بوی سیب و حرم حبیب و حسین غریب و کرببلا

بوی سیب و حرم حبیب و حسین غریب و کرببلا
by salman farsi

بردران خواهرانم

اسلام فقط نوحه و عزا نیست . به‌‌‌ به‌‌‌ چه صفایی دارد این آهنگ. جانم به فدای حسین.



more from salman farsi
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Give Yazid a

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


break man there was an internal struggle alright? I just wish it happened before they wrecked Sassanids. They had killed each other and spared us the pain. 



Yazeed & Moavieh created this circus

by hooshie on

With respect


If Yazeed and Moavieh had not done what they this ridiculous show would not have started in the first place. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Not sure if all the numbers are right but:

  • The whole Egyptian people were  changed and practically replaced by Arabs. We managed to at least keep our identity. 
  • Yazid and  Ibn Muljam should both be treated as heroes in Iran. More than any Arab those two did us a favor. By ridding of of Hossain and Ali they saved us the trouble. I predict one day Iranians will be thanking them.


All about grabing Power by Hossein

by IranFirst on

As enemies of Iran and Iranians, None of these two Arabs (Hossein nor Yazid) were good for Iranians. All these fake praises for Hossein vs Yazid are misplaced and irrelevant.

Actually, as per Islamic history and on the
basis of Sahih Hadiths we came to know that actually Islamic golden period
was emerged after Yazid. Yazid's ascending to power was the golden
period of Umayyad dynasty in Damascus which led to the formation of Abbasid
dynasty in Baghdad.  It was the Abbasid dynasty during which Islamic
golden era was emerged through the famous rationalist movement called
mu'atazila. This mu'atazila (rationalist) movement by freethinkers
of all race and religions was responsible for bringing golden era which
was erroneously known as Islamic golden era. Fundamental puritanical Islam
had nothing to give to this movement of mu'atazila which brought intellectuals/
freethinkers of all race and religions together in Baghdad. It was the
re-emergence of pure Islam  by toppling the movement of mu'atazila
the golden era of Abbasid dynasty was stopped for ever. Therefore pure
Islam of Prophetic standard had nothing to do with the so called Islamic
golden era.  In fact, before Yazid there was nothing good about
Islamic rule that we can count on
, which had brought any good thing for
public. Yazid the son of Muabhiya was not that bad human being as he was
perceived by one sided biased history by Islamic mullahs.

In brief there was power struggle as to who will rule Arabia after Muhammad and he himself wanted that his son-in-law Ali be the
successor to him but others did not like it. Therefore, a vibrant power
struggle between the two camps of Muhammad's household, Ayesha-Hafsa 
(Abubakar's and Omar's daughters) vs. Fatima-Ali was genuinely evolved.
Ultimately Sahabis were divided too, in support of (Shia) or against (Sunni)
Ali's first leadership; hence the birth of Sunni-Shiate sect of Muslims
came to exist. Had there been no action taken by Yazid the Sunni sect
of Muslim could be in dire minority today, just like Shiite sect today.
Yazid virtually saved Prophetic version of Islam (Sunni) from virtual
extinction.  Besides, Muhammad's grandson Hussein's own character
was not that rosy or better than Yazid

History before Yazid was full of treachery, reactionary, restrictive,
harsh, coercion, cruelty, rivalry, fighting, killings, and bloodsheds.
All those four Caliphs after Muhammad's demise were ruling
Arabian Peninsulaby the sword with brutal force. Intolerance was widespread
and draconian punishments like stoning, flogging, beheadings were the
random rules of punishment. Three out of four Caliphs (who are called
rightly guided Caliphs) were assassinated brutally and killings and bloodsheds
were daily affairs.

Omar fought and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Egypt,
Palestine, Iran and Syria. He brutally killed the opponents whatever country
was invaded by his force. In Iran, the famous river "Red canal"
(Canal filled with human bloods) was created by him when his force killed
30,000 Iranian in a single day. That canal was filled with human's
bloods; hence named the "red canal". He also killed 100,000 Iranian
in Iran in another war. 

People during Muhammad's rule or after his death were utterly
poor. During the period of four Caliphs
people were desperately poor, there was no food available, famous story
of boiling stone in the empty pot instead of food was the story during
Umar. This 'stone boiling' story was the testament of
precarious economic condition of then Arab land. 

Finally, if Hossein had won this war, would the barbaric Islam be any different today?, Would Islam have stopped stoning, cutting limbs, lashing, imposed hejab,...... The answer is off course NO, so WHY SHOULD IRANIANS CARE about these dead Arabs, who brought nothing but death, misery and backwardness (Islam) to Iran.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Don't you think there is a fundamental flaw with us

Who is "us".  I don't go to stoning I gather nor do you. If not then don't talk about us; talk about them and by them I mean those going to the stoning. Please keep the condemnations for the guilty. I got enough problem and don't need other peoples guilt.


Barbaric true.....

by darius on

Do you think those people who are witnessing  the act are  decent human being? What would happen if no one show ed  up to watch the stoning? Don't you think there is a fundamental flaw with us? Would you be there to push and shove to see a human being  stoned and the executioner says: "aghayoon yavash bezaneed, agha az aghab tar bezan " It always  takes two to tango.


 Islam in

by vildemose on

 Islam in action:



Separation of Church and State AND Corporation


What a racket especially towards the end

by Truthseeker9 on

I like the beginning though, is it you tap dancing?


اسلامی که شادروان گلسرخی بهش اشاره کرد...


در "دادگاه" نظامی اریامهری ساواک، فکر کنم همین اسلامی بود که آقای توانا بهش اشاره میکند. نه این چرندیاتی که آقا یا خانوم سلمان فارسی هر روز در اینجا میذارن. این مزخرفات، همین مزخرفاتی هست که رژیم ولی‌ فقیه هر روز به خورد مردم ایران میده و حتا توی خود ایران دیگه خریدرانش دارند خیلی‌ کم میشن، چه برسه به این سایت مبارک iranian.com!!


کری بلاست!


اسلام نه نوحه است و نه عزا. حق پرستی است و برپاخیزی از بهر عدالت و اعتقاد به روز جزا. جان فدای حسین نمودن هم نه حسین را بر میگرداند و نه کسانی را که در طول تاریخ بشری جان خود را در قیام برحق از دست داده و میدهند. اگر واقعأ کسی عاشق حسین است بجای گریه و زاری و سینه دریدن در دفاع از بهر بیگناهانی که فقط به صرف مخالفت با رژیم حبس طولانی گرفته و یا بالای دار میروند جان فدا کند و یا حداقل بجای گرفتن عزا برایشان قدم رنجه کرده و یک لقمه غذا در زندان برایشان ببرد.