The story of mortgage in America and the honesty in the market?


As I told before in USA most of the matters are not like in Iran. In Iran you cannot get even 1000 dollars loan from the banks, because the inflation is high and it is more than the interest. By 20% interest the loan if you can get from the bank is 14% interest, so you gain %6 present if you have friends and connection to get the loan. But in America they call you every day come and get loan, because there is a little inflation and you pay real interest to the bank. The thing for example house you buy lose its price, but the interest is high. The letter below may be able to help the people to understand how the system now is working.  If we were familiar with the system we would not lose a lot of time, energy and money , in Iran the price of house never comes down, but here it comes down sometimes to 70 present  , if you buy house cash like in Iran and it is only one house , may be it does not matter so much, but if you buy by credits or mortgage, it is difficult to continue, because they want the same money every month, but you income is lower, because the house price is lower. Any way in Iran with inflation the middle or poor class are destroyed and here sometimes with deflations. The people lose all their saving, because of deflation.  The letter below which is written for this propose maybe can be useful to understand the different system of economy. Like in Iran the students should run after the school or college, university and here it is opposite and the university should run after the students.


The food are poised may be in both countries. If you see one of video in the internet they show exactly how the meat is prepared.  The chicken that will be prepared by machine for the people food cannot even stand up. They look sick and their pub or stool is like yellow water. They never moved in their whole life. The cow and other animals are the same, the people are so cruel to them and they are sick and full of pain and sickness and will be killed and soled. In USA like many other countries cheating is sort of legal and they called it business. You should not trust any body here and be very careful if you buy or sell something and or if you hire a person to work for you. In Iran if you are nice with the workers, they are generally nice with you, but here they take advantages and try to cheat you more. If you need a workers you should check him/her and do not trust him/her at all. They cheat and robe you from left and right. Be careful. I hope Shirin Khanom will consider this matter as a sharing experience.  Not please be nice to each other and do not bother each other especially the minority?  I am trying to share my experience and the experience of my friends and students with you. Because if ;we use each other experience we can gain time and money or not?    


I have six mortgage and equity lines of credit with Bank or America.  Three of them were originally with the bank of America an three of them were with the County Wide bank, which has come under bank of America now. 

1-The first problem that I had with the Country wide is that they made false documents that I have 200,000 incomes and singed it wrongly as I did sign? And they called me every day many times that they are willing to give me more money for the house improvement and they can cheap fix rate also to me. ;with this cheating my payment for the house of 12344 Lehman Road, Orlando, Fl 32825 came from 1300 per month to almost 3000 per month. The did the same with my other resident house in 14560 Lacebark Pine Road, Orlando, Fl 32832 again they called me so many times and again my payment for that house from 1200 dollars per month came to 3000. 


I had a house in Oviedo, and I had some classes for different languages there, the Oviedo city told me that here I cannot have students in my house, and they continued if I buy a house in the County , I can have boarding school in that house. With other words the students can live in my house and learn legally. Sort of tutoring and helping the students who have problems with the language or culture. I went to the Orange County zoning department and they told me the same thing, they told me if I buy houses in the Orange County they will give me occupational license and I can teach them and they can live there legally.  I did buy the two houses mentioned above and I paid the necessary fee and I paid different company to have the necessary paperwork for the occupational license.  I got the license and three years I worked with this boarding school and I put all my money and work in this boarding school. I planted over 1000 citrus trees and other fruit trees, I install the irrigation, lights and fence and gate, that costs for me for both houses over 800,000  the house was like a wild jungle and I have to pay the people to clear the house, they charged a lot of money and cleared the house, so I could plant citrus tress and other fruit trees and install irrigation , fence and light. I bought also different tolls and different materials for the boarding school. 


After three years, I think some joules neighbor told the code enforcement and they came to my house to control the paperwork. I was sure that I do a legal thing and showed them the occupational licenses.  I thought they just wanted to see the paperwork, but later the Orange County zoning department told me that they make a mistake and they cancelled my occupational license , I told them you have destroyed my life and my capital with this mistake and they told me I can go to Florida Bar and sue, they. It is now over two years that I try to get an attorney to take my case, but all of them want a lot of money ab front. I am destroyed by their mistake and how can I pay so much money ab front to the attorneys.  One attorney told me if I give her 500 dollars, she can start the suing, performance, but after few telephone calls with the zoning department, she wanted more money. I am trying to get more money, but because the prices of the houses are lower now so all my line of equity lines of credits of mine is frozen, because the banks know the prices of the houses are lower. I paid the country wide money for the establishment of these lines of credit, but they just froze them.


I had no other choice to rent the houses or rooms to the regular people, until I can get money to work for the occupational license again I paid also a company named ground conference and they told me they can get cheap loan or grant for me. They had a conference and many people came on the stage and told us that this company helped them to get grand. So they told me if I paid them over 1000 dollars, they can start to get grand or cheap loan for me. But later they gave me three books and did not do anything. I understand that they were sort of scams and they just sell a dream to the people and they say lie and cannot get any grand or cheap loan for me. That was their business that they charge money for the matter, they cannot do.  They wanted more money, but I knew that they just bring excuse to me and they cannot really help. They offered me the way that I know myself and they are really cheat people. 


I rented the house to regular people, but those people did not pay regularly and after few months they told me they have no money and they start to destroy the houses. I had no other choice to go to the court and try to evict them. But court cost a lot of money and take a lot of time, so they enjoy staying free in the house and in the time that the paperwork is done they took what ever they wanted and left the house, in the time that the police came they already left the damaged house for me. They damaged the house and moved the wall, took the doors and woods in the house, refrigerators, washer and dryers, tractor for cutting the grass, water heaters, AC and furniture. Four times they robbed my house and the police came in, but they did not take the matter seriously as I was a rich man and the poor tenants needed the materials and cannot pay the rent. I have sixty thousand bad checks from them an attorney gave me a telephone number that a company can cash your checks. They gave me a telephone number 1888 861 4338 # 5620 Mr. Mike and he said that I can scan the checks to him with the bank letters, but later he said the one of them had money in his account, but he wants 200 dollars from me to start the case?


The water damaged the house and the insurance company Liberty Mutual paid just for drying the carpet for one week and after that they refused to pay, they collect money for many years from me and in the time that they should pay, they cancelled the policy. With other words they robbed me, too. I rented the house, but as they got the paperwork for closer, they moved out house and I should again repair the house and make them ready for rent again. I lost all of my credit score and I cannot be get another job. The people robbed me and I have to be punished for their false activities. The Orange County zoning department made mistake and I have to pay for their mistake, if we do a mistake, we have to pay, but how can I pay for their mistake which is over 800,000.  I hired an attorney to fight with the insurance company.  I have to pay them and the repair and damages by myself. I paid over 30, 000 dollars just for repair recently. And the house needed more repair to be in an excellent condition.  In the past it was boarding school and I did make enough money to pay the costs, and the payment was not so high either. Now the bank wants more money, because of the cheating activities of Country Wide bank, the price of the houses is now half and the bank does not consider this, the rate and rent are dropped and the bank generally should modify according to current prices and rate. In the system the house in 14560 is shown that it costs or the price of it is 300,000 dollars, the short sell will be even cheaper than that. I put over 300,000 dollars for the improvement in the house and if the bank sells it for 300,000 or less, I will lose all my capital which I gathered after fourty years of work. I was general consultant to the government of Iran, college instructor in USA, Iran and I was teacher in High schools in Iran and USA and I worked also in German schools and German Embassy school. The person or the company who buys the houses will collect all my money and capital. As I said I put all my money and all my work in this boarding school. Planted over 1000 citrus trees and other trees and tried to make if a nice place for the students to live here and work in the farm. I build cages for chicken and cleared the pond for growing fish. If I can get them with the current price, I can make them as a nice school and generally the school is supported by government or churches, but in my case by the mistake of zoning department all me and my capital will be destroyed. I paid more than the short price, so the person or company who buys the house in short sell, will collect all my capital, like the insurance company that collect money from me and did not pay the damages.


The other house in 12344 in Lehman is the same, I put more than 300,000 dollars in the house, by changing all the equipments, install fence, gate, irrigation, lights everywhere and pumps and plants, cleared the pond and the jungle, that costs all money and I paid every month on time the payment, but now the houses needed badly repair and paints and I have to do it.  I am willing to work with the bank. But as I said my original payment for the Lehman was about 1300 and for Lacebark 1200 per month, now is for each house about 3000.  I wish a fair evaluation and see how much the houses now cost and how much is taxes, insurances, rent and interest rate. The house which cannot be rented even 1300 per month how can I pay 3000 to the bank, tax insurance and repair?  And because the bank did not modify the houses, I cannot rent so easily, too. I am willing to cooperate with the bank and save my own capital. I am not young any more and I put all my saving and all my work in this business and it is not fair that the third person just collect all my capital cheap and I got nothing left. I am the victim of Orange County zoning department, if they were careful and did not give me that occupational license, I could stay as a teacher in high schools or as instructor in the college. And I could be retired now.  This mistake destroyed my life, too. I lost my job, because I wanted to have my own boarding school, which I wanted to get later a degree program for it. But now because of the mistake of Orange County zoning dept. my life and capital is destroyed. What can I do with 58 years old and after fourty years of work in three different countries, Germany, Iran and USA?   

Generally a teacher like me should be rewarded and not destroyed. I know all languages in the Middle Eastern countries and I know also perfect German and English , I know all cultures and religions in those countries and I was consultant and translator for a long times in Europe, Iran and USA.  I worked in German companies, American companies and Iranian companies. And I was also teacher in all three countries. 


 Yours Ali Jahangosha  Tehrani  Far

And a party in the old time if the Middle East?


more from Sahameddin Ghiassi
Sahameddin Ghiassi

different scams examples, for your informationh

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

That is another scam, that the people try to get your intention and robe you.  For your information and be careful here in the USA the free country with a lot of possibilities for scam people  

Hello,Thanks for the response to my email,I really do appreciate the breakdown details of the room. I'll be so glad if you can reserve the room for me as i'll love to rent the place.I am a humanitarian officer involved in projects that includes orphans,orphanages,heart related diseases in children between the ages of 4-5yrs.I will be staying for a minimum of 6-12months.Am 28 years old from United Kingdom,london. I don't drink nor smoke but i'm cool living with people that do,no pets and no boyfriend because I am a very busy woman.I like honest,responsible,trustworthy and hard working people while I dislike lazy,messy,uncaring people and I love pets so much,am quiet and easy going person to live with.. I'm 5"7' straight. Religion: Christianity,Marital Status: never been married,Weight: 53 kg  117 lbs I always love to go on date but seldomly party. I swim for fun and sometimes play tennis.I like the job cos we are working in collaboration with the world health organization,hospital,health centres,medical and other health related institutions,it also involves traveling which is one of my hobbies,
I must confess i'm comfortable with the cost of the room and its quite reasonable and affordable . I will like to make the payment for the first month ahead of my arrival, and then i will make subsequent payment thereafter as i plan to stay for more than 6months,'ve told my boss about this and he promised to make sure that he will meet up with the payment so that I can depart from here as scheduled.He also said I will have the advantage to make payment for deposit .I should arrive to US on before the Date 1st of may 2011, so pls keep room for me till my arrival.He also said my mode of payment will be the Most acceptable,easier,safer and reliable means of payment which is United State Certified money order so please let me know if this mode of payment is ok by you.
And if YES please provide me with the following information to get the payment to you.Your full name as it will appear on the payment,your work place address to ensure delivery in your hands through regular mails or a courier service,your phone number on the package to avoid package missing in transit.I will prefer to send to your work address because you will always be available at work from morning till evening but if home address it will be sitting in your mail and no one will be at home to receive the package. And if you don't receive package at your office address then I guess your home address will be good for the delivery right ? But to avoid any delay of you receiving at home then I guess work address will be fine what do you think ? Kindly get back to me with this requested address contact information bellow so that we can proceed asap,do get back to me with your full information,  attach my picture so you can know your future roommate. if you have one you can send it with your reply
(1)your full name .
(2)your contact address .not po box address
(3)your phone # .
(4)your email address  so that my boss can sent the payment to you ok.

Feel free to ask me any question(s) you have okay...
 Hope to read from you soon. Kindest Regards, Sara 
My name is Amir Ghiassi and my address is
10420 Lehman Road, Orlando, Fl 32825. The house is nice and the rooms are nice and big , too. The rent for a room is 400 plus 150 $ for utilities. It could be less, if you are careful. Or more if you are not careful. My telephone is 4072819704 and here is more information about me and my site to see more pictures. I need three months in advance and ID with refrences.  


  My name is Sara, Am from

United Kingdom. I saw your advert on craigslist and i'm in need of a room or share with roommate . I am writing just to confirm if you still have the room for rent? i would like to know the total price for the rent including the Utilities. if you have more pictures for the room you can include it with your reply. and i'll be locating from London to Us any moment from now for my programing.



Good to read back from you...Am glad that the place is available, am currently in Galway , Ireland, i will be coming there to further my education, so i will be coming there for my move in as soon as the space is ready for move in...But i will not be coming there to look at the room due to distance, and i would love to call you but my phone just got disconnected and i dont want to reconnect it cuz i will be relocating soon, but my step dad will call you asap, however if you have the pics of the room you can send it to me so that i can see the place and send it to my step dad to see it as well, Meanwhile let me tell you a little about myself. Am Beatriz Coker and am 23years old i lost my dad some years back when i was young so my mom had to remarry, so she got married to Mr Scott Andrew who is my step dad now he is a very busy business man. He has been the one who has been taking care of me all this while i believe he is a God sent to me cux i have never regretted a moment with him. I lobe reading,swimming and chatting with people around me and also make them happy. I have always been thinking of how i will affect peoples life positively by making donations to the less privileges cus when i looked at my pass when i lost my dad from the story my mom told me. I noticed it is not easy for people that has no parent. Presently i donate to (W.H.O) for the support of the motherless home. Although i donate little amount, but no amount is too small to help..Well i hope when we meet in person you will know more about me. Meanwhile my step dad will need the followings information to make payment to you ASAP  
1....Your name in full  
2...your Address in full with the zip code  
3.....Your phone number.  
     I wait to have this information from you so that my step dad can make payment for the rental fee and security deposit in advance.


My name is Amir Ghiassi and my address is 10420 Lehman Road, Orlando, Fl 32825. The house is nice and the rooms are nice and big , too. The rent for a room is 400 plus 150 $ for utilities. It could be less, if you are careful. Or more if you are not careful. My telephone is 4072819704 and here is more information about me and my site to see more pictures. I need three months in advance and ID with refrences.    ·                          Dear friend I need students and partners to cooperate me and help me to run this boarding school. The students can live here, work and study. I can porduce organic food and I have land enough for thes

I need students and partners to cooperate me and help me to run this boarding school. The students can live here, work and study. I can porduce organic food and I have land enough for these acitivies. I can also just rent rooms, cheaper than university to the students. I need also partners for differenct activities.

I am Amir Ghiassi. My background includes teaching in college, university and high schools level, translations, interpretations, and writing. Currently, I have a boarding school located on a several acre property that includes a farm and a poultry and fish hatchery. And over twenty furnished rooms. International students and others looking for a boarding school where they can learn English and foreign languages. I am also looking for business partners to expand the school, school farms, and the hatcheries. I am a university teacher in foreign languages I am fluent in eight languages. I can teach eight languages. They include German, Turkish, Persian, English, Arabic, Pashto, Latin and other languages. I was instructor at

University of Tehran, German and British High schools, German Embassy School, Oviedo High school, Seminole County Community College, Iranian High schools and Iranian S American Language and Boarding School in USA, Florida, and Orlando. This boarding school is nice beautiful and in compare with classes in university and other places much cheaper. Even my boarding is cheaper. Because I wish to help the students. Email: sghiassi_fhc at, sahameddinghiassi at , if you like to read my writing. ,,s site... site. Or if you just write my name Sahameddin Ghiassi you see enough information about me. My profession or business is involved in? Education, translation, interpretation, writing, and consulting. Also farming, poultry and fish hatchery. Every body is welcome to my school. Amir Ghiassi


Hello, My name is Beatriz Coker am from Ireland, i saw your posting online that you have room vacant for rent, i want to know if you still have the space available, i will wait to read from you soon, thanks


Sahameddin Ghiassi

The differences between two worlds.

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Every day, I got a lot of email and letter with checks and offering, but most of them are scams. They try to cheat and try to make money. It is a free country to robe and cheat. Here is o comparation. 

scam in USA, be careful with the people here, they cheat easily

Hey Amireh Good morning...How are you doing today???My boss have send you the check and i can see that you have receive it....But why haven`t i heard from you??Please get back to me Asap On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Scott phillip <> wrote:

Good morning...Hope everything is going fine on your side. The payment
has already been issued out to you as i said and to be delivered today
via FEDEX its an American drawn cashiers check. in the amount of
$3260.00 tracking number:794652457511

There was a little problem from my boss not knowing he was to make
payment for room deposit and making other payments to my travel agent
but since the check had been filled in your name and i vouched to him
i can trust you with the funds since am coming to your house hes mind
was at rest and my project preparations are still intact.I believe
with understanding and much trust from you i have to let you know that
the extra fees are for my flight services bringing me home to my new
place.He thought i told him to send you a check for my rent and also
my travel fees.....But i know very well i told him to send just your
payment for room....But that should not be problem as i have seen you
can be trusted as my roommate and helper from the start and i have
waited this long to make sure deposit gets to you so i can arrive by
this week to sign paper works if needed to fill the room.

    Am sure we will get through this....Please dear,once you get the
check and you have deposited or cashed if you have good banking
service at your bank, deduct the rent as agreed and also deduct an
extra $100 for your running around for me...This $100 is just to
compensate you because you will need to run around in getting the
excess money sent to my travel agent via Western Union money transfer
which i have checked online and realized its a faster way to send
money in the world and would be anywhere around your street or homes
just check nearby in any stores and i guess more appreciation can be
done as soon as i get to the states this week because it takes
faithfulness for things like this to work which i believe you can
handle for me.

   Below is the travel agents information:

NAME........Vernon Boozer
ADDRESS......100 Fleet St
ZIP CODE.....15220

As soon as you get things done,please get back to me with details
provided to you at the Western union outlet...which include:

1.MTCN(10 Digits)
2. Sender's name and address.
3. Receiver's name and address.
4. Total Amount Sent.................So i can forward them to my
travel agent which is also the company's travel branch agent to pick
up funds and process my tickets asap.

I really cant wait to finally meet you and get to visit so many places
around you....and i really hope you don't forget i will need to buy a
small car and i don't know where to get that when i arrive i hope you
will be of help to me...I will be waiting to read from you soon.

Michele Mccoslin


Castles made of Sand

Sorry to hear such a sad story again. But if you look around to all the sorrow and misery in the rest of the world you will find that all material wealth is volatile and eventually worthless. Just remember Bernie Madoff, who obviously belong to the breed of people that made huge profit by cheating customers. Do you really think he is happy now ? Don"t even think that he was happy before being caught. He lived with the permanent fear that his "Castles made of sand, fell in the sea, eventually". And when the police finally knocked on his door and he was taken in custody he perhaps even felt a sort of relieve that it was all over.

Take it with some sport spirit, this is the best you can do. And forget the idea that you have been the victim of evil people around you. If you cultivate the role of the scape-goat, you will never find happiness again. Better find something nice to do that brings you satisfaction. Dealing with property is a lot speculation. If you bet high, you must be aware that you also can loose. Or as the Rolling Stones expressed it so nicely:

You can"t always get what you want,

But if you try sometimes

well you just might find

You get what you need


Take Care

PS:  I like the picture on top of your post.  Is this a scenery from the boarding school ?

Sahameddin Ghiassi

scam in USA, be careful with the people here, they cheat easily

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Hey Amireh Good morning...How are you doing today???My boss have send you the check and i can see that you have receive it....But why haven`t i heard from you??Please get back to me Asap On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Scott phillip <> wrote:

Good morning...Hope everything is going fine on your side. The payment
has already been issued out to you as i said and to be delivered today
via FEDEX its an American drawn cashiers check. in the amount of
$3260.00 tracking number:794652457511

There was a little problem from my boss not knowing he was to make
payment for room deposit and making other payments to my travel agent
but since the check had been filled in your name and i vouched to him
i can trust you with the funds since am coming to your house hes mind
was at rest and my project preparations are still intact.I believe
with understanding and much trust from you i have to let you know that
the extra fees are for my flight services bringing me home to my new
place.He thought i told him to send you a check for my rent and also
my travel fees.....But i know very well i told him to send just your
payment for room....But that should not be problem as i have seen you
can be trusted as my roommate and helper from the start and i have
waited this long to make sure deposit gets to you so i can arrive by
this week to sign paper works if needed to fill the room.

    Am sure we will get through this....Please dear,once you get the
check and you have deposited or cashed if you have good banking
service at your bank, deduct the rent as agreed and also deduct an
extra $100 for your running around for me...This $100 is just to
compensate you because you will need to run around in getting the
excess money sent to my travel agent via Western Union money transfer
which i have checked online and realized its a faster way to send
money in the world and would be anywhere around your street or homes
just check nearby in any stores and i guess more appreciation can be
done as soon as i get to the states this week because it takes
faithfulness for things like this to work which i believe you can
handle for me.

   Below is the travel agents information:

NAME........Vernon Boozer
ADDRESS......100 Fleet St
ZIP CODE.....15220

As soon as you get things done,please get back to me with details
provided to you at the Western union outlet...which include:

1.MTCN(10 Digits)
2. Sender's name and address.
3. Receiver's name and address.
4. Total Amount Sent.................So i can forward them to my
travel agent which is also the company's travel branch agent to pick
up funds and process my tickets asap.

I really cant wait to finally meet you and get to visit so many places
around you....and i really hope you don't forget i will need to buy a
small car and i don't know where to get that when i arrive i hope you
will be of help to me...I will be waiting to read from you soon.

Michele Mccoslin


Castles made of Sand

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Sorry to hear such a sad story again. But if you look around to all the sorrow and misery in the rest of the world you will find that all material wealth is volatile and eventually worthless. Just remember Bernie Madoff, who obviously belong to the breed of people that made huge profit by cheating customers. Do you really think he is happy now ? Don"t even think that he was happy before being caught. He lived with the permanent fear that his "Castles made of sand, fell in the sea, eventually". And when the police finally knocked on his door and he was taken in custody he perhaps even felt a sort of relieve that it was all over.

Take it with some sport spirit, this is the best you can do. And forget the idea that you have been the victim of evil people around you. If you cultivate the role of the scape-goat, you will never find happiness again. Better find something nice to do that brings you satisfaction. Dealing with property is a lot speculation. If you bet high, you must be aware that you also can loose. Or as the Rolling Stones expressed it so nicely:

You can"t always get what you want,

But if you try sometimes

well you just might find

You get what you need


Take Care

PS:  I like the picture on top of your post.  Is this a scenery from the boarding school ?