Unjust in the USA , the land of opportunities and freedom?


Unjust in the USA , the land of opportunities and freedom?
by Sahameddin Ghiassi

Unjust in the USA , the land of opportunities and freedom?  It is clear that the life in Libya under Ghadafi is very bad and he kills the people, because they do not want him as a leader for ever. The people who wanted him fourty years ago, may be are not there any more and the people under fourty were not even born in the time he was the leader and fight with Imperialists and was a revolutionary personalities?. But in the land of opportunities and freedom ;that is for some people the dream land, or the land that many people want to live there, because is in some view better than dictatorship countries, but there are another problems here. You can be destroyed economically and the whole system is useless for removing unjust and helps the victims of unjust. The system is widely indifferent or completely useless and or to expensive to help regular people. They do not kill the people like Ghadafi does, but they destroy the capital of the middle Class people, so for this reason we have a lot of homeless people also in the USA? 

They are willing to work, some of them and they have a lot of good skills, but they have been persecuted like in other country, because of what….? So the paradise had also a lot of unjust and problems, too. Some people have billions of dollars, and some people have nothing, with the same qualification have nothing, because of Unjust here.  One example.  

Dear Mr. President of the United States of American


The unjust in the United States


The people in the world expect that American as a big powerful country and a country with a lot of possibilities and just should help them , Ghadafi with American or European weapons is killing his own unarmed people  and as you know almost the whole Middle Eastern countries and North Africa is in uproar and troubles, because the people want the minimum of live expections.   But what is in the United States?  The country which should be one of the leaders ;at least should have at least  just in the country?  I explain what has happened to me and than you can see what is just. The Orange County Zoning department gave me by a mistake an occupational license and I tried to open a school, after three years of operation and after I spent more than 800,000 dollars and a lot of work for example I planted myself over 1000 citrus trees and other fruit trees, they , the Orange County realized that they make a mistake and cancelled the occupational license. The country wide bank did a fraud and because they wanted to make more money they prepared false documents that I earn 200,000 dollars per year and they sign it instead of me. 

 They called every day five times that I can get the money and improve the boarding and language school which was working as a boarding house and facility for tottering. So the human being did mistake in the Orange County zoning department and I have to pay for their mistake with all my capital that I gathered after thirty years teaching, working and translation activities.  I told them with this mistake that you did, I will lose everything and all my saving and work. They told me, you can go to Florida bar and got an attorney and sue us?


I tried to get an attorney, but all of them want a lot of money ab front and how can I pay them 200 dollars per hour as all my capital is destroyed by the mistake of Orange County zoning dept.   I have no other choice that I rent the building to the regular people; they did not pay, robbed my materials and damaged the house. I lost another 200,000 dollars for their mistake.  Insurance company Liberty Mutual which gathered many years money did just paid 700 dollars to dry the carpets for one week of the house which was damaged by water pipe break and refused to pay for the repair. I called the police to come and see that my house is robbed, but they did not do a serious action, too. As the boarding and tottering does not make any money, I tried to have another job, I passed a lot of exams to be hired by private company or federal government, but they did not hire me, because I had so many loans.  The bank is not modifying the loans, the value of houses are down and even the bank froze all my equity lines of credits, but they want the same money as before.  The interest rat, rent and the price of the building is much lower than before, but they do not care, they prefer to sell the houses in short sell and give all my capitals to the people who will buy the house. I paid more than 11 years for one house every month and for other houses over six years without any delay and ;I paid also with my saving and now I have no penny and they want to short sell the houses instead of giving to me with the same price and condition. I should also be punished by banks as I have been punished by other institutes because of robbing and mistake of other people.


Is that just? I worked thirty years and I put all my saving and work in this business and you want to sell it cheap to the third person?   The people who work and are honest should be punished, because of robbing and mistake of other people?  Is it fair and just? If the robbing will be an epidemic and every body should robe, will we have a better society?  They say that Ghadafi had 30 billions dollars in one of his account in the USA. Should the people be like him and take illegal money to survive?  With 48 years of age, I should work from zero again, and they do not clear me to work in a position relative to my study and knowledge.  I passed all exams and interview to be hired, but I have been not hired, because of the mistake and robbing of other people that is the law or just in the USA?  With    Respect  Yours Ali J. T.


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