World Without Religion, Part 1

Saied Toossi
by Saied Toossi

If atheism overcame belief in religion, there would still be war, hunger, disease, suffering, etc... Oh wait, almost forgot, like cockroaches, idiots would still exist.

But hey, look at it this way, without religion, instead of fighting over ridiculous things, we'd actually fight over sensible things. Here are some examples:

Imagine if religion did not exist:

Instead of fighting over the "holy" land, we'd be fighting over just the land. None of that mumbo jumbo about it being a promised homeland for only one group of people.

Imagine if religion did not exist:

Instead of debating whether creationism should be taught in the science classroom, we'd be debating about which scientific theories actually merit being taught (is the universe expanding or static, does dark matter exist or not, should we be telling our kids that life has to exist beyond Earth or not).

Imagine if religion did not exist:

Instead of competing with other religions to see who can convert the most amount of people (I actually believe its a competition to them, I'm pretty sure they are taking bets on who wins, Christianity is in the lead but Islam is gaining, make your bets now!) we could be working to unite the human race more rather than dividing.

Without religion, I dont expect the world to change much, but hey, at least everything would be based on logic and common sense!

Stay tuned, I got a tone of "Imagine if religion did not exist" examples about many different subjects. Now its your turn, just waiting for the "saved" ones to bash me.


a fellow idiot


more from Saied Toossi

Future Of Religions

by HumanH (not verified) on

All religions were created by men because there was no law, there was no guidance to humanity and no justice.
As years passed, a few learned how to profit from religions and they started mixing that "guidance" with their own hidden agenda. People hungry for guidance to a better, prosperous life bought the whole package and even became fanatic to protect the package.
The religious profiteers started separating people and tried marketing their own product. Meanwhile the whole idea that started religions, the guidance to humanity, faded and nearly eliminated behind the fight over whose "package" is better.
What will happen in the next 200 years is that people will slowly lose their ignorance and stop following the profiteers, and instead, they'll shift their concentration back to what religions first came for, Humanity, Justice and Law.


WHat A hullicination!

by LostIdentity (not verified) on

WHat kind of "Imagination" that is?
Humanity is grown out of religion. You may want to say: Imagine if the religions were controlling the societies rather than the people who interpret them"?

It is proven that even a democratic society will fall apart why:
1. majority of people in any society are "good" samaritans. They want to treat their neighbors well as they wish their neighbors treat them well.
2. Majority of people in any society are passive.
3. There's some special interest groups in any society that are selfish and only look for their own interest - Naturally;
4. Some of these special interest groups are very active in their society;
Until we have an active majority in a society, even democracy will be used as a tool of subjugation on the majority.


What about materialism?

by Mehdi on

Are we going to replace the old religion with materialism? Are we going to accept that humans are a combination of brain chemicals and electrical reactions? Are we then going to accept that some "humans" are better because of their chemical/electrical setup that they have? Are we then going to have a bunch of such "machines" control (and own) others? Isn't it that the main reason materialism received much support from governments (instead of scientists) was because it promissed a method of mind control? Isn't it why Pavlov's experiments on dogs received attention from Stalin and later Pavlov was forced to recompile his work into a manual for human brainwashing? Is "science" any better than "religion" today when it says that our happiness and every other emotion is just a chemical reaction and therefore responsibility is meaningless? Isn't that why millions of people are taking "medications" that do exactly what heroin does? Is the fault with religion or is it just ignorance?



by IranFr on

risheyeh zolm, koshtar, jang, jodayee beyneh ensanha, dar DIN ast o bas.

hameyeh payambara mardomo sareh kar gozashtan. teshneyeh sex va servat boudand va hameh inaro ba ayeh o soureh tojih kardand.

Tamameh in dokandaraneh dino ro bebinid hamashoun dorou dorang hastand.

Ensaniat dar din kholaseh nemisheh....


Haven't we evolved enough as

by Anonymous2007 (not verified) on

Haven't we evolved enough as human beings to know that religion and this self made god business has caused more harm in the lives of human beings than good?
I guess not!


ST, I do not know whether

by alimostofi on

ST, I do not know whether you know, but Zoroaster was the first person to state, that there needs to be both good and bad at the same time, in order to explain what appears as wrong and right to a person.

"Zoroastrian Dualism" as younger "religious" historians call it, later had to submit to a certain set of idealistic rules, and became monotheistic as well. But essentially, the Iranian mind was probably one of the first minds, that thought, and accepted, the real paradoxes in Life.


Ali Mostofi
